Writer: Sotar999
Subject: Today I have felt Satan’s call
Link: Tumblr / 03.05.2021 / Reposted by Scottyric-666
Today I have felt Satan’s call
Today I have felt Satan’s call for me to corrupt someone. He wants me to lead them into depravity and the truth be said, I want to lead them into depravity because that is where I am myself. Isn’t it such a rush to feel Satan touching your soul and allowing it to do his will without Him even asking you to because it is what your soul was created for in the first place. You know you love Satan when you feel that rush inside that says to you, This Is What You Were Born To Do. and it is what makes your life so fucking depraved and enjoyable. Follow me down the rabbit hole to eternal bliss.
Hail Satan
Hail Lust
Thank You Xpanther for all service
You are Truly Talented
I have felt this call many times over the last few years and I consider it an honor to give back to Satan after all the ways he has blessed me. I can now see that he was calling me for a LONG time (many years) before I fully gave in and accepted his gift. Since then he has blessed me repeatedly and I only want others to come to know the same kind of blessings. Satan is very real in tangible ways that my former religious beliefs never seemed to measure up. He truly is the Lord and Master of this world and I am blessed to be his child.
Hail Mick … inspirational … I believe that sometimes we don’t realise that it is a calling. Sometimes it’s a gift wrapped in lust, in depravity, in taboo, in guilt-free bliss … sometimes it’s a barrier or a challenge …
Since young, I wished He blessed me with a big cock … but unfortunately, that wasn’t one of his blessings for me … but then again, if I had a big cock, I probably would be out sodomizing some young femboi instead of writing about it
I had wandered in the brightly lit wilderness feeling I had been abandoned but found the darkness again late on yesterday..
Reading this small portion of truth will now help bring me back – I seek to follow down the rabbit hole and shine darkly as my GF self and corrupt anyone I can into kinky perverted sex with one such as myself..
samantha, these are worthy ambitions, which I know that you will live to the full in honour of our Lord Satan and Lady Lilith. xxx
Hail Satan and Lilith, keep up your wonderful guidance and advice, may we continue in lust depraverty and perversions.
Hail satan hail lilith
My typical day:
I get up early to watch porn it can be anything from gay, lesbian, transgender, sissy, k9, hentai, young, satanic porn I watch for an hour our more stroking gooning flipping back and forth between porn site as my cock get harder and harder deeper my mind sinks into satan’s wicked perversions the more I watch all the evil all the sinners men women children the more i stroke the serpent’s head i ask satan to let me find filth today find a special corruptible soul fighting the unholy urge to sin a soul that know it’s wrong that prays to God asking not to let temptation cummm there way today, if it does there to weak to fight off the dark advances of the demon, they will give into the lust the hidden perverted pleasures that keep down deep that controls there unholy soul, I ask satan to find me this weak man or woman so with a little of my help I can take them over the edge for ever and they stay on the wicked unholy path to hell, the path to pleasure the path to depravity, I ask satan every day for this, then I drive by the school stroking off my filthy cock watching mommy and daddy dropping off there precious cargo wondering which child was sexually abused by mommy or daddy this morning which one is still sore or dripping cock juice mmmmm, then I’m off to the adult arcade to find some cocks to jerk and suck, watch more porn stoking my serpent’s head waiting for strangers to open the arcade door seeing me with my pants down beating my fat cock off seeing satanic juice dripping out of the serpent’s mouth, I invite them in to watch porn with me some times there more than one that cummmm’s in, they cant wait to pull down there pants and let there snake hang out long and tasty, I love when they cummmm closer while I’m sitting stroking and offer the cummmm dripping cocks for me to lick the salty sperm from the serpent eye, they stroke it hard as I open wide and moan and suck suck suck like I’ve done since I was 5yo suck cock suck hard suck and massage the base of the cream sack, suck suck suck work my serpent’s tongue around the filthy cock in my mouth work the cream sack as I feel it tighten feel the dark perverted stranger put his hands behind my head and force it deeper and deeper down my cunt mouth, my throat is ready to feel the splash of fuck sack juice mmmmm the feeling of his body shaking my nose in his belly the grunting as I try to breathe then he unloads load all his sweet load of sack juice my hand are pull each ass cheek to get his cock meat deeper yummy mmmmm then he doesn’t say a word pulls his pants back up and steps out of the door gone, I ask satan to claim his soul to have satan bring him back for more corrupting, then the next evil soul that has been watching and stoking cummmm’s over and puts his sweet meat against my lips and rubs the serpent’s head oozing out juice yumminess I stay a couple of hours draining cocks some want to suck me off only, some are tranny’s some are 2 boys, some are girl and boy, once I’ve gotten all my perverted unholy perversions out of me I go home to rest, then get up and watch more satanic porn and stroke, my day of wickedness unholyness depravity my life since I was 5yo,
Hail satan hail lilith and Mary the whore of God
Wickr hccp
Hail Satan and Lilith and continue your wonderful work, let’s fuck the mother of sluts and pedo corruption Mary.
