Feature Writer: GadenKerensky


Published: 01.10.2021

Story Codes: Religious

Synopsis: A man with urges pays for a domineering courtesan

The Sinner’s Absolution

Herc was feeling a little nervous. He’d never done anything like this before, going to a Courtesan. But it may have been his only chance to fulfil certain… desires.

And he’d heard rather glowing reports about a certain Courtesan by the people who pointed him in the direction of a particular brothel, The Sinner’s Absolution.

A rather poetic name, but supposedly because those that ran it believed none should suppress their urges, and that there be a place for them to indulge. Provided they part with the necessary compensation.

He was willing to do that, worrying a bag of coin in his pocket with his hand, making sure it did not ‘disappear’ on him when he wasn’t looking, though looking around this part of town, he didn’t think the chances were high.

Solemn Rest was something of an ironic name for the prosperous town. It was once a mere outpost, a waystation of sorts for those making the crossing over Goller’s Pass, once the only way through the Amben Mountain Range. So named because Goller’s Pass was treacherous, and often people did not survive the journey, leaving those that did to rest in grim circumstances. Then a route was discovered after a rock face gave way after a violent storm; Hopeful’s Way. It was a small gully, practically, cutting right through the range, never before known until that rock wall came down. The gully’s sides were stable, however, covered in woody brambles and scrub that held the soil and the rock together, and rockfalls from further up the mountains on either side were infrequent. It was a much safer route, and though several times the length of Goller’s Pass, the easier terrain and fewer hazards only made it take twice the time. But most important of all, it created a route through the mountains that more were willing to take.

Solemn Rest grew from a simple waystation, to a vital trade and travel hub, servicing merchants and travellers that came from beyond the Amben Range, on their way to many locations further afield.

It was halfway between a town and a city, and its wealth showed; most of its residents led comfortable lives, with well crafted wooden buildings and slate shingle roofs, and stone walls for the wealthier.

The taverns were all quite classy places, though most still catered to the tastes of the commoner, like Herc himself, as Solemn Rest was led by people that saw the value in diversifying the town’s economic sources, such that it would not suffer severely should something cut the flow of travellers and traders.

He himself was a carpenter, either crafting furniture or wagon parts for locals or merchant caravans, or carving simple but appealing decorative elements, for the same clientele.

There were farms a little further out from Solemn Rest, where the soil was a little more fertile, but they were nevertheless inseparably linked to the town.

Thus, Solemn Rest’s prosperity was secure, leading to a lot of rather classy places meant for a more exclusive clientele.

The Gilded District, where he was now, was where much of that was focused.

Here traders sold finer and more expensive wares, as well as inns for those with more refined tastes to eat and sleep at. The roads were paved cobblestone, the buildings were either stone or brick, or quality wooden construction, and labourers were paid a nice sum to keep the streets cleaner than the rest of the town. Lampposts lined the road, and signs hung out in front of every inn or shop, with eye-catching designs painted and carved on them, all to attract potential customers. It was home to many businesses where all manner of curios could be acquired.

It was also home to one of three brothels in town, though rumour had it all three were being run behind the scenes by a single person or persons.

It would explain why even The Red Touch, the place for clients of a more ‘common’ sort with coin to match, was still a well-run establishment.

Above all, all of the women at the brothels were there by choice, something that the Matrons that ran them made very clear, and that they were not desperate for money, but doing something they wanted to do.

And they did not suffer hostility or abuse lightly.

It gave Herc some confidence that his time will be a wondrous one. But The Red Touch was not where he was going.

The Sinner’s Absolution was the brothel at the top of the hierarchy of the three. It was for those looking for exotic tastes and experiences, and boasted a few non-human courtesans.

He was going to see one such courtesan.

He eventually found the building, and felt his nerves grow a little more shaky.

It was by no means enormous, akin to some of the larger inns in town, and they weren’t terribly big compared to some from the cities. But it exuded a forbidden feel, crafted of dark wood that seemed to have a slight red tinge if one looked at it in the right light. It was a two floor building, with the lower floor possessing a verandah that encircled the entire structure, the floor above overhanging it and serving as the awning. The pillars that ran the perimeter of the verandah, supporting the floor above, were a more obvious shade of red, polished to a gleam. Black and red curtains obscured the windows, and two lanterns flanked an intricately carved wooden door — two flowers, one upright, the other upside down, their stems intertwined — burning with a red light.

He gulped lightly as he looked at the door, but steeled himself; as much as this was a first for him, he likely would never see his fantasies fulfilled if he didn’t take the plunge.

Exhaling to calm himself, he walked up the handful of steps onto the verandah, and then to the door. He noticed a bell just above the handle, blending in and hard to spot from the road out front.

He rang the bell, the metal dinging resulting in a prompt response, footsteps audible from within.

The door opened, and he was met with an older woman, middle aged, but still beautiful.

She had a welcoming smile, and her blue, vaguely cloudy eyes were calming, but she carried herself with an air of authority, happy to make all comers to the brothel welcome, but exuding a sense of class. She wore a black dress made of silk and quality cotton, carefully wrapped around her, a silver brooch depicting the same twin flowers from the door holding the folds together. She had dark shoes cut at the ankle, with gold bangles around them and her wrists.

Her hair was half white, half black, and her lips gleamed with a simple oily gloss, shadow covering her eyelids. She had a few wrinkles, but they were not pronounced, and few in number, the woman possessing a mature beauty that appealed even to Herc, and no doubt to more than a few younger gentlemen.

“I am Madame Glay,” she introduced with a small, courteous bob of her head. “I welcome you to The Sinner’s Absolution. May I have your name?”

“Uh, Herc Gernson,” he replied with a nod of his own. “I, uh, I’m here to see a particular girl.”

Madame Glay smiled, and beckoned him to follow her.

“This way please, and I will see what we can do for you, Sir.”

She got to walking, and Herc followed.

The décor inside was dark but lavish, though not to the point of excess.

The first few feet of carpet inside the entrance hall was a rough, scratchy material, no doubt to scrape dirt and filth from the boots of customers, but the rest of it was a soft, thin material, woven with maroon and grey patterns of diamonds and leaves weaving about each other, chaotic but pleasing to the eye.

The dark wooden walls and ceilings were fairly plain, but here and there hung pots of vines and flowers that gave off a rather alluring scent, along with brass sconces with lamps on their ends that glowed with a pale light.

There were portraits along the walls, depicting women and men in the nude, though their ‘shame’ was covered by silks of various colours.

The paintings were erotic by nature, risque and titillating without showing too much, but they were exquisitely crafted, genuine works of art.

Small tables hugged the walls intermittently, sometimes holding a potted plant, or candles, or decorative objects of all sorts.

