Writer: Devala Rees
Subject: What are the differences between witchcraft and demonology?
Link: Quora / 20.09.2021
What are the differences between witchcraft and demonology?
They are totally different, mostly non-overlapping things. Witchcraft is the practice of supernatural skills and abilities, such as the casting of spells and the performance of magical rituals. Demonology is not a practice, but a field of study, pertaining to demons or beliefs about demons, and hierarchies of demons and related spirits.
ANSWER: Mies De Jonge
Witchcraft has nothing to do with supernatural things and skills, but has everything to do with the natural things and their understanding around us and how we can use our energy for the benefit of ourselves and others who cross our path. Witches try to live in harmony with nature and follow thereby their own path. There is no good or bad energy only energy. Demons are not necessary bad, they help us to understand the hidden energy which has to com free. In the darkness there is always light and in the light is always darkness. Hekate is the Goddess of witches, she protects, is the keeper of keys, the mother of darkness, she is always around to help is you believe in her. She helps you in your struggling when you accepts her, when its dark moon she enlightens your path. The differences you describes depends only of the intensities from the one who works with the energy and the choices he or she make. The ultimate effect can be the same strangely enough. You can ask for protection for someone against a person or you can ask for to stop the person with a curse or a a certain ritual etc. Everything has always two sides. Hekate is both sides. Do you want to tribute to good or bad karma? It’s your choice, your projection, your course and what follows is also your. That’s my opinion. Think twice is my advice.