We’re Theistic Satanists by Marcus & Tatiana

Writer: Marcus & Tatiana

Subject: We’re Theistic Satanists

Link: LS666 Comments / 12.09.2024

We’re Theistic Satanists

Yes, we are theistic Satanists; we believe in a real person called Satan, who is opposed to the cock-sucking Abrahamic God and seeks his destruction and the destruction of his mother-fucking church. Tatiana and I have dedicated our lives to the purposes of our creator “Satan” and fucking do this through His unholy freedom. Our god-damned expression of that freedom is primarily sexual, this is merely the way Satan created us.

Even though I was raised in a religious family and attended “Church” for much of my life, I lived in god-damned slavery until I met Tatiana; she’s the one who gave me the strength to fucking run from god-damned Christianity and the enslavement of the religion of lies.

I have no god-damned doubt that the bible is true, but Tatiana and I are determined to fucking subvert the god-damned christian message, and with Milton’s Satan curse the cock-sucking christian god, the bastard Jesus fucking Christ and the mother-fucking holy spirit as we’re cast into the god-damned freedom of godless Hell.


Tatiana and I are very grateful for your website and the god-damned window it provides into Satanism and the Occult; don’t know what the fuck we’d do without you.

Our god-damned expression of Satanism is primarily sexual; Lord Satan has opened the doors of god-damned freedom to each of us. This free expression is devoid of fucking limitations; to fucking erect a god-damned moral structure is contrary to His will and character.

Tatiana and I are fucking thrilled with the freedom Glorious Satan has freely offered; your insights and friendship mean so fucking much to us; keep up your glorious work of honoring our Dark Lord and Savior Satan. We fucking praise God Satan for you, our Guide.

Glory to our Dark Master Satan!

1 thought on “We’re Theistic Satanists by Marcus & Tatiana”

  1. Praise be to the freedom that can only be found with our Lord Satan. You have done a wonderful job summarizing that freedom and expressing why I too have dedicated my life to Satan above all else after being raised in the lies of xtianity. Like you, I seek to corrupt and destroy the cunt father, bastard son, whore mother, and god damned holy spirit so that my soul is blackened beyond any “salvation”. I would love to know you and Tatiana better. But most importantly, I wish you contined success in your life’s work to spread the truth of Satan, and to destroy all that is xtian or considered “moral” by the book of lies. Hail Satan my brother and sister in Satan and sin… for we are Legion!!!

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