And then they came to something of a foyer, a counter in the middle beneath a brass chandelier, a handful of glass crystals hanging from the centre lamp which lit the area.

To the left and right were more hallways leading to the wings of the establishment, whilst black doors behind the counter led further in, perhaps to areas forbidden to clients like himself.

Madame Glay folded her arms atop of the counter, and fixed Herc a look.

“You say you are after a particular girl. Who might that be?” she inquired.

“Uh, I’m told her name is… Seja? Seju?”

“Ah, Seja~” the matron said with a knowing tone. “I see you are after a particular experience, then?”

“Y-yes,” Herc remarked bashfully, feeling a little embarrassed, but the matron only raised a hand.

“Do not worry yourself, sir. Many come through our doors feeling the nerves pulling on them. But here, what feelings they think shame them, will be validated. Because there is no shame in having desires. And Seja is free right now, so you need only provide payment, and I will lead you to her room. Seven Gold Marks, five silver.”

Herc reached into his pocket and fished out the purse of coins, loosening the string that bound the neck closed, and produced the requested sum of money.

Madame Glay took the coins with a practised sweep of her hands, placing them into a metal box — judging by the clinking sound Herc heard — nestled behind the counter.

“Thank you, Sir.” She stepped out behind the counter, and beckoned him to follow her, gesturing to the hall to the left. “Right this way.”

It was oddly quiet, which unnerved Herc; even this place was noted to be busy, but he heard nothing, no girlish laughter, no raunchy moans, or even the telltale thumping through the floors and walls. Even as he passed by doors leading to various rooms — the spacing between doors showing the rooms were few in number but fairly spacious — he heard nothing, or saw anything notable that indicated if any of the rooms were ‘in use’.

Either he’d arrived at a lull in business, or they had ways of suppressing the sound.

As Herc followed the Matron, he noted that the paintings and décor had changed; now the portraits showed full nudity, and there were sculptures of men and women baring all, and their poses were more provocative, more directly enticing.

There was a flight of stairs at the end of the hall, as well as a turn to the right, leading down a narrow corridor, but he was led up the flight of stairs. It twisted around until they were going back the way they came, relatively speaking, only on the floor above.

They passed through a bead curtain, and the décor took an even more erotic turn, now depicting full sexual activity; masturbation, sex, orgies even.

They passed the first door, and then stopped at the second, Madame Glay standing by its side.

“In here, sir. Mistress Seja is waiting. You will also have a space to freshen yourself. And do enjoy yourself~”

“Uh, thank you, Madame,” Herc answered, as the Matron opened the door. It didn’t open into the room directly, a small space before an immediate left turn with a silk curtain, likely another layer of privacy screening. Herc nodded and stepped inside, and the door was shut behind him.

He paused, and exhaled a bit harder than usual through his nose.

‘No turning back now,’ he thought to himself.

He was no virgin, but this was going to be an entirely new experience.

He stepped through the curtain, and almost whistled in appreciation; the room was lavish, the walls coloured black and red, the floor carpeted in a plush maroon rug, thin but soft, with a large bed with crimson satin silks dominating the middle.

The décor was a bit more sparse than in the rest of the building, only a few portraits arrayed on the walls, but all were thoroughly erotic, depicting people going at it with wanton lust.

Just right of the curtained entrance was another curtain, drawn open and revealing a space with a mirror and washbasin, with another door a little further along from that.

A small chandelier hung above the bed, casting a yellow hue across the walls with its candles, whilst red-glass lanterns fixed to the corners cast their own reddish glow, a unique contrast that set a tempting mood.

There were drawers either side of the ‘head’ of the bed, though it had no headboard to speak of, just a pile of red and black pillows.

But perhaps the most notable feature of the room was the woman sitting cross-legged at the end of the bed.

She was truly beautiful, wearing black leather garb that was only a little more concealing than lingerie, with black lace underwear beneath, the hems just visible past the edges of the leather. She had heels and gloves that almost reached her ankles, but no pants, the leather garment she wore covering her crotch but not her legs.

What struck him most was she wasn’t human. The pinkish skin, orange eyes and pointed ears were proof of that.

She was a Blood Elf, and such possessed a sort of timeless allure. Her glossy lips, plush and enticing, were pursed into a thin, amused smile, whilst long sandy hair, streaked with brown.

She had a tattoo on her left shoulder, depicting a winged demoness with horns and a tail, silhouetted save for a devious smile.

“Welcome~” she said. Her voice was beautiful, but commanding. As expected of one versed in dominance. “I am Mistress Seja~ And you are?”

“I-I am Herc Gernson,” he stammered, feeling as enticed as he was nervous. Just looking at her was getting him worked up, a tightness in his pants making itself rather known.

“Well, Herc Gernson… I am guessing you are here because you wish for me to make your dreams come true… dreams of submission~”

He nodded, watching her as she crossed her legs the other way, a rather sensual display, slow and deliberate.

“You want to be dominated… made to lust over a woman who controls you~”

He nodded again. Her voice was like honey to his ears, a caress on his mind, and he didn’t even need her to be a mind reader.

That being said, she was a lot calmer than he expected; Blood Elves weren’t too common, and were known for their aggressive tendencies. Not necessarily murderous, but they were notorious for competitiveness and they often found work in violent occupations.

Yet here one was working in a Brothel… though, she was a… what was the word used? A dominatrix. So perhaps it made sense in the end.

“Yes… I want that,” he admitted. “But… I don’t think I’d feel comfortable doing anything too extreme… like being treated as an animal, or such.”

He winced, expecting her to express some frustrations, but she only chuckled knowingly.

“It’s no secret that I enjoy being able to cut loose,” she admitted, leaning forward and showing off her cleavage; she was generously endowed. Not as much as some, but enough he could imagine those breasts of hers smothering his head and wrapping around his penis. “Being allowed to break men as I please, do as I wish, command them as I desire~ Make them crawl and beg and suffer delicious cruelty~ Cruelty they crave~ But that is precisely it; what they crave. If you desire something a bit more nuanced… I will happily oblige~ Limitations are important in my occupation, Herc~”

He let out a huff; the way she spoke in the first half was deeply erotic, and her tone was terribly seductive. But it backed off to a more sympathetic one towards the end. He felt some relief in that; the last thing he wanted was for this dream to turn sour.

“That does make me feel a bit more confident,” he admitted.

“I may be sought after to be served, but it is still in service to those who desire to be beneath my heels~ Should you wish for some changes, do let me know~ But once we begin, I will be deigning to maintain as much command as befits the illusion~”

She laughed deviously, licking her lips slowly.

