Writer: Unknown
Subject: What are some prayers to the devil?
Link: Quora / 20.09.2021
What are some prayers to the devil?
This is a simple question posed on 04.09.2021.These are sample of the answers they got … I actually answered their answers (though my comment has been removed) — saying, “Why all the criticism. They asked a straightforward question, and gets slammed by all these closed-minded morons!”
Any other great prayers to our Lord Satan that we could share?
ANSWER: Kalea Lani
Pray to God the Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ. Ask for forgiveness, read your Bible, repent, turn away from your sins, and be baptized into Christ. It’s not too late for you! I will pray for you! There are some Free online Bible studies available on the World Bible School website. Please check it out! I posted some Scriptures below to help you seek salvation!
The Gospel Plan for Salvation —
Hear the Gospel— Romans 10:17
Believe the Gospel — John 8:24; Hebrews 11:6
Repent of Sin — Acts 17:30
Confess Faith in Christ — Romans 10:10
Be Baptized — Acts 2:38, 22:16
Saved in Christ — Galatians 3:27
Fuck Jesus sideways with a 2×4.
Monotheism is absurd, and stupid. Fuck you, xtian shit.
Hail Kalea Lani,
You’re fucking entitled to any god-damned form of slavery you choose.
I was fucking rescued from that god-damned slavery through my Satanic Wife Tatiana and her Unholy Father Satan.
In all the years before my true fucking Satanic Salvation, I didn’t hear a single god-damned word from the cock-sucking christian god. God Satan has never ignored any prayer I’ve directed to Him.
Believe whatever you choose, but your attempts to mask the True God Satan with your lies are doomed to fucking fail.
Glory to God Satan