Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: The Truth
Link: LS666 Email / 22.04.2024
The Truth
So, it has been a while since the death of my wife — and with it — my faith.
I have found myself not only wanting to be someone else but doing things that would have been considered a sin. I was raised Catholic and remember there were more books in their Bible than the so-called Christian one. It was translated in and from many languages and while we can find Greek or Hebrew, what about Aramaic?
What if there were even more books explaining things we were not to know? I now find myself dressing secretly and even indulging in things of the other gender or is there a true gender? I want so badly to be able to go out this way and even experience things sexually.
Since I was young I was blessed to see things and hear things and over time things came that were dark. I sit here on my bed in women’s clothing including lingerie and thinking about how it would be to be in the world this way. I grab a bottle of poppers and take a few hits and feel guided to watch porn, but not the usual stuff.
I meditate and fall into my alter ego as I have found a split personality. I used to deny and feel it was a female but realized it is trans-gendered. But it is okay as now the world recognizes us. As she comes out I now find us researching through the porn, if that makes sense. It tells me it is time for the truth, the one that is hidden and to follow it. I now am looking at dark stuff including hypnosis videos that are geared towards Lilith and Lucifer, but who were they?
There are ones that talk about joining Satan and going to Hell. Ones that seem to talk about the truth of trans life. But who was Lilith really, and why does she not show up in the bible? Why do I see about enjoying the lust and joining Satan but I do not want to go to Hell? I get this message as I meditate about finding the actual truth but to be myself, myself?
But who is that? We get this message but from who? It says to go to this bar that is deep in the bayou which they say is evil. My spirit tells me not to worry as I will be covered. So I have a drink and dress and even use makeup up though am what I would call at this point a “tweener” as am kind of a mix.
I head down as I allow my spirit to guide me to what looks like a seedy little hole in the wall. I am hesitant to enter when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see a person who, like me, seems to be a tweener. I am unsure who or what they are when they tell me I am in the right place. But who would they know and yet?
Such a strange look as it is a sort of goth, steampunk, dystopian look with dark make-up, and long hair, that’s a mix of black and white. It is also in a ponytail and pigtails. The face is entrancing and sort of a feminine male type and yet they have beautiful breasts. And the clothing looks like a sort of goth dominatrix.
They invite me in. When we enter she tells me this is the place that those consider scourges go. Those who others do not understand or accept, like us. I see many who do not conform to what the world would understand and it is open as I see a few people openly having sex. But then there is what looks like a regular genetic male in the corner who is on his knees as a sexy trans female is fucking his face.
She tells me it is also where some come to experience what they cannot outside here.
“But that is neither here nor there, as you are here for the truth,” she says as she introduces herself as Ronan.
She walks me to the bar and we have a drink.
“I am here to spread the truth and help those find it and their true spirit,” she tells me.
I look confused at her when she tells me she is but a vessel. She makes a toast to finding the truth and we drink. She then lights up a joint and offers it to me.
“The maker made everything we need from food to medicine here on this planet. Your spirit is distressed and this can help and it is natural so maybe he put it here for that,” she says and I take a hit.
She then tells me not to be alarmed at what she is about to reveal. I am told she has searched the world for the truth for as long as time and while has been in this form for but a little bit has existed for a long time.
“Do not worry baby as I know your urges and have not only been sent with the truth but to help you experience things like never before. I am what you have read and know as the sacred prostitute and will make you feel like you never imagined, but first, you need to know the truth.”
At this point, I am getting fucked up as she tells me she wants to take me where I can not only find the truth but become part of it.
“I know you are soul searching and there is something inside that is very strong and I can bring it out and hope you are not weary of darker things,” she says, “As I would like to take you to my room but it has things from many cultures and religions. When I am through you will have complete satisfaction.”
We go to her room which as it seems is in the basement of this dive. We walk into this huge room that has what looks like many alters. There is one with candles that looks like the Catholic church and one with a Buddha and many crosses. One is the crucifix with Christ and another without and one is the St. Peter’s Cross known for the occult.
In the center of the room is a round bed with what looks like bindings and there is a black sheet with a cross, but it is round so you do not know which end is up. They have me sit in what is like a dental chair as they tell me it is time to understand. I am given a cup of water and after taking a drink.
“Christ turned water to wine, correct?”