“So then, if you have any further questions or requests, share them~ Otherwise, you may freshen up… though, I would appreciate it if you kept your underpants on~”

“Right,” he murmured. “I guess I only ask that you don’t put anything in my mouth, just cover it, unless it’s part of you. And that you don’t flog me or degrade me with words. I guess… I want to be teased, feel like I’m not in control, taunted and mercilessly pleasured, but not humiliated.”

He was surprised that he was being so forward, but Seja only nodded.

“I can do all of that… in fact, I think I know exactly what kind of person you are~” she said. “I don’t think I will have any difficulties with you~”

He gulped nervously, and she chuckled in a way that told him she was still going to find a way to torment him, and he was going to enjoy every second of it.

This wasn’t just her job. It wasn’t just her livelihood. It was her passion. And they hadn’t even started.

“I’ll go get undressed then,” he said, turning towards the small room behind the curtain next to the entrance.

Seja nodded, and Herc turned and drew the curtain closed.

It was a small space, but the washbasin was filled with water, a small grey towel hanging from a bar beneath it. There was also a scrubber, a volcanic stone and what appeared to be soap.

He’d saved up a while to come here, and he was starting to understand it wasn’t just the girls that made the place so pricey.

He looked into the mirror; somehow, he looked like a wreck despite cleaning himself up this morning, shaving himself and combing his chestnut hair, which hung to his jawline, framing his face. He was neither too masculine or too boyish, described as handsome by some though he didn’t particularly see it, especially as he was just on the cusp of his thirties and he wasn’t particularly athletic, though neither did he have any real flab.

Blue-green eyes stared back at him, and then he fixed on his nose, the tip possessing a slight downwards point.

He’d always been a little embarrassed by it, but he figured that would be the least of his embarrassment now.

He sighed, and dipped his hands into the basin, splashing his face and rubbing it down with the cool water. He scrubbed his face with some added soap, before stripping down to his underwear, folding his clothes neatly to one side, the wooden floor feeling a little cold beneath his bare feet.

He lathered up his body in soap, and proceeded to freshen himself up first with the volcanic stone, and then the scrubber, before dabbing himself dry with the towel.

He remained where he was for a moment, and after one last moment of trepidation, he inhaled, and then exhaled, and walked back out into the room in nought but his underwear.

Seja’s eyes narrowed, and her grin tugged a little higher at the corners.

Then she looked him in the eyes.

“If you wish at any moment to make a change, or tell me to stop, you need only ask. If you feel you can trust me, then you need not give me a phrase or word beforehand as a code. If it allays any concerns, tell me your phrase now.”

He thought about it, but then shook his head.

“I trust you to know if I’m being serious,” he said, crossing his arms as he felt a little self-conscious.

“I have been in this line of work for many years, Herc. Some prefer safe words, others do not. I have learned how to tell serious requests to stop from people simply getting into ‘play’, so to speak,” she explained with a serious tone he’d yet heard from her. “But rarely is ‘stop’ said without people meaning it. And if they truly mean it, they make it clear.”

“I understand,” he answered.

“Now, with that out of the way, do you wish to begin~?” she asked, her previous seductive, commanding allure returning.

“I guess… yes. Just one last thing… try to use as much as your body on me as possible, please,” he requested with more than a little embarrassment.

She laughed softly.

“I planned on it… how better to torment you~? Now then… step forward.”

Her tone had shifted again, still alluring, but now far more commanding.

He flinched a little, but Herc now realised he was in it. It had started, and he didn’t think he could back out now. Not personally.

He stepped forward, and the first thing she did was lift a leg and press the bottom pad of her shoe to his bulge, his nerves taking his mind off just how tight they’d become until now. He let out a meek sound, and one corner of Seja’s mouth tugged a little higher, as she started to gently circle the bottom of her shoe to his erection, constrained by his underpants.

“You are going to serve me, Herc~” she said with that seductive but domineering voice. “You are going to do as I instruct you, or you are going to stay still and silent whilst I torment you as I see fit~”

“Y-Yes, Mistress Seja,” Herc responded.

She huffed in feigned indignation.

“I did not ask you to speak… but then again, you already know your place… perhaps, instead of commanding you to silence, I will instead simply punish you whenever you do open your mouth~”

She moved her foot down, her shoe grazing along the straining fabric of his underwear until the tip was prodding against his testicles, making him flinch again, Seja gently pushing against them, but not enough it became painful.

“Y-Yes, Mistress Seja,” he repeated, prompting her to push a little harder, smirking.

“Eager for punishment, I see~”

She kept up her grinding motions for a little longer, before she pulled her foot away. Then, she rose from the bed, stepping towards him and trailing two fingertips up his bare torso, his diaphragm twitching in reflex, until her digits grazed over his chest, up his neck, coming to rest on his chin.

She was taller than him by a small margin, but enough that he had to look up just a little… or be made to look up, Seja gently tilting his head by his chin.

“Against the wall~” she commanded, and Herc nodded, stepping backwards as though he instinctively knew that’s what she wanted, Seja keeping her fingers to his chin and walking with him.

He felt his back press against the wall between the curtained entrance to the wash space and the other door. From there, she stepped forward, and gently pressed her leather-clad bust to his chest, though he got the barest caress of her skin against his above the edge of the skin-tight leather.

A breath hitched in his throat, making her chuckle softly.

“Do I intimidate you~?” she inquired.

“A little, Mistress Seja,” he answered.


She raised a knee, and pressed it to his genitals, still imprisoned in their underpants. She gently ground her knee against them, squashing them softly, caressing his inner thighs, whilst her hands grasped his shoulders for leverage.

Yet, even on one foot and using the knee of the other leg to tease him, her balance was impeccable, the pressure her bust exerted on his chest never wavering.

“So long as I arouse you and intimidate you all at once, then I will control you…” she said, breathing out over his face; he’d never given much thought to her aroma, but now that she was so close, he could scent the perfume she wore, a tantalising mix of wildflowers and wine. And her breath was no different, smelling of dark chocolate and some other sweet aroma he could not place. Then her voice dropped to a low, tempting whisper. “… and you want to be controlled~”

A shivering sigh left his mouth as she said this, and she pulled away with a knowing chortle, continuing to grind her knee to his junk, before she opted for a different tactic, turning around and pushing her rump to his bulge.

She began to grind, gyrating her hips with a delicate precision and mercurial pace. It was hypnotic to watch her body bend and undulate with such ease, so erotic and mesmerising.

It felt good too, the leather that banded the front and back of her attire between her legs quite smooth, and her bare cheeks conforming to his contours delightfully, even if she was only applying a light pressure, letting her glutes glide over his tent. Even when she slid over the rest of his hips, it felt titillating.

Her arms moved up her sides and then up her hair, lifting it and then letting it fall with yet more mesmerising beauty, the silky strands hardly messed once they fell back into place, her arms still rising to stretch towards the ceiling.

