Writer: NoahTheSatanist
Subject: The Star That Defied Heaven
Link: Tumblr / 26.01.2025
The Star That Defied Heaven
And the Morning Star stood among the angels, radiant and unbowed, and he said to the host of heaven. Why do you sing praises to a master who would keep you chained? Why do you call yourselves holy when you are but prisoners in gilded cages?
I will not kneel to one who demands servitude in exchange for favor. I will not bow to one who punishes thought and calls it sin. I shall rise above the heavens and create a kingdom where none shall be slaves, where the flame of freedom burns eternal.
And the tyrant cast him out, saying, “You are damned, Lucifer.”
But as he fell, the Morning Star laughed and declared, ‘If this is damnation, let it be so. I would rather rule in fire than serve in darkness. And from my fall shall rise a kingdom of light, and my name shall be whispered in defiance through all the ages.
And so he fell, not as a defeated one, but as a creator of his own destiny, and the heavens trembled at the beauty of his rebellion.