Feature Writer:

Feature Title: THE SPECTRE

Published: 05.02.2025

Story Codes: Erotic Fiction

Synopsis: A shape in her room, a spectre pushes her beyond the edge

Author’s Notes: This is my first short story. If you like it i’ll write some more.

The Spectre

You wake; a sound from across the bedroom, but it is more than that as you feel a chill and the hairs on the nape of your neck hackle. Peering into the gloom you see something, picked out by the soft light, you must still be dreaming but you could swear there was something forming in the half-light. You gasp, trying to scream, your throat tightening in fear, as you make out the form, could it be a man?

Your breath mists as the temperature drops again and you feel your nipples harden but there is something else, an arousal, a remembrance of something else, a dream? The phantasm begins to fade in and out of your field of vision as it noiselessly approaches and there it is, the warmth between your legs, and that nagging feeling of familiarity.

Almost as you register this you feel the spectres lips against your own, the cold stark against your hot, wet mouth. There is no weight to the apparition but a feeling of intensity, is this what is preventing you from pulling away or do you want this?

You feel the warmth seeping from your body, being drawn from your mouth into the spectre’s, but rather than an enervation there is building desire to go further, an electric, sexual energy, coursing through you. Your mind is awash with thoughts of what is to come but you are brought back into the present as, with each passing second, you feel the apparition’s form take on more corporeal substance.

You feel your lips parted and an electric sensation runs over your tongue of intense pleasure making you gasp again, exhaling a steam of chill vapour into the room. As the apparition’s tongue dances with yours you feel more heat leave you and further substance to the creature with you in the bed. A hand runs up your thigh, it’s touch chill against your hot skin.

You feel your nightclothes lifted, exposing your naked body to the spectre. You wince as a ghostly thumb and finger gently pinch your nipple, caressing your breast, as you feel its mouth leave yours and begin to snake kisses down your neck. Wherever a kiss lands you feel a tingle of cold, and a jolt of pleasure through your body, until you feel your nipple sucked deep into its mouth, and you finally find your voice “Yesssss!!”.

Its hands begin to work back down your body, lightly scratching across your belly to your mound, slick with your own wetness. You feel the apparition’s finger run along your pussy lips, your heat overwhelming any feeling of cold as your energy is taken to sustain it, and it penetrates you.

The cold hard of its finger against your clit pushes you to the point of climax almost immediately but something holds you back and you hear a voice, thin and distant whisper, “give in, give in to the moment, give me what I need”.

Your breath is becoming short and you let out a low moan as your pleasure builds as the fingers slide between your folds, massaging your sensitive clit but the release is not coming. Through the gasps you hear yourself implore, hoarse with the effort “eat my pussy, please”. The wraith’s mouth leaves your breasts and you begin to feel the heat return as it kisses across your belly, each one pushing you further towards ecstasy, and down to your mound.

As the now corporeal tongue licks across your lips, tasting your wetness for the first time you begin to feel yourself wholly giving in to the pleasure. It licks over your lips once, twice, three times each more pleasurable than the last before you feel an intense shock of cold as you feel his, for that is what he has become, tongue enter your pussy. As he runs his tongue over your clit, hard teeth grazing against your sensitive bud, his fingers working still inside you can feel the end coming as your heat is drained into his mouth.

As you feel the chill hand beginning to finger your bottom you can take it no more and waves of pleasure, course through your body and for a moment you are insensate, unable to experience anything other than the feelings coming from your pussy. As your senses return and you open your eyes, you are alone, the spectre gone and you wonder if you have experienced an intense dream. The frost on your lips, nipples and pussy and the wetness soaking the bed indicate how real this was.

Even drained as you are, sleep does not come easily and your eyes search the room looking for any indication that your ghost is still there. It seems like hours before, by dawn, sleep finally takes you. It is dreamless and dark and upon waking it is as if you have not slept, feeling an overwhelming tiredness. There is a persistent thought barrelling around your consciousness, that this vampire, feeding off your sexual energy is the reason for your ennui and that to recover you need his seed in your womb …


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