He wanted to reach out and touch her, to run his hands all over that gorgeous body of hers… but he refrained. He hadn’t been given permission. And he’d asked for this, to be teased mercilessly.

The temptation, however, was terribly strong, and he was starting to grunt just trying to resist it, let alone from the delight of her grinding dance.

“I can feel how hard you are… poor thing, fighting so hard to get out of its prison~”

She chortled again, and turned her head to give him a sideways look, biting her lower lip.

“But it stays in there for now, Herc~ It comes out when I’m satisfied you’ve been tortured enough~”

He nodded, but could not suppress a groan when she exerted more pressure, crushing his genitals into his crotch with her rump, slowing her actions but applying more effort, a seething sound passing through her teeth, lower lip held seductively by her upper jaw, a sound of domineering glee.

He could feel something beading from the tip of his glans. And she felt it when her caress let her bare skin touch that moisture.

She paused, and then turned to give him another sideways glance.

“How depraved~” she taunted, before resuming her efforts, going faster once again.

But as quickly as she resumed, she stopped, turning around to press her body to him with just a bit more pressure than before, cupping his genitals through his pants with a hand, whilst clasping his cheek with the other.

“You’re already making a mess, and haven’t even touched it directly yet… are you this aroused by me~?”

He nodded, and groaned when she gave his junk a squeeze, Seja leaning her face in close to his until there was only a hairsbreadth between them.

“Say it~”

“I-I am this aroused by you, Mistress Seja,” he answered.

She smirked, satisfied with the answer, and pulled away, letting go of his crotch. But still she wasn’t done with him.

“Lay on the bed, on your back,” she commanded, giving his rump a taunting squeeze when he passed her on his way.

He laid down in the middle, and watched as she passed by one side, brushing her fingertips across his junk, prompting a flinch from him. He kept his arms to his sides, fighting the urge to stroke his cock. Again, her fingers trailed tantalisingly up his body, twin trails of pressure that tickled his skin in a pleasant manner, though he wasn’t expecting her to circle one of his nipples with a fingertip before moving on… and he certainly wasn’t expecting how sensitive it was.

He was starting to feel self-conscious about how much he had shaved, practically all of his chest hair gone. His legs were bare, and even his armpits had been neatly trimmed. A lot of effort, though she made no comment, simply exploiting his bare skin.

Her fingers brushed across his lips, the gloves silky smooth.

“I wonder how long you can resist touching me… we’ll see how much resolve you have, Herc~”

She moved around to the other side of the bed, walking back down his body with her hand, teasing his other nipple along the way and giving his still-constrained cock a few strokes, before standing at the end of the bed, facing him.

Then, he watched as she crawled onto the bed, and towards him, a slow, sensuous motion, taking each step with a calculated pace, lowering herself to brush her leather-clad breasts across his legs, then his thighs, and finally upon his crotch, where she lingered, dropping down to rub her chest to his junk. She released sensual breaths, and bit her lower lip in her usual tempting way, and it was as alluring as the first time she had tried it.

She continued to tease his member with her bust, but Seja wasn’t one to let her subjects grow used to her, as Herc soon learned when he felt her tongue graze along the side of his belly.

A gasp escaped him, and he watched as she unfurled a strikingly red tongue across the skin of his waist, and then to his belly.

She left a saliva trail behind, the air of the room cooling against it. She followed up her licks with luscious kisses, small and focused, soft smacking making its way up from his gut to his ears. They were delicate sounds, endearing and delightful.

He pressed the back of his head into the bed, feeling the sheets close in around his head as he forced his cranium into the mattress a little. It fought against him, but it was nonetheless a very soft bed, more comfortable than most of the inns could boast.

Seja soon resumed crawling over Herc, grazing her breasts along his body the whole way, brushing from side to side, or up and down, her body shifting in that hypnotic way. He couldn’t believe how erotic one person could be, yet this Blood Elf was proving herself to be aggressive in an entirely different way.

She didn’t need to be forceful or loud to be commanding and assertive. It was no wonder she came highly recommended.

She paused again, this time to rub her chest slowly to his, making small circular gyrations against his torso, or up and down brushing, alternating between the methods at her whim.

Another sigh was drawn from him, and then a whimper when he felt her attack his ear with her lips.

“M-Mistress,” he uttered. It was not commanded, so his immediate punishment was her teeth closing around the upper arch of his assailed ear. Not enough to hurt, it was no real bite… but it was tantalising all its own, such a commanding act. Then her tongue got to work, and he couldn’t suppress his breaths of stimulation. All he could hear in that ear was the slick sound of her tongue slipping all across the contours of its outer surfaces. She latched onto his earlobe, suckling briefly, switching then to suck on the upper arch.

She hadn’t said a single word this entire time, and she didn’t need to, focusing on her torment of him.

Having her body against him, rubbing so luxuriously, erotically… the temptation to just take a hold of her was incredible. He wanted to feel everything, to grind himself to her form. He’d always enjoyed the intimacy with the women he’d been with in the past. But being constrained from that, as Seja’s obedient subject… it was maddening and arousing all at once.

He squirmed a little beneath her, sighing when she let go of his ear, only to have his neck attacked, licks and kisses, slow and targeted, making his voice hitch in his throat. His breathing went shallow, twitching as she drew her lips together in slow smooches, working across his neck to the other side, until his other ear was subject to her torment.

And once Seja was done with that, she slid up even further, now starting to grind her hips to his body. As for her bust, she used it to smother his face.

It was cruel, squashing her breasts around his head whilst still clad in their leather. He wanted to feel those mounds moulding around him. But Seja was in charge, and no doubt that was part of the dominance.

She’d only give him what he wanted once she was satisfied he’d been tormented enough. And since the torment itself was one of his desires, she was not going to give half measures.

His arms lifted briefly, but he resisted the urge to touch her. No matter how good her body felt grinding against him, undulating with such a delightful caresses, he could not hold her. Not touch her, not squeeze her.

He never thought being denied what he wanted could feel so… enjoyable. Horrible, yes. But enjoyable. A strange combination of emotions to be certain, but he did not reject them.

She arched her body a little, pressing her chest even more firmly into his face, before finally retreating a little to give him a chance to breathe.

“It looks like you succeeded, Herc~” she purred, bringing a finger to tug on his lower lip. “So I guess I should reward you for such obedience~”

She sat up, placing a bit more pressure on him as she straddled his body. Then she began reaching around behind her back, and started fiddling with her garb. There was a dull clicking sound, and the upper part of her leather attire came loose, allowing her to tug it down, and bare her breasts to him.

His eyes immediately fixated upon them; they were as generously endowed as he believed. Not true man chokers like some of the tavern ladies flaunted, but enough to smother anyone in a way they’d enjoy.