Hail Ron and Ray, would that we could gang rape mary to within an inch ot her life! Hail Satan and Lilith.
love to be on the receiving end of the gang rapes et al myself…
That’s the spirit, samantha!
Hi,I am sure we would like to enjoy pleasing you. Hail Satan and Lilith perversion lust for.
Hi Ranulf, that would be fucking wonderful, we could all all fuck her arse, cunt, and mouth at the same time. Make her into a Santanic fucking slut. I am now dripping thinking about it. Hail Satan and Lilith and the fucking cunt Mary.
Hail Ray, fuck yeah! That would be one hell of a religious conversion bringing her to our side. I am fucking dripping thinking about it too. “Hey jesus. you cunt, we’ve got your mum.” When he comes visiting we can crucify him again. What some delightful thoughts to start the day!
That’s a wonderful idea.
Hail Satan to this. You are an inspiration. You truly love and embrace the joy and beauty of sin.
Evil is always right. Satan bids us be as the animals, lustful, cruel, and brutal.
Hail George, you are absolutely right about evil, and how Satan bids us to be. We are not constrained by stupid xthian morality, but free to be lustful, cruel and brutal, and we exault and delight in it. No amount of ‘good’ works can give us anything like the pleasure that sin does!
Ron says:
May 20, 2021 at 7:37 am
Hi,I am sure we would like to enjoy pleasing you. Hail Satan and Lilith perversion lust for.
Oh yes please…
Any reading this tell me or write me directly sharing how you would help corrupt me train me enjoy me develop me for Satan and Lilith’s true delight…
Hi Samantha,I would love to contact you, and indulge in all of your lust depraverty and perversions. It would be a great pleasure in doing Satan’s and Lilith depraved desires with you. Hail Satan 😍 and Lilith.
Please do sir…
How do I contact you 🙂. Hail Satan and Lilith.
I’d like to contact you as well. If you don’t mind.
I want to hear more about yourself and your desires, the better to lead you down the broad path to Hell.
oh lovely…
dirgros @ ProtonMail . Com
are you on any other sites eg. Fetlife?
Hi Samanthasatine, no I don’t have FetLife, but I can download it. When I do, how can I contact you on it. I look forward to joining you 😉 in Satan and Lilith lust depraverty and perversions. I am dripping thinking of us joining 😜 Satan and Lilith.
I have the same name there so search for me and you should find me xxx
Hi Samantha, thanks I will look you up, and we can share our Santanic lust depraverty and perversions. My cock is getting hard and leaking.
looking forward to that sir xxx
I mind not, the more dark souls engaging and developing mine own the better..
Hi George, I would like to join you and Sabrina 😘 in lust depraverty and perversions, and our other Satan friends.
HI George, how do I join you in Satan’s lust depraverty and perversions.
dirgros @ protonmail . com