Writer: Koruptdsoud
Subject: There is a way out
Link: Tumblr / 16.04.2021
There is a way out
Don’t let the weight of the cross and the oppressive faith of your deranged savior burden you and keep you down. Christianity will always keep you pinned to the ground if you allow the guilt and the remorse of your sinful ways get the better of you. There is a way out! Call out to the Dark Lord and reach out to his receptive hand. With his help and guidance you will smash and obliterate that cross with your hammer of liberation. Now get up and walk out from the shadow of that bastard who controlled your life for so long and be free to enjoy your life on your own terms. Hail Satan !!
Sin is simply freedom. Morality is a lie told to control us. Never resist temptation, always be ready for more.
Hail George … SIN is freedom …