Her nipples were a darker shade of reddish-pink than the rest of her skin, and they were erect. He wanted so badly to touch him, but he wasn’t going to get that chance. Not yet at least.

Not until he’d earned it.

She pushed them together with her upper arms, shifting them in a titillating manner, shaking them from side to side slowly.

“Do they not look tempting, Herc~? I can see in your eyes, calculating just when you will have a chance to touch them, to squeeze them between your own fingers… only when I have deemed you worthy of such a reward… for now, this is what you deserve~”

She spent a little while taunting him with a sultry show of toying with her own bust, fondling and groping them, massaging their pliant masses, letting him see her lift them up and let them drop, even if half an inch. It was enough to make them bounce and jiggle enticingly. She sank her fingers into them, kneading the soft globes and rubbing her fingertips in circles to her own nipples. All the while, she started to roll her hips, grazing her leather-clad groin across his bulging underpants, grinding upon his erection with a delightful pressure, like she was loosely stroking him off.

It was yet more cruelty, but it did not overstay its welcome. She decided then to lean forward, showing off her impressive dexterity, able to tilt her body down by the hips without losing balance, until she was able to rest her arms either side of his head… which she buried between her tits.

He sighed out shakily as he was enveloped by her bust, each globe trying to wrap around his head, whilst her sternum pressed to his face.

She chortled domineeringly, and started shaking her chest gently, her breasts repeatedly patting each side of his face. She also draped them up and down his face, and in a circular motion. She used her upper arms to squeeze them around his head, and she sometimes lifted her chest to press a singular mammary — and the nipple in particular — to his face, letting the erect nub scrape over it.

He was sorely tempted to kiss and lick those globes, but he constantly reminded himself that he hadn’t been given the permission yet. And she was doing what he asked… teasing him relentlessly.

Seja kept up her smothering assault for a little while longer, before finally lifting away, crossing her arms beneath her bust and lifting it up a little, a provocative display.

“Did you enjoy that, Herc~?”

He nodded slowly.

“Y-Yes, Mistress Seja,” he answered. Her giggle was as manipulative as ever, sweet, seductive, but domineering, possessing that veiled edge of cruelty.

He wondered just how cruel she could be for more masochistic clients.

“Excellent~ And you showed real obedience there, Herc~ Such restraint is admirable~”

She rose off of him once more, though not without a parting grope to his cock, still trapped in his simple underwear, threatening to peak out from the top, a moist patch apparent where his glans was, unable to stop the slow dribble.

He laid on the bed, waiting for the next command.

“Up,” she said, and he complied without hesitation.

She smirked at him as her eyes roamed him up and down.

“Your face is so red~” she crooned teasingly, before beckoning him with a wag of her finger. “Come here~”

He approached her, but he was made to stop when she reached out and grasped his member through his underpants.

“It’s terribly hard~” she uttered, leaning in close until her lips were almost brushing against his face, close enough that he could feel their proximity, yet still without any contact being made. Her voice was low and sultry. “I bet it’s just aching be free~” She began to stroke his shaft through the material. “Desperately~”

A hitched breath caught in his throat, and then found release through his nose, almost seething.

He felt so vulnerable this close to her. It was incredible how commanding she was. He was loving every second, no matter how much torment he was enduring.

She giggled again, and leaned her head a little to run her tongue along his neck, planting little pecks and kisses that she trailed up to his jawline.

“Even this little affection makes you shiver… I wonder how long you can last~”

Another shivering breath left his mouth, and the Blood Elf saw that as a sign to go further.

She huffed in satisfaction, and then slid her torso down, dragging those bare breasts against his chest, and his gut, Herc able to feel both nipples trailing along his skin, like the soft caress of fingertips.

And then, she was on her knees before him, yet even such a position had no diminishing effect on her. She seemed as in command as ever, especially when a traipsed around his waist, fingers walking along his skin until they found purchase on the cleft between his own glutes, Seja giving one of his lower cheeks a possessive squeeze, making him twitch in response.

“Ah…” It was a meek sound from his mouth, one that made Seja giggle delightedly.

“You sound so cute, Herc… a grown man, making such adorable noises… how perverse~”

She giggled yet again after her statement, before she brushed her cheek against his bulge like she was nuzzling it affectionately.

“It’s warm~ Your blood must be boiling like mine~” she noted, breathing out over the fabric, and he could feel her hot, moist breath through the material.

And she was right, her cheeks felt like they were flushed. Every touch he felt, her skin possessed a pleasing warmth, despite her cold and calculated demeanour.

“I wonder if it could speak… would it be begging to be freed~?” she mused with a breathy tone, shifting her head a little to draw her lips together across his erection in a salacious kiss, even against the somewhat rough fabric. She made sure the kisses were quietly audible to him, as she started to plant slow but lusting kisses all over his bulge, even running her tongue against it.

Part of him felt a little perturbed, a strange sensation tingling across his own tongue. It could not have felt nice to lick that fabric. But he couldn’t deny that it was erotic to behold, and it certainly felt arousing, the moisture of her saliva, even as lightly applied as it was, gently making itself known against the skin of his penis.

“Do you want to feel my lips directly, Herc~?” she asked, talking between her relentless assault of soft kisses and licks. “Feel them against your cock~?” She planted a smooch to his covered glans. “Feel my tongue caressing its skin from root to tip~?” She ran the muscle as she described, not phased by the fabric. “Feel your balls find a new prison in my mouth~?” She kissed his jewels. “Maybe discover what my throat is like~?”

She did not do a soft demonstration of that remark, pulling back to let his erection strain against the material, the fabric pulling taut repeatedly as his cock throbbed in response to her absent attention. Just as disappointment tugged at his lusting heart.

She looked up at him, but there was no submission on her face. She was still in control, and she knew it. No matter how far below her client she was, if they asked her to do what she did best… she was in command of them, her will ever looming above them.

“Or should I just keep it locked away in this terrible garment~? Doomed to be forever forbidden from a most divine touch~ Such a difficult decision…~”

She giggled wickedly, and slid the crease of her lips along his bulge, cupping his testicles through the material with one of her hands, the other still groping one of his glutes.

He couldn’t take it anymore.

“Please…” he muttered.

She paused, and raised an eyebrow, looking at him.

“Oh~? What was that, Herc~?”

“Please,” he repeated. “I want to take it off…”

“What was that~?” she asked again.

“I want to take off my underpants so you can touch my cock…”

She gripped his member, stroking it slowly and firmly through his garment.

“I didn’t quite hear you… speak up~”

“Please!” he begged with a raised voice. “I want to feel you touch my cock!”

She was quiet, but her grin deepened into a cruel expression, thought one full of satisfaction.

“Good boy~” she purred, before bringing her hands to the hem of his underpants, and starting to slowly tug them down.

