Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: Thoughts About Easter Past
Link: MeWe / 22.03.2024
Thoughts About Easter Past
This year I will give you my view of Easter twenty-five years ago. Hopefully, I can capture the thoughts and speech of that age. Only now I know what made it so satisfying, Lilith — I hate Easter.
every year we do the same shit. go to my dad’s house and then to my cousin’s house. my dad still thinks we (me and my sister) are seven years old. we have to color eggs and hide them and find them. He videotapes it too. He says it’s a “priceless moment” (even though we do it every fucking year). It’s only a priceless moment because it’s pretty funny to see a fifteen-year-old (me) without panties, and my dog sniffing around while playing “egg hide” with his sister. I would much rather play “spread the legs” and feed the dog. My sister is good at it, and so am I. It was our cousin who showed us the trick of feeding the dog.
Anyway, after we hide the eggs and my dad videos it, I get my candy. Yes, the only good thing, about Easter, is “the candy.” I usually get a lot too. If dad knew I would let him watch our dog lick me, for candy, I would get even more, I’m sure.
But then within an hour of playing egg hide we have to go to my little cousin’s house. She is always playing video games and watching Nickelodeon ( I don’t think she has ever seen a naked woman). We talk with my aunt and say the same usual shit, “How’s school” … “Oh, you getting so big” … “What’s your girlfriend’s name?” … blah, blah. Then I eat a shitty dinner, watch television, and try to avoid my cousin. When night comes, my dad will be too drunk to drive us home and is always trying to fuck my cousin. So we’ll have to sleep over.
My cousin always wants to “sleep with me” and I’ll tell her “no” and she will cry until she can. I know that sounded gay, try to put it into context. She is the same age that god raped Mary, so she’s a baby. I usually end up sleeping on the couch, then wake up with my cousin’s face between my thighs. Then we’ll go home, and I’ll get to eat my candy again. “Ahhhh, candy.” If it wasn’t for the candy I would tell my parents to “fuck off” and run away right around Easter time. So how do you feel about Easter?