Writer: Beast666ablog
Subject: Thought By The Beast
Link: Tumblr / 06.12.2024
Thoughts By The Beast
Upon destruction and seduction — Something a lot agree on. Both are enjoyable when done right — a simple experience. Take an object now and project your intentions on it. Let your energy flow freely now say a demon’s name. Now you’ll play with yourself take your juices and rub the object counterclockwise. Then chant the demon’s name. Now you will put it somewhere. Like in the kitchen once the target touches this will attach to them.
Satan’s legions — Flowing through the atmosphere, deeper currents flow through me, fire hot and heavy, through minds, open abilities open upon me, the power infuse me with your presence. I seek thine touch flowing through my soul, and I call forth satanic legions. I call forth armies of hell manifestation upon my eyes until your image shows. Hail Satan.
Our bodies unite under the moonlight — Our skin is just a covering for something more — beautiful. Our souls may be twisted, but the infernal unites us with true destiny. We conquer, so there is fire, we are in direct line with your will. We speak sacred words when we offer praise to Satan, so go forward knowing the true power we received when we opened ourselves to Satan.
Salita — Dark windows rolling fog come onto me goddess I call. Lines of shadows. Enter my mind grasping reality one day at a time halter not but I go forward through the labyrinth of time come I open my mind.
Malevolent ways, I don’t value peace — I don’t value safety. I look at Malevolent souls as a superpower. I see death as beautiful I see war as the start of something new. In my path Malevolent death witch. I stand with the dark forces as a descending Witch I don’t ascend I see the opportunity to cause chaos every step up the way. So anything opposite of what most people want I like.
The devil speaks, we listen — He points a direction we march. We are his loyal we live and die as a part of him. We conquered our past life to be fulfilled by his authority. We seek not forgiveness we seek not salvation for Satan alone is all we need.
Nothing can save you but yourself — Nothing can benefit you if you don’t think you need help. No one can teach you if you think you know everything. No one will be your friend If you are an asshole remember an infernal relationship is eternal if you piss off infernal gods of goddesses then no hope will be seen. If you think God can rescue you then you are ill-informed, remember to show respect to the infernal for what they teach is beyond human wisdom.
Deeply disturbed — Once we become more involved in the darker arts our minds begin a descension. We begin to realize everything we see is affected by our moods the sinister witch sees the available chaos and embraces it for in chaos power is formed we begin to conceive deeper meaning in darkness the light had nothing for us. A person who does not care about consequences breaks the mold. So, yes, deeply disturbed but not by other witches in society.
Regain focus, most people struggle with focusing — But learning this will help your path. Lilith gives us motivation if we would just let her. She can change your life if just true. Remember Lilith builds warriors she builds us to be stronger but if we remain weak that is our fault. Lucifer himself wants us to focus on growing he wants us to see all sides of life. But often we as people are like and can’t focus on shit. So I’ll say this the path you are on should benefit you if you feel like this path ain’t for you then you need to put more work in because if not you’ll fall every time Remember Lilith can help you but you must be willing to help.
Satan, as I stand here, I’m open to your ancient wisdom — I speak the words of pure intentions I break my old vows of past religion. I cast aside all old faith. I renounce Jehovah I renounce the weak son of God. I renounce the foul holy spirit. I now state my desire to you Satan. I dedicate myself to you, Satan. I speak my devotion unto you until my days are through I wilfully come to you. Satan, I vow to study your ways I vow to remain true till you carry me through the gates. Satan, I thank you for your kindness.
Hekate, Goddess of the crossroads — Near and far, through water and flame. Through words and deeds, the departed come to me. Through air or ground through smiles and frowns through anger or joy. I call forth the dead come to me. I lift forth this vessel through the gateway of the unknown and come through the veil. I summon thee in life and death through pain and pleasure come by near and by far. I summon my dead relatives to me come through the valley in Hekate name come to me.
Upon growth within the soul of a devil worshiper — There are hidden darker motivation. Between the lines that must be crossed is a deeper strength and power. So yes can up the energy for deeper manifestation many ways to reveal the darker power also can get a sigil then enhance the soul’s abilities to hear and see in the Astral realm.
Come from the shadows of ancient ones — Come rest upon me oh malevolent forces of hell. I am willing to take me deeper into the void and bring me into the darkest. Path I seek your hand of damnation I seek your guidance upon my path of eternal chaos. I make a vow unto you that I will walk upon this sinister path so no light no love I seek total damnation I make an oath upon my time you all will lead me into the fire of eternal damnation.