USE YOUR BRAINS! by Pissed Off!

Writer: Pissed Off!


Link: LS666 Comments / 02.01.2024

Use Your Brains!

Sorry, XP — but I got to blow a gasket!

People for f-ks sake “Use your brains!” for thinking, NOT for sitting on — chatting in private is fun, in session, telegram, etc, but understand that they are NOT 100% safe.

So don’t be an asshole, and as soon as you start chatting, ask me “Do you have any ki-s you are f–king right now” or “Do you have any c- you can send me.”

You have no idea whom you maybe chatting with. If you are okay with getting fucked in the ass everyday in jail, that’s your choice, but DON’T put me at risk too!

A horny story or a fantasy is fine but how stupid do you have to be to ask someone, if they are f–king ki-s! Do you honestly think I am going to be dumb enough to say yes?


4 thoughts on “USE YOUR BRAINS! by Pissed Off!”

  1. Sorry, I do not understand this post and why XP posted this persons comment in the first place. I look at this website daily. I have never seen anyone ask the questions this person is upset about. So why the post? If none of us are guilty of his complaints, then why complain to us. He should be complaining directly to those who ask him those question’s. It is insulting at the least and I resent it

  2. Sadly, I have encountered such comments and questions from people on MANY websites… MeWe, Tumblr, iTaboo, and a few from here on LittleSally. I agree with the comments above that this is best addressed directly with the offending party. However, I can understand XPanther sharing this as a warning and a reminder that we should all be cautious and always consider that the other party we are communicating with may not be who or what they claim. For example, am I a satanic pervert in private who also teaches cyber security for a living? Maybe. Or maybe I’m an AI bot that is part of an FBI sting… you decide for yourself. The point is that some things should NEVER be brought up in the DMs on the sites I listed above (and other sites). But simply taking the conversation to something a little more private doesn’t mean you are scottfree either. Always verify to the best of your abilities, but even then, ask yourself if it is worth the risk (and there is ALWAYS a risk). Stay as safe as you can. And thank you XPanther for a reminder that our dark world can be a dangerous one.

  3. I was going to write something similar as i have had the same encounters online . I have been searching for others to correspond with , except for one writer i’m corresponding with at the moment , the other writers have been really disappointing . I deliberately sought out those who asked for correspondence and mostly it’s been a total waste of my time . I’m not a fast typist on the key board , but i do like to explore extreme topics , some we touch upon on LS666, so i may take two or more hours to write one long fantasy story . What reply do i receive in return ? Maybe half a dozen lines , recently i wrote a lengthy fantasy story to someone on this site who was also looking for correspondence , i received one line , one fucking line !!! FFS !!! If you seek correspondence , be prepared to make an effort , it’s a two way undertaking .
    Secondly , one or two that had stated that they wanted someone to write too , only wanted to know if i had access to k##ds , or was i a member of an actual Satanic cult that indulged in p##o activities . Really ? Get a grip , seperate your fantasies from the real world .

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