The Words We Use by Renthony

Writer: Renthony

Subject: The Words We Use

Link: Tumblr / 17.01.2024

The Words We Use

The word “religion” does not mean “Christianity.”

The word “faith” does not mean “Christianity.”

The word “spirituality” does not mean “Christianity.”

You have got to stop equating all of these things. You have got to stop doing shit like saying “all religion is bad” or “all faith is destructive.” You have got to understand that you can’t truly support Jewish people and Indigenous people and immigrants and refugees and marginalized communities if you’re looking down your nose at their cultures. There are more religions than Christianity.

4 thoughts on “The Words We Use by Renthony”

  1. No offense, but you state the obvious.
    I find nothing spiritual whatsoever about those fire and brimstone preachers wearing white shirts and ties teaching the Bible on TV Sunday mornings.
    Besides Satanism, Eastern religions including Hinduism are my ideas of spirituality.
    The western religions do nothing for me.
    I’ve had the thought before, but had it again today: the vast majority of the world isn’t Christian.
    That says a lot.

    1. Hello Kim you said you are a Satanist and I am looking for someone like you and I been on here a lot and Everyone told me in the past couple of Years that there were going to be someone who is going to bring Everyone is Christian to be like Satan and His Demons and I am single man I am a Real Christian man and I am looking for a woman that can help me to be like you

    2. Hail Kim!

      Great fucking word!

      Tatiana and I are Satanists too; no god-damned ambiguity about that!

      Glory to God Satan!

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