Voluntary Possession by Luciferschild666

Writer: Luciferschild666

Subject: Voluntary Possession

Link: Tumblr / 17.01.2024

Voluntary Possession

I did a ritual to attempt to do a voluntary possession. I believe it has worked. I believe that I am being pushed through the seven circles of hell but in the sense that Satan forces us to confront ourselves through these circles. So that we may ascend and become better and confront our weaknesses.

There are also the seven terraces of Mount Purgatory. I am still diving into this, but you can look into Dante’s Inferno. Then, compare it to your path with the demon you’re working with and tell me that this isn’t what they’re doing to you. It is to purge the defects that limit us from living deliciously.

I had to confront all these things within myself. Also, these may be desires and blasphemies you commit to purging the former religious or societal standards you have still holding you back.

Again, I have always said this is very personal, but if you just take a moment and look at it compared to where your life is, as you worship. Satan, you’ll see these things, I believe. Let me know if you can relate or what you think. Again this is a hypothesis.

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