The Ultimate Power Of Lucifer by GarySix

Writer: GarySix

Subject: The Ultimate Power Of Lucifer

Link: LS666 Email / 28.05.2024 / The Ultimate Power Of Lucifer

Warning: These pages are deep filth, and the most disgraceful blaspheme, filth, sin, I have compiled to date. There are two purposes for these pages I share with you.

The Ultimate Power Of Lucifer

The Ultimate Power of Lucifer — the Perfect Perfection

I have learned so much actual, spiritual truth, about God from Lucifer and I am deeply grateful. After all, he was there “In the beginning…” He showed me a truth about God in heaven and it all became clear.  It all revolves around this absolute, stunning truth:

God is a fucking whore and pig.”

I can’t speak for you but those six words are so sexually exciting to read and speak out loud. That helped me better indulge and  enjoy the power of masturbation to spiritual, sexual blasphemy of God’s name.

I use all this as my offering to Lucifer the Perfect Perfection God. Lucifer confirmed to me that God is his enemy, and gave me the honor, together with him, to fuck God’s name in the most sinful, disgraceful ways. And, I want to have that honor with you.

There truly is a demonic, satanic filth energy you will experience physically, by speaking and masturbating to this blasphemy.

I realize that we all respond to certain satanic sexual acts so I truly hope those of you, Sexual Satanists and Christians here, will find the same thrill with these altar pages and contact me with your blasphemy experience and let’s connect.and enjoy it together while adoring Lucifer the Perfect Perfection.


Thanks, GarySix, for such dedication to the cause. Your “Altars” are always so enlightening and blasphemous. You refresh my demonic energy with the depth of your vulgarity and sexual perversion. Thank you.

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