Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: There is No Sin
Link: MEWE / 27.01.2022
There is No Sin
Sin exists because the Abrahamic lesser God exists. In other words, when you do what is contrary to God’s will, that is sin. So, to say there’s no such thing as sin would also be saying that God does not exist. Think about it, if you have ever lied, or cheated, or stolen, then according to the book of lies, you’ve sinned. As there is no sin, there will be no judgment. Without judgment wickedness can prosper — Let wickedness and perversions guide your pleasures this Sunday.
Hail Lilith
Now and Forever
Hail Lilith’s Scribe
Hoku Lani
Now and Forever
Thank You My Brother Xpanther for sharing Her Wisdom
So much truth in this. Thanks
“Sin” is just a label aimed at controlling us. “Sin” freely that the joy of Satan may enter your life.
perversions guide my pleasures…yes..IMPREMATU Priestess Hoku!
Lying, cheating, stealing…oh such fun! New Year’s resolutions: lie more, cheat more, steal more, oh and blaspheme the cunt xrist and masturbate for our queen, Lilith, more!
I’m with you , James, This is a liberating message!