Writer: Soulinthemists
Subject: Traveling the Left Hand Path While Standing in Your Pentagram?
Link: Tumblr / 13.03.2022
Traveling the Left Hand Path While Standing in Your Pentagram?
When one ventures into the unknown within themselves and allows their inner imagination to explore increasing and ever expanding darker areas of thought one can find themselves fearful about what they come to realize about themselves. There are dark, perverse regions which we do and don’t want to explore because we might find ourselves like Oliver Twist, seeking and wanting “more”. One girlfriend compared it to preparing “chitlins” where, after enduring the terrible aroma, you discover you love to eat them.
For those that know little about “hog killin’, it’s when the hog is sent on to its reward and boiled, it is then hung by the tendons in his hind legs, and the “innards” removed and the cuts of meat separated after being cooked on a pit. Every part of the hog is extracted and is cooked in some way, the only thing that escapes the cook pot or the pit is the squeal. Everything else is eaten, from the tail to the tongue. “Chitlins” or chitterlings are the intestines Cleaning them and cooking them require a strong nose because the smell is overpowering. But if you love chitlins the smell is worth it. Why this example?
Because when one actually engages her imagination she can be overwhelmed in any number of ways. Our imagination, our thoughts, are impacted by our feelings, our religious beliefs, our senses, or fantasies, our urges, our life experiences and any number of ideas that emerge as a result of this or that occurring around us. When it comes to things sensual we often find ourselves in the midst of what I describe above.
We know we should “hate” the things that come to mind but we discover that we “like” them and even want to experience them insofar as we can do so without problems. We suddenly find ourselves seeking ways to indulge this need to discover and enjoy as we see seek to engage our fantasies and thoughts and desires, often online through platforms like Tumblr where one can, anonymously, satisfy this freedom to explore and discover their “true selves”, the goal that the Dark Lord has for those who seek and do follow him.
What needs to be understood is that simply exploring the sensual, sexual, perverse and depraved doesn’t make one a satanist or a follower of the Dark Lord. Becoming a follower requires a conscious effort to become and be a follower. The devotee commits to follow the Dark Lord and walks away from the xian God if that the deity she or he followed previously. You have to step into the pentagram and stay. However, staying isn’t easy so there is the process we call “walking on the left hand path’.
Since we have freedom to delve into all the areas I shared above, one must mix in our free will and freedom of choice. So one can, mentally, step in and out of the pentagram as they go toward that place where they don’t step out. Let it be said now that a satanist who doesn’t believe in Satan or the Dark Lord or the supernatural have only appropriated a label which means nothing. That is a topic for another article some day.
What I am sharing with me is following the Dark Lord is more than the sinful sex and porn and related matters that so many say are indicators that a person is a follower of satan when the truth is they aren’t because they haven’t declared for him. They are exploring lust and the sexual. They are engaging in what xian’s would call “sin”.
How some share who they are when it comes to Satan, sex, the sensual, lust, the perverse and the depraved is often touched on in their Tumblrs. Every traveler on the left hand path and and every explorer of the imagination, etc, is at a different place in their experience. Life experiences or what happened in one’s life growing up has a direct and definite impact on each individuals personal journey. One always needs to consider this as they engage others online or elsewhere.
An excellent example is ginnygoodgirl.
Terminated in the past, one getting to know her will see how her life experiences have impacted her view of her world, what she enjoys, etc. Her Tumblr is focused on her sensual pleasures. She is not into witchcraft, intellectual satanism, or explanations of the finite issues regarding enjoying things wicked, at least openly. You have to get to know her to see, “where she comes from” and, “what makes her tick’. She tickles the porn bone, arouses the senses and speaks bluntly when it comes to sex and the perverse. She jumps right in when it comes to what she posts and she will tell you in a minute what she won’t and will condone or discuss. She is traveling in her own lane on the left hand path.
Each of us do the same . . . travel in our own lane. The road only leads to the Dark Lord if you decide to take that route. Some step off the path, others are afraid. Then, again, as you travel, you may discover the Dark Lord you seek has been walking beside you all along. You just weren’t aware of him. How do you know? Because when you stood in your pentagram you were traveling at the same time … with him and to him.