Truth and Freedom Of Satan by MMichaels

Writer: MMichaels

Subject: Truth and Freedom Of Satan

Link: Sessions / 01.03.2024

Truth and Freedom Of Satan

Blasphemy and sexualizing it as a way to rebel and reject the lies of my former beliefs was a great help in pushing me deeper onto the path of the Dark Lord. Is Satan all about sex and lust? No. He is much more than a simple masturbation inspiration. But he does allow and encourage us to be lustful creatures and if we can use blasphemy to help draw us away from Christianity’s lies then so mote it be.

Anything that helps to break those old chains and helps us to build new connections to the teachings of Lucifer, Lilith, and Satan’s way is a good thing and we should embrace it. Does blasphemy work for everyone? Of course not. If you were never raised catholic or Christian or Muslim or whatever, then mocking those things doesn’t carry the same weight.

But for those who did once believe in such lies, then I say to mock, spite upon, fuck, piss, shit, or do anything that you feel blasphemes the old as it will help you to move away from the old and towards the “Truth and Freedom of Satan.”

3 thoughts on “Truth and Freedom Of Satan by MMichaels”

  1. Thank you. I was just explaining this to someone in a chat room last night. I called them gateway drugs into deeper darkness.

  2. Hail MMichaels!

    Thanks for your great fucking insight; Tatiana and I totally fucking agree and I particularly relish god-damned glorious blasphemy because I was fucking raised and fucking steeped I the god-damned lies of the cock-sucking christian god and his mother-fucking church.

    Hail God Satan!

    Hail Goddess Lilith!

    Fuck the cock-sucking christian god!

    Fuck the bastard Jesus fucking Christ!

    Fucking the mother-fucking holy spirit!

  3. Total words of truth. Definitely words to live by. I love mocking the name of the Christian God. It connects me with my love, father Satan, in a way that I cannot describe. I love my father Satan. I love to touch myself, and invite him into me to bring him closer to my heart and my soul and my mind and my body, this works for me. I feel his power inside of me when I do this. He is my friend and my lover I adore him. Hail, Satan.

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