Writer: Hoku Lani
Topic:What do Mormonism, Freemasons, and Catholics have in common?
Link: MEWE / 28.12.2020 / Paster Jenny’s Porn Lovers Room
What do Mormonism, Freemasons, and Catholics have in common?
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didn’t weaken the nations!’ – Isaiah 14:12, KJV
Let’s take a moment to ponder this aforementioned question. Mormonism teaches that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers who have the same father, God.
Freemasons worship Lucifer as the light bearer of the world. Think about that and conduct some research regarding US Presidents that were Freemasons. A cursory internet search should result with the discovery that 14 Presidents, including George Washington, were members.
On April 27, 2014, Pope Francis held a ceremony in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican. The ceremony was to induct two former popes into sainthood. Although these are fairly common, the pope wanted this on broadcasted around the world. It turned out that Pope Francis wanted the world to know that he declared that Lucifer is the Morning Star. He was proclaiming to all the world that Lucifer is God of the Catholic Church.
In the Bible, the name Lucifer appears only one time. It is the proper name of a created being who fell from from grace and as such was renamed Satan. The word Lucifer means light bearer and the word Satan means adversary. Both are proper names of the same being, otherwise known as the Devil. The word Lucifer is never used as anything else but as a name for the Devil.
As I sit reviewing what I am sharing, I wonder how did Joseph Smith come up with the brother theory. Also knowing what I was taught about US history, was the country truly founded on Yahweh or was it founded on The Morning Star?
Reflecting on Lucifer and these discoveries, I am pleased to know him as my Father, discovered through my devotion to Lilith.
I agree Hoku..and by the way..how did J.Smith..have a vision of a Native American indian..handing him a gold book of the “supposed”.Mormon law?????crazy stuff!…but…theres a lot of Mormons out there…g figure!
The Esoterica of the World’s Universe is Symbols, Shapes, Sculpture, they Activities of the Senses is equally of the thought that made ever living being the individual aspects of the whole physical material substance that is what human beings do, Do you think that any one was both between the Heavens and Hells of this Reality, the Ultimate experience of being Self aware is the Temple of the body, mind, soul of the one planet my share is Earth.
Hey there. Maybe English isn’t your first language because that was difficult to understand. I think I get the gist of what you’re saying but I’m not quite sure.