Unwritten Non-Message – Non-Fiction

Writer: Soulinthemist

Subject: Unwritten Non-Message

Link: Tumblr / 28.06.2022 

Unwritten Non-Message

The unwritten non-message message that speaks volumes if only one takes time to see it because nothing in the communication is being communicated — Except with a silence that allows the lie to be told in the name of truth.

Satire and humor go together and is a product of the mind resulting from viewing what we see in real life. Thick skin is often required and I do love to engage in humor and satire while hoping my doing so will cause persons to think. When it comes to this article, read it with a serious smile (the serious and the smile, opposites together).

Well, in this old article re-posted at the request of others one can say (and I do) that’s one hell of a title which I have taken some time to write so that it grabs your attention, especially when you look at the photo ot the Satanic Temple’s creation which it says represents nothing while it represents something by taking into it’s design many things satanic, one of which I point out along with its adding the two characters which are definitely children, one boy and one girl.

I am making sure to share with you that the statue, despite the pile of cash poured into it’s creation, means nothing because the Satanic Temple says it doesn’t. But I, for one, don’t buy the Temple’s tales because they have a habit of saying here is something but it means nothing. Altogether that approach, in the end, is going to get them in hot water because the tale they tell is trying on many and thinking satanists, pagans and others are beginning to note their ploy as they advance a political agenda in the name of someone and something they don’t believe in. And there are those  who say they are following Satan and belong to the Temple are having a hard time keeping both their integrity  intact and their approach understood as other than a political scheme.


Tell me why they use the upside down pentagram and what that signifies? To hear them say it, it means nothing but that’s not true and they know it.In fact I was rather surprised they were so, “In your face” about it especially when they have two kids prominently displayed as part of the work and they aren’t looking at Levi, the model for the mess, my term for the statue.

Who is Levi? Look at Wiki when it comes to the statue. What is apparent to me is the kids are looking at the pentagram so obviously they want kids involved in things satanic at a young age so they are throwing it out there for all to see.

One doesn’t run from satanic symbols when it edges along the, “Unacceptable”m when it comes to things sensual and sexual  when they are, “Plainly out there”, and the upside down pentagram has a definite meaning and when you want to know what it signifies, take a stroll through every satanic tumblr out there (maybe I shouldn’t say, “All”, but the, “Greater majority”) and you will find the pentagram and women and men in all kinds of sexual situations. Studs, sluts and, “That star”, come together all the time.

Now, what am I saying? I’m saying that what the satanist yet non-satanic group who made the thing  says means something means nothing when its symbols and the statue is an apparent icon and has a meaning well known and, “Out there” which is different and certainly focuses on things wicked, perverse and depraved.

Might it be that  one immediately sees the actual message and one of them can be that kids and sex might be in the mix,  a result which can be comprehended  when one only looks. Yes, there is no nudity and no words but one doesn’t have to have that when there is a common meaning attached to a symbol.or symbols. There are those who, no doubt, are watching closely when it comes to, “Meanings”, and what one is endorsing behind the scenes can be the reverse of what they assert.

And what is meant to be seen goes beyond what the owner’s of the non-holy holy icon  says it means to what they want you to believe when you see it. If you don’t believe what I have just shared, read Wikipedia’s statements regarding the statue and its meaning and why it was made in the first place and you will find the Satanic Temple says it is a religious emblem which means nothing and was supposed to be, “Put out there” in opposition to the Ten Commandments, A non-religious religious icon or symbol.

Using the argument of the non-holy holy icons’ adherents when they stand in opposition to the Ten Commandments, one can see sexual sin is endorsed by the their emblem as is stealing and murder along with coveting … that’s one of those topics that the adherents of the non-holy holy icon want to avoid but can’t. How can they?  As a, “Religion”, they don’t believe in anything or anyone when it comes to the, “Beyond”, and they stand in opposition to the Ten Commandments and its tenets. By virtue of their idol, one an only assume they believe in something even though they say they believe in nothing because the something isn’t something popular.

Am I going to an extreme here? I wonder. And I don’t think so if you use their reasoning. Why? Because when one sees a ,“Religious”, piece like this, one must see the symbolism involved in it’s makeup  in its commonly understood context and the esoteric and exotic practice of saying that something isn’t what it is will, after a while, be seen for what it is. And, “What it is”, isn’t historic satanism or satanism at all. Neither is it witchcraft or paganism.

They don’t believe in the Dark Lord for sure because they don’t believe in the supernatural, etc.  Everyone has a mind. Everyone has thoughts and people arrive at conclusions all the time especially when they put their minds to it. Let the adherents behind their statue and their leaders and the tales they tell be weighed by all in the scales of common sense, the pagan, the satanic and the religious despite what they say.