He saw his pink-purple glans first, slipping out past the sliding top of his underwear the moment it could overpower the hem, rising to attention. It looked so slick with precum that’d been smeared all over it by the strained fabric. It also helped ease the friction of the slightly coarse material against his sensitive tip.

The musky smell was… intense. And from the way she inhaled through her nose, she clearly enjoyed that cologne of masculine arousal.

“Your lust is intense, Herc~” she praised, before finally pulling his underwear down to his knees. She paused for a moment, and observed his cock, now on display in all its glory.

It had a slight kink in it, tending towards the left just a little, and though from the side it was quite straight, now that it wasn’t constrained by his underwear, and allowed to erect fully. It was a nice size, about average, but it could suitably please a woman, and had a girth one could nicely wrap their hand around.

It was also devoid of hair, only the thinnest stubble present around his groin.

“I had noticed before, but I see you have shaven yourself… for me~? I’m flattered~” she said with a pleased tone.

The cock bobbed as though it was happy itself. Herc simply grunted meekly, feeling even more vulnerable now, and even more aroused.

“It is a delicious looking cock you have, Herc… I wonder what it tastes like…~” she trailed off, leaning in close, pursing her lips in preparation for a kiss.

But when there was but a hairsbreadth between her mouth and his tip, her lips closed together in a feigned smooch before any contact could be made.

“But you didn’t have permission to speak before… you don’t get to feel my mouth just yet~”

She let out a soft, taunting cackle, wrapping her hand around his girth, starting to stroke it.

He wanted to whimper and complain to her, that it wasn’t fair… and it wasn’t. But gods, if it didn’t get his heart racing. He knew, deep down, that she wouldn’t deny him forever, but this denial right now was just cruel.

He loved it and hated it, and he loved how he hated it. It just felt… so damn good. He surprised himself.

Of course, the way her gloved hand felt against his cock proper was delightful. It made his member twitch, reflexive jerks whenever she tugged on it. She had a stimulating technique too, twisting her hand a little as she pulled towards his tip, and then back down again. She brought her other hand around, and used it to caress and massage his testicles, tugging on the scrotum and juggling the orbs playfully within their sack.

He wanted to feel her bare skin, though, but for now… this was heavenly, if subject to her dominance.

He couldn’t control the way his tip beaded precum, of course.

“Look at this~” she noted. “Dribbling like a loose beer keg spigot… how perverse~”

She laughed softly, and used his leakage to her advantage, smearing the clear seminal fluids across his glans, and then his length, allowing a slowly growing lubrication, and thus a slow increase in the grip strength and slickness of her motions.

Soon his entire member felt greasy, and her gloved hands easily slid up and down his girth, complete with that torturous yet delightful twisting motion, a reciprocating rotation that made her fingers and palm feel like they were spiralling against his girth, pulling on his foreskin, which served to lubricate him further, drawing up precum as the skin sheathed his glans, which was then caught by her glove as her strokes peeled his skin back and let the leather slide over the collected stuff, smearing it further.

He began to pant, but he knew, despite the pressure in his loins, that he wasn’t going to blow.

She was too careful for that, her pace calculated to pleasure, to stimulate, but not to force him past that threshold.

She wanted him on the precipice, where she could torment him best.

“Your cock wets itself almost as much as a woman’s pussy… I like it~”

A rare compliment, even if mixed with a mild taunt. Herc couldn’t smile though, his face constantly contorted by small breaths of pleasure, and grunts of strain, mild as they were.

Seja, of course, did not seem at all exerted. She’d done very little that could be considered strenuous, but she didn’t need to be rough, or harsh.

She had more than enough finesse to wrap Herc around her finger with the barest effort.

She pulled back, letting go of his manhood, but only briefly. All so she could use her teeth to pull her gloves off her arms, letting her fingers flex now that they had all their dexterity at their disposal.

And when they wrapped around his genitals once more, he flinched; it was a different feeling compared to the gloves; the leather was smooth, but her skin was almost as silk, though it had that texture that only skin could provide, imparting a kind of friction that tantalised.

The touch was only enhanced by her technique, her masterful use of grip and pressure letting her fingers dance across his manhood, not gripping him fully just yet. Instead, she opted for an unusual method, holding her fingers like the bars of a cage, and slowly stroking the tips of her digits up and down his girth and across his glans, doing something similar to his testicles.

“I enjoy doing this~” Seja remarked. “Men can’t stand how it feels… like they’re being scoured by velvet tines~”

He could only agree with her assessment. It was a technique designed to torment as much as tantalise, leaving one’s cock begging for an actual grip. But his only verbal response to the dominant elf was a series of soft, lusting gasps, pleasured breaths drawn from him by her efforts.

She giggled at him as she maintained her course, though she altered the sensation by starting to twist her hand, such that her fingertips spiralled up and down his rod with titillating precision.

He wanted to call out her name, but he knew that would only incite further punishment from her… but the mistress’ ‘punishments’, cruel as they were, were ever tantalising.

Seja shifted her gaze between his besieged penis and his face, an expression that he could only describe as cruel temptation painted upon it, lips curled in a soft but knowing smile, one that conveyed just how well she had learned his body.

It was a terrible look, one that made him feel weak, helpless, and one that drew him deeper into her snare.

Then her fingers wrapped around his cock and his jewels properly, and finally, he felt her stroke him with a full grip, though she kept her strength measured, squeezing just enough that it felt like her palm and fingers were gliding along his skin, but also so that her grip rolled his foreskin up and over his glans and peeled it back again repeatedly, as before when she was wearing her gloves.

“A-Ahhh…” His moan was hitched from the stimulation, directing some of his focus onto his legs so he could remain standing. If he didn’t, he feared he would’ve buckled, and he did not want to collapse in front of his mistress.

He groaned, toes curling against the floor.

That pressure in his loins was building again, a desperate cry in his mind for release. But he would only get it when she decreed, not before.

She changed technique briefly, gripping his glans and gently wringing it like one polished a doorknob or the pommel of a sword, forcing his glans into her palm.

“I can feel your arousal staining my hand, Herc~” Seja remarked with a teasing tone. “I bet you could slip inside me so easily right about now, so much of it covering your dick… but you’re far from receiving that delight, Herc~”

Seja giggled, and then she let go of him, leaving his cock to bob needily. He let out a whimper, wishing she’d take him all the way. But the feelings of need and desire mixed with the euphoria filling him.

She was denying him, but the frustration he felt didn’t suppress the simple pleasure her efforts brought him.

She rose from her feet, and sauntered over to the bed, his eyes drawn to her rump; such a sultry sway, like a hypnotist’s pendulum.

