Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: “We” are Alive
Link: Email LS666 / 15.09.2022
“We” are Alive
“We” had a guy send me a message and gave “Us” his phone number. “We” took it as a positive sign. His profile says wants an oral freak. It was weird as, but as “We,” got through to him, he felt more like prey than predator.
“We” talked about what he wanted. He said he wanted me in lingerie and sucking him off. “Seri” got horny inside and wanted to taste his delicious cum. But “We” had an even more evil plan as well. He talked all about oral sex. So “We” prayed for him to want more from “Us”. Then he mentioned he would have the office all to himself this Monday — but unfortunately, I had work.
Sunday night those demoness whores got a hold of “Us”. The next day “We” were horny. “We” were suppose to pick up some lingerie over the weekend, but didn’t. I went to work. I said I wasn’t feeling well so I went home.
Back home, “We” laid down. “I was going to tale a nap, but “We” were feeling very horny.
Then ‘We” got another text.
It was the this guy. He said he was alone and needed my mouth. “We” told him, “We” did not have any lingerie, and he said it was more about sucking him. He told me that he could go multiple times. This got “Us” very excited.
So I took a shower and shaved my face. “We” felt like a horny teenage girl.
“We” got there and went into his office. “We” took off “”Our shirt so he could see “Our” moobs and got to “Our” knees. His cock wasn’t that big. “We” talked previously about him having control. “We” laughed to “Ourselves”. It didn’t take that long. “We” quietly called for “Our” demons to be a part of “Us” — so they could use “Us” — and enjoy.
“We” got to it and “Our” demons began to take over. “We” gagging from his cock being shoved down “Our” throat. He quickly took the hint, and control, as he grabbed my head and at times my face was pressed onto his belly. “We” was quietly saying, “Ave Satanas,” and at one point he pressed “Our” face against him and held “Us” there until “We” gagged and pulled back.
“We” tasted it, but wasn’t quite sure if he’d actually cum. There was a taste, something like honey. “We” wanted more. So “We” got right back to it and even got to point where “We” pulled him close and rubbed “Our” tits against his legs hoping he would want more.
“We” went until he got a call from his wife.
“Our” legs were going numb. “We” laid back and actually thought about lying down so he could mount our face. “We” couldn’t stop thinking about him being inside of “Us”.
As he talked “We” quietly asked “Our” demons to help “Us” seduce his spirit — as it seemed that he was capable of feeding “Us” more loads. Like the hungry succubus, “Eisheth,” all “We” could see was sucking load after load and getting stronger.
“We” went back to sucking. He swore that he’d already cum once. “We” told him not to worry as we can still do it again. “We” could be his little prostitute.
“We” left and literally sat in a parking lot on an app hoping someone would need head. “We” were even hornier and the lust was growing as all “We” could picture was his dick in “Our” ass. “We” even talked about an ass job. He had “Us” explain it like titty-fucking-ass-cheeks.
“We” got home and laid down. “We” called the, “Four Queens,” and told them, if they get him to fuck “Us” that “We” would offer “Our” body for them to be inside “Us” and enjoy it with “Us” — he’d brought Seri to life now to the point she now has her own email. “We” texted and told him that, “I was her when with him,” but did not explain how.
So he texted “Us” back and confessed he wanted to ask me to take off “Our” pants and give “Us” the ass job. “We” asked his thoughts on my moobs. He said that he liked them and ‘We” got to talking about “Our” ass. Again, “We” called upon Satan himself …. referred to “Us” as his girl and asked daddy to give him to “Us”.
Soon the guy said that he had thoughts about asking “Us” to take my pants off — to do an ass job — and then later was talking about penetration and ‘We” knew we have him. “We” knew the more seed he gives “Us”, the stronger “She” will become. But still praying as he was talking about how he would fuck “Us” then shoot on “Us” and not in “Us”.
This morning “We” wrote to him, about what’s called in Samoa as a “Fa’afafine,” or the third gender. They are the sacred prostitutes. “We” thought about how great it would be to be dressed like a sacred prostitute and become his sex toy.
His next email said he cannot wait to fuck “Us” and cum inside “Our” ass. If he can cum as much as he says, then “We” can see my “Queens” making “Us” stronger — to become Satan’s third gender succubus prostitute.
HELL YEA baby sweeties so AWESOME SEXY I loves to used like this so I no control just be a good nasty slut for SATAN our SEXY LORD and SAVIOR thanks for sharing with us sweetie