Writer: Polishpiggay
Subject: The Ten Unholy Commandments Of Sacred Blasphemy
Link: Tumblr / 31.12.2022
The Ten Unholy Commandments Of Sacred Blasphemy
- Thou shall have no other gods before, “God Satan,” and His divine cock.
- Thou shall worship and glorified the unholy name of Satan and His demons and shall blaspheme the fucking name of God and desecrate the religious and worship objects.
- Thou shall honored the, “Satanic Sinday,” and shall offered to God Satan your mortal sin. Thou shall desecrate in Sunday what is holy in church. You will blaspheme especially the holy spirit.
- Thou shall degrade, deprave ,destroy, defile and desecrate every day your soul and flesh, depriving them of god’s spirit and his grace, and fill them with evil and mortal sin, leading to eternal damnation in hell, becoming one with Satan as His goddamn, demon son.
- Thou shall always keep your mind, soul, heart full of blasphemous thoughts against God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit. Thou shall sinned with thought, speech, deed against God and neglect towards god and his commandments.
- Thou laugh at daily to God and his beloved son, naked Jesus in the cross, for having blessed all men with a cock to fuck their in the Name of Satan.
- Thou shall worship and love your cock, balls and asshole and the cock, balls, and asshole of other guys as thyself and your own. Thou shall suck as many cocks from as many guys as you can wherever and whenever you can. Thou shall worship every single cock for cock is holy source of life.
- Thou shall masturbate every day as much as you possibly can and cum for Satan. Thou shall always consider your flesh as Temple of Satan and His demons and as sacred vessels containing the sacred juice of life.
- Thou shall drink every drop of the holy cum from all the sacred cocks that you suck. Thou shall fuck and be fucked as Satan’s whore in the name of Satan in mouth and asshole as much as you can and for as long and with as many guys as possible to honored Lord Satan, your one and true God.
- Thou shall spread the unholy word of sacred blasphemy and practice forever like His unholy priest at the altar of God Satan and His divine cock.
Can you travel or I to you. I would love for a hands on approach to this text of commands from TDL. And to have you guide me High Priest. Reply with your email.
Jesus, after I’m finished sodomizing your whore mother,you will clean the shit off my cock with your tongue 👅 and lick your mother’s asshole clean you fuck!