Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: Thoughts from Destiny1961
Link: Email LS666 / 24.08.2022
Thoughts from Destiny1961
I have been doing a lot of thinking and research about the bible and all and would love any thoughts — First it is written God knows everything before it happens — and yet he created the most beautiful angel in Lucifer and had him tossed. Did he not know his power or did he create him to help those who would follow him. Seems if it was not his will he would simply not have created such lower that would challenge him.
We are told we are all created in Gods image which could mean he is male and female. That shows me a duality, such as Baphomet, and if in fact so then we can be both as well. It is also said Lilith was the first woman but would not be under Adam and again, did God really not know or maybe it was to have her be on top to prove the power of the feminine spirit.
Now there are many so called fallen angles and did he not know at the beginning or is it that they were made for a purpose and on that note as it is written God is a gentleman and never forces himself on anyone, that we can make our own choices? Does this mean he gave us all those other choices himself so we can be who and what we want.
It is also written that Satan is the ruler of this world so is it that he has allowed someone in charge who can give us our greatest desires.
We are told to follow the authority of this land; and our leaders; no matter so we must adhere.
And I also believe he made Adam a helper after creating the stronger Lilith and this partner was meant to be under him.
So in fact, if God is both in one; can a man not act like him by taking on the feminine form? If we put the two together is it wrong to use that feminine form to do as our king calls us and lay down for him and his holy court; to please them as we bred. Again as written it is a sin to waste the precious seed of life; so are we to take it inside us and give it a good home?
So for this section of my thoughts would it then be only right that if on of my kings followers is in need and has to have a partner so he can enjoy and does not waste that precious seed I should take on that duty to give him pleasure and allow him to use my holes to deposit said seed?
Abrahamic religions, like Antic Greek/Roman, Bhudist or Nordic religions, are full of inconsistencies that remind us that literally nothing is infallable. Taking the texts literally as true perhaps being the greatest fallacy of all because the absolutization of those texts to the ultimate truth by which we should all live, is certainly the greatest cause of a lot of misery in this world.
Nothing is true and not even that.
Though that doesn’t mean you can’t think anything of anything, it does mean that you have to observe yourself and your surroundings with constant alertness to inconsistencies or fallacies and meanwhile just as well enjoy your own illusions because they probably aren’t true either. but can be useful for your well-being.
As long as you don’t harm anyone with it, it abolishes joy and meaning in your existence, so that it reconciles you with the inevitable end.
From you and from your universe. If there is any truth at all, it is that finiteness.
Infinite enjoyment for that time is allowed and you are very much bestowed to do so before the DARK finally is all what remains.