Feature Writer: belialshareshiskingdomwithlilith
Feature Title: Unholy Lust and Perversion for Satanas!
Link: TUMBLR / 13.03.2020 / Reposted by https://nikitalust666.tumblr.com/
Unholy Lust and Perversion for Satanas!
Impure Lust! Depraved! Hot Flesh for Lucifer! Hot Orgy for Lilith! Delicious! Fuck Yess! Squirting! Satan Pleased! Ave Babylon, Mother of Abominations! Be Free!
Hail Satan, Hail Lilith now and forever !
Hail Kinky Rubber Nun.
My public apology for publishing your email comment about the story PLEASURE HAS NO BOUNDARIES… by way of atonement, I will reframe from posting any of your comments without asking first.
Please note that I do receive a large volume of mail, it takes time to address each one with the care they deserve… as I truly appreciate all expressions of encouragement … I’m a very needy writer so never stop sending me your thoughts, ideas and well wishes.
So let’s say, as a general rule, always let me know if there’s something you’d prefer to keep between us … and once again, my sincerest apologies for the misunderstanding. XP
Yes hail the most perverted of all lustful perversion hail the gift of filthy evil wicked sex, hail the dark master lord God satan hail cocks, cunts, and the beasts and demons
Wickr satank9
Theres so much unholy perversion in the world my fucking cock drips thinking about it, Sodom and Gomorrah hail Satan hail lust hail the most perverted
While mommy and daddy are doing there weekly fuck, there both thinking of other things, daddys wanting a little boy cock hard to suck off or the black bull cock he found while driving around the dark streets at night parked at the adult theater in the back of the parking lot stroking his fat black cummmm dripping pedo cock yummmmy and theres mommy while daddys pathetic little boy cock pumps it week precum in her wet fuck hole is thinking about her son in the other room she wants to suck off and finger fuck his ass pussy even though he’s only 6yo his cock feels so much better than his daddys does, or the health club mommy belongs to were in the steam room mommy’s found a sexual perversion with a nigger whore that love to eat white young mommy’s ass and fuck hole out, all mommy can think about while daddy humps mommy’s over perverted filthy fucking cummmm holes is her son and the nigger slut that mommy now loves to be with 24/7 mommy’s cunt has to stay with daddy for money only, but the world is so richly full of sexual perversion deviance pedophilia hail the dark master lord God satan and all his wicked unholy people he has given to each of us to pleasure ourselves with