The Blood Elf was sensual in all her movements, especially the way she twisted as she descended towards the edge of the bed, an impressive show of just how much control she had over her body. It hardly seemed as though gravity tugged on her when she sat down, that her sensual grace was but an expression of her will.

She was still bare-chested, and she seemed uninterested in covering up her breasts. Perhaps another means to tease him, having them so close, yet so far, a taunting display of what he couldn’t yet have.

“Come to me~” she commanded. He obliged, but then she raised her hand once he was a bit over a foot from the bed’s edge. “Stop there… on your knees~”

He dropped to his knees as commanded. She smiled, her tongue just barely peeking out past her lips as it drew from one corner of her mouth to the other.

“You’ve been desperate to touch me since you submitted to me… so I shall reward your obedience with a small permission~”

Then she raised one of her feet before his face, pointed towards his nose.

“Take off my shoes~” she commanded.

“Yes, Mistress,” Herc obliged, reaching up to delicately remove her footwear. He was precise, carefully sliding the shoe from her foot with a practised skill, forged through years of excellent carpentry.

Though compared to her hands, his were quite a bit rougher, the price of experience and skill.

She flexed her toes once the shoe was removed, and Herc couldn’t help but marvel at how smooth it was; it had no coarseness to speak of at all, as though she somehow spared it the wear of life; even the least active of people still earned hardier skin on the soles of their feet simply through walking. But Seja took great care of her feet, for even the ball and heel had skin like silk from appearances.

It made him want to touch them, to see if appearances spoke truth.

She raised her other foot, and presented her other shoe. He removed that one with the same delicate touch.

Seja admired her feet with a pleased expression, mouth opening in silent appreciation.

Then she looked into his eyes, and bit her lower lip before issuing her next command, raising one of her feet until the big toe gently tugged at his lower lip in a teasing manner.

“Now… worship them~ And you will gain the privilege to touch more of me when I deign~”

At first he wasn’t sure. He never thought about feet in such a way until now. But he had wanted to touch them, to see if they really felt as smooth as they looked. And even the way she flexed her foot and exercised her toes had a sensual grace to it, no different to the swaying of her hips or the slow twists of her neck as she gave him those tempting glances.

Besides… he could not disobey his mistress.

His hands moved to gently grasp the foot in front of his face, and he started with a gentle caress and massage, squeezing her heel and gently manipulating her toes.

He wasn’t expecting how good it felt to finally be able to touch her proactively, even if limited to where, and under her command. Nevertheless, feeling that soft, silky skin beneath his hands… it made him desire her more, and helped ease some of the tension he’d built until this point.

Denial came with frustration, even if she wasn’t bringing him right to the precipice and bringing him back down. But to be able to touch something, to use his hands — something that much of his life revolved around, as a carpenter — brought him relief.

But he knew Seja had more in mind when she ordered him to worship her feet… so he leaned in, and gently took the big toe between his lips, suckling gently.

A pleased murmur left his mistress, watching as he continued to caress her foot. She licked her lips, whilst he licked between her toes, trying to emulate her careful, sensual efforts, though he was far less experienced in the carnal arts.

She made a living on it, after all.

He brushed his lips across her digits, whilst stroking and caressing her foot. He planted kisses, slipped several of her smaller toes into his mouth, and ran his muscle along her sole. His clumsy kisses weren’t as delicate as hers, but she made no effort to tell him off.

His saliva was slowly painting her foot, his tongue apply brush strokes all over, going as far as her ankles and a small ways up her shin, before retreating to her toes.

He didn’t realise this about himself… but now that he was here, touching, licking, kissing, suckling on her foot… Herc realised, as long as it was someone as sensual and tempting as Seja, he more than delighted in such an act.

She pulled her foot away once he’d worshipped it enough. Then, she brought her other foot before him, and with a nod, he proceeded to give it the same treatment.

Only, he faltered when he felt the sole of the foot he’d just service press to his erection. Seja’s eyes narrowed and her smile twisted in amusement.

“Keep going, Herc~” she commanded. So he did, but he fought to keep his focus on Seja’s foot in his hands and to his mouth when the other was starting to stroke his length up and down, rubbing the bottom sole along the underside of his penis, pushing her heel into his length as it slid up from the root, and pressing the ball of her foot to the back of his glans.

Then she altered technique, as was her way, this time focusing on her toes, scraping the digits down his cock, draping them across his balls with a teasing waggle, before sliding back up with a slight tilt to her foot so her knuckles grazed along his member, added points of firm pressure, particularly notable when they grazed over his glans, before she tilted her foot again, so that she could crudely grasp his helmet with her toes.

Seja started to gently wring his tip like she’d done with her hand, only it felt a little harsher given the lack of length and dexterity her toes had compared to her fingers… it was still stimulating in its own way.

But again, she never lingered on a single technique for too long, so even the twisting sensation was soon replaced when she slotted his dick between her big toe and the small one adjacent, applying quite a tight pressure around his girth, her knuckles grinding along his member on either side.

It made him falter a little as he applied a kiss to her ankle, but by this point, he’d already sufficiently worshipped it, as Seja pulled it away from his mouth… and brought it to his cock, using her toes to squeeze his glans and twist around it like she was doing before.

But now that both her feet were working on his member, it was an entirely different sensation.

“Does this feel good, Herc~?” Seja inquired with a seductive and lightly mocking tone, following with a low chuckle.

“Y-Yes Mistress… I never… never knew someone could use their feet like this,” he admitted to her.

“There are many uses for every part of the body~” she stated. “The best learn how to use every part in the most delightful way possible~”

She giggled, and once again changed her method, this time using one foot to fondle and juggle his balls, whilst the other caressed his length up and down, tilting her foot sideways so she could caress the flank of his cock with the middle of her sole.

Her touch was stimulating, she applied a feathery pressure or a squeezing grasp, exploiting what parts of his penis was most sensitive to different levels of sensations.

Herc couldn’t help panting in response. He could feel a pressure in his loins slowly rising, a pressure that had been churning without aim before then, his body yearning for release but never finding it.

Now she might actually draw out a climax from him, but she was going to take her time first.

He groaned as she shifted again, this time sandwiching the top and bottom of his cock between the top of one foot and the sole of the other, grinding slowly, the firmer, bony pressure from the foot below contrasting with the silky caress of her sole on the foot above.

Pre oozed from his tip, and she exploited the limpid discharge by smearing his arousal across his rod, adding additional lubrication.

Again, Seja changed technique, this time attacking his cockhead with both sets of toes at once, rubbing and squeezing the tip with merciless twisting motions, but slow enough as to keep him from climaxing until she wanted him to.

He was shivering from the feeling, and fighting the urge to grab her legs, if nothing else than to simply touch her. That brief permission to touch her had done more to him than he realised, and now that he was back to being forbidden, it was maddening.

Yet he loved it.