The message is clear to me.

I don’t need to say what that is. Why? All I have to do is think about it since I have freedom of thought. It is a form of false advertising advocating one is seeking someone or something supernatural but really it means nothing except to advance an agenda by appropriating symbols which mean something but are said to mean nothing despite their usage … l let’s leave it at that.

Some will say I’m being unfair here and that those folks have the right to say what they wish. I agree and l endorse their freedom to share their message. But it needs to be an honest one. Everyone knows what a cross means? If they didn’t why do satanists turn it upside down? Everyone knows what a pentagram signifies (the Wiccans and the witches will take you on in a minute and the spells and hexes will abound because their pentacle is right side up and they know in a flash what the statue’s adherents are saying with the inverse pentagram. I wouldn’t fuck with the witches.

Why? Because the witches are pretty much quiet folks and do their deeds behind the scenes. What’s stirring in their cauldrons no one knows or will know especially not those leaders of non-satanic satanists who says something means nothing so they can claim they are innocent of any, “Wrong”, when some shit hits the fan or they are told they are devil worshippers or endorse sins which society proscribes but, in truth, they are the persons who provided the product with the message they say is a non-message or the reverse of what the message is meant to convey.

People like to play games like the one being foisted on us with the statue. I’m wondering why the symbol for healing (the double headed snake) is found emerging from the crotch of the statue. What does that mean? An appeal to phallic worship? Think about it.

“It means Nothing”, of course, will be their obvious response but it has to mean something. A every something does just that, especially when its an idol with religious significance. Those who are behind the creation and use of the statue can’t say it means nothing when it comes to its symbols and significance, Consider the goat’s head.

And there are two very young children looking up to it. The product was put out there as a religious piece. It is to be adored. That’s the purpose. The statue aint secular artwork because it was paid for by the the non-satanic satanists as a symbol of their non-faith which has be a religious group  in order for them to assert the arguments they made as truth which they say is a lie because what they made means nothing when it obviously means something or they wouldn’t be putting photos of it all over the place for all to see and children to look up to and what people see will be what is commonly understood until the Temple is challenged and has to come up with the word salad to say ,“It ain’t so”.

In the end, those who advocate this non-message are going to see they have no real message when they need to have one because whatever they say really means nothing. I hope you are getting my drift. Why two kids and a pentagram? And the two snakes emerging from the crotch? What do you see? What does that mean?

I’m enjoying this because all I am doing is taking their statue and their message and considering what they are saying as opposed to the message being sent by the statue itself and the symbols thereon. The problem is the serious seeker will, at some point, see the Temple believes  in nothing behind the something when it comes to Satan and the supernatural.

Young people grab hold of causes all the time and will join a melee for any number of reasons when they think doing so helps their causes but soon will begin  to see, when it comes to the serious side of personal spirituality, what is going on.

At the same time, by comparison, I can’t understand the attitude of the gay community who take emblems and symbols seriously. I’m bi and I know how I feel. I like my messages honest and not puzzling or a non-message couched as a message which seems to endorse a belief in a supernatural entity when it doesn’t. And I don’t like being used and that’s what I see the Temple doing when it comes to the person who is a serious satanist or seriously seeking after the Dark Lord. The Pride flag is a positive symbol with meaning, not a non message.

Why are many in the gay community hitching their wagon to the, “Star”, of the Temple where everything means nothing? The Pride flag isn’t an advertisement for crayons. In my mind when I speak of the Temple and its idol it’s like saying a pride flag doesn’t mean what it means all because someone decides the meaning doesn’t mean what it is supposed to mean. Think about that.

How does the Dark Lord feel about all this? I’m writing this to me, editing and re-posting this article by request.   I think His Wickedness is pleased.

1 thought on “Unwritten Non-Message – Non-Fiction”

  1. My wife and I have been contributors to The Satanic Temple for several years, even though we’ve known they are not Theisic Satanist like us; however we have supported some of their political causes.

    Ww very much appreciate your interesting analysis of their iconic statue and the ironic implications contained within it, as compared to their avowed atheism.

    Tatiana and I believe in, and worship a living, spiritual being titled Satan, and know we’re participating in a god-damned war against the cock-sucking Abrahamic God.

    The wisdom of our Dark Lord is manifest in His ability to use, even unbelievers in this spiritual war.

    Fuck the mother-fucking christian God, His bastard son Jesus and the fucking lying Holy Spirit!

    Glory to Father Satan!

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