Then am told to drink again and this time it is strong wine.
“Anoixion to pnevma tous (spring their spirit),” she says.
I believe in Greek. She tells me she is also fluent in many languages and uses them accordingly and then tells me if we are to move on to repeat one for her. I agree and am guided.
“Opem me tibi (let me help you),” I say and have this strange feeling.
It is now like she is talking to my soul or spirit.
“Let’s start at the beginning,” she says, “You know about the extra books the Catholics have. Well, there were hidden ones that tell the full story. Let’s start with Lucifer and Michael. You see God created Lucifer as the most beautiful and the greatest angel and it is said he wanted to take God’s place so he was tossed because of it.”
She then pulls out a bong and we both take hits.
“But, it was jealousy that was the cause as Michael was jealous and asked if they could send him away. But God made it so he would have his world which is why he was sent here,” as I stated.
“You see there were other books hidden,” she continued, “And as Lucifer was sent here God decided to create someone for him to be with. First, he took dirt and made Adam. But what we read then goes to Eve and they keep out Lilith. You see she was also made from dirt but he needed to make someone to help populate. But after giving her a penis he realized it would not fit so gave her a vagina. But Adam had a dominant personality and while there are many asexual positions he wanted to be on top to show his dominance. She left but wanted to bear children. Adam called out so he could be dominant this time the female was made from his rib. But this time she only had a vagina. But this was how we were created.”
I was now starting to get messed up.
She took a break as she wanted to share a few more things differently. She told me she was going to teach me the ancient languages and even one most do not know had a part and that is Latin.
“Adam slept with Eve to reproduce and they were given much to eat except for the one tree you know about,” she continued, “One night while Adam lay drunk from wine Lilith came. She whispered in his ear that the truth was being kept from him as it was the tree. Most believe it was Satan who made Eve eat first but in fact, after Lilith left Adam called for Eve.
“He commanded her to get the apple as he wanted to know what was being kept from him. After they ate they both were feeling lust. But he was feeling strange and he lay Eve down and got on top and while fucking her felt breasts on his back. He felt the heat of Lilith as she was behind him and leaned over him.
“She asked if he wanted her and even while inside Eve nodded. Then he felt it between his cheeks as she mounted him and slid into his ass and fucked him. He not only realized she was different but he liked it. She could hear him pant and knew what that meant so quickly she put a spell on Eve and as she slept Adam was rolled from her. As he lay on his back already bred she got on top of his cock and took him. She milked him and was made pregnant.”
She then looked at me in that chair and told me she could take me to Heaven.
I did not realize she was now there with her breasts out and told me I could feel and taste them but she would teach me a few lines from her languages. She walked over with breasts in my face and asked me to say something.
“Ginei to thelima sou (your will be done),” I said.
And I started to lick and suck her breasts as she said we were special and were made for so much. She asked if I truly wanted change and to become something new. She had me hit the bong one last time but it seemed stronger and then put me on my knees. With her crotch in my face, I felt like I was not in control of my body or spirit.
“Tibi dabo spiritum meum ad te (I will give you my spirit to you),” I said.
She lifted her skirt and put it over my head and I felt what was hidden.
“Para me (prepare me),” I heard her say and I slid her limp cock in my mouth.
As it grew in my mouth I felt her hands holding my head under her skirt.
“Feed her, my Lord,” she said.
I gagged as she exploded and was down my throat. I was now under her control. She then had me stand and walk over to the bed as she lit candles. She told me the Lord of this world wanted me and she was here to make it so.
“As above so below. As within, so without,” she muttered.
As I sat at the edge of the bed, she looked into my eyes. She told me I needed to accept to be his. Then, one last thing, as she leaned over me. She then stood and looked into my eyes. She lifted my legs and had me repeat her words.
“I commendo spiritum meum in tenebrism. Ego do me domino satanae. Carpe tenebras (I commend my spirit to the darkness. I give myself to Satan. Take the darkness),” and she then shoved into me.
She fucked me hard and then slid out and pulled me to the edge of the bed with my head hanging over as she fucked my throat. She told me my spirit had called to become like her and he was taking me as his and laying me with arms spread on the cross on the sheet on my belly. She told me to accept his seed as she slammed into me as deep as possible and I felt my body quiver as she filled me. She told me I was now part of the truth.