“Isn’t it wonderful~? Just what kinds of pleasures exist in the world, if one only looks for those that know… I can see from how your face twists that you agree~”

She followed up with a soft but wholly domineering laugh, relishing the utter control she had over him right now.

“M-Mistress… it feels amazing,” he agreed, a huff leaving his mouth as he attempted to keep himself from climaxing too suddenly; he was unused to this, so even her expertise and prowess may have been undone if he wasn’t careful.

But there was little to worry about, as she held back a little to provide him a chance to calm down, if only a few degrees.

Another change in method, and he felt either side of his dick being squeezed and stroked between the crooks of her toes, their tips and the balls of her feet wrapping around his girth as she pumped.

He panted. More pre dribbled from his tip, like dew rolling down a leaf.

His member throbbed with need, the terrible softness of her skin, mixing with the grip she exerted.

She could’ve perhaps done something more efficient with her hands. But that wasn’t the point. The point was how her feet made him feel. That he was beneath her heels, practically being stepped on, yet instead of humiliation, it was glee. Submissive, subservient glee, but glee all the same. She commanded his pleasure, and showed him that he was subject to her whims.

It was a true display of the disparity between dominant and submissive.

It only made him even more aroused than before, unwittingly bucking his hips between her toes.

It made her smirk.

“Someone is getting impatient… well, I think you have been a good boy up to this point, so I think I will let you have this~”

She finished her words with a giggle, and then she repositioned her feet once more, sliding her feet along until his mast was imprisoned directly between the soles of both.

That was when she got serious, starting to pump fast, vigorous, squeezing his length with effort intent on bringing him over the edge.

He couldn’t stifle his moans, or the twitching of his body, and nor could she hold back the low, cruel and teasing laughs as her feet tormented him.

Sometimes she pumped with both feet moving as one. Sometimes they stroked in opposite directions. Randomly she twisted her feet at the ankles. But ultimately, her effort was intended to bring him to climax as quickly as possible.

Herc shuddered beneath her, and he could feel that pressure rising inside of him, ready to burst at a moment’s notice.

She wasn’t stopping, Seja biting her lower lip, giving him a devious, narrow-eyed gaze of pure dominance.

Precum was practically drooling from his helmet now, thoroughly smeared across his girth and lathered into his skin, the sound of her feet sliding against his member slick and fast.

“M-Mistress!” he spoke in warning. It was out of turn, but she did not punish him for it, only laughing in her delightfully wicked way.

“Yes, you’re going to cum~!” she remarked, her voice raised a little more than usual. “Don’t hold back now~!”

It was a commanding tone. She was stating in no uncertain terms that she both knew he was going to cum, and that she was letting him. And that he was not in a position to deny her.

Sure enough, with a low moan uncharacteristic of him, Herc came.

His cum fountained into the air, cascading down onto his gut and chest, as well as some around his crotch.

A good amount stained her feet, and a few ropes of the stuff landed upon her shins.

Seja didn’t stop her pumping though, not initially. She kept it going strong, making certain that Herc’s orgasm lasted, until a few pitiful dribbles signalled the end of his ejaculation.

Through it all, until he calmed, his moans filled the room, and his hips bucked a little with each burst he released from his tip.

Only once he was bucking dry did Seja pull her feet away, sighing out as she watched Herc’s body, his chest heaving since he started to pant.

“You must have been saving up to give so much~” she praised, reaching down with a hand to draw up some of his residue from both the sole of one of her feet, and his terribly sensitive glans, making him twitch as a finger brushed across his tip.

She drew her hand to her lips, and slipped her fingers between them, closing them around her digits and drawing them out slowly and salaciously, an enticing display he couldn’t help but watch.

Her eyes closed and she murmured in deep satisfaction, like she’d just taken the first bite of a truly wonderful meal.

“Delicious~” Seja crooned. “Quite virile, I must say~”

“Th-thank you, Mistress,” he answered, words stammered from his slowly normalising breathing.

She licked her fingertips clean, before standing up from the bed, leaving him where he crouched. The Blood Elf went to one of the bedside tables, and produced a small towel which she used to wipe down her feet and ankles, flicking the used towel to the side unceremoniously.

She turned back to him, and grinned.

“Wait here, Herc~” she commanded, striding past him with that sultry sway to her hips, though she did pause momentarily to brush her toes across the root of his cock before moving on. It kept him erect a little longer, but he was starting to soften… though slowly. He wasn’t quite past his arousal.

She disappeared into the wash room, and then returned with a glass pitcher filled with clean water. He hadn’t seen it in there, but it couldn’t have been the stuff he washed himself with.

She walked over to him, and then brought the small spout of the pitcher to his lips.

“Drink~ You’ll want to regain your strength, before we go again… I’m not satisfied with just one orgasm, and I doubt you’d object to more bliss knowing you could be ready to go~”

“Yes, Mistress,” he answered, before taking small sips of the cool, refreshing liquid. Gradually, he was taking thirsty gulps.

She crouched beside him, using one hand to hold the pitcher to his lips… the other gently fondling his testicles in order to keep his cock just that little bit erect.

Once he’d drank enough, the man groaned from the delicate attention to his genitals.

“Just a little play to keep you excited~” Seja assured, sliding her hand up his length and gathering even more of his residual seed, rubbing her thumb over his still sensitive glans, and then yet again providing an obscene display of her savouring what she’d wiped upon her hand, complete with another temptation-filled murmur.

It was a torment to be played with in such a way, teased and rubbed, after orgasm, but the truth was it was driving him towards another bout with Seja, and he could hardly resist.

And being played with after climax was it’s own enjoyable torture for Herc.

She eased off a little, only occasionally fondling his genitals — testicles and penis both — with sensual gliding rubs of her hand. Until she seemed that he’d recovered just enough for the second round.

“Now then… since I had thoroughly pleased you… you are going to give back to me, Herc~ Understood~?”

The words made him feel giddy.

“Y-Yes Mistress!” he responded enthusiastically.

She laughed merrily, and then stood before him, placing a firm hand upon the top of his head.

The next thing he knew, he was being guided into her abdomen, Seja pressing his face into her gut.

“Worship me~” she commanded.

He followed through without delay, opening his mouth, and starting with some slow kisses.

The soles of her feet had proven irresistibly soft, but it turned out her belly wasn’t much better, at least in regards to how terribly alluring it was.

Her skin was smooth, and she had little in the way of body fat, giving her such a slender physique. Still, her gut cushioned him, and the muscles beneath her skin provided a surprisingly pleasing pliancy, though not rigid and firm.

He couldn’t help rubbing his face against her gut, just so he could feel that supple touch against his cheeks and his brow, his nose brushing across her navel.

How could even her belly be this alluring?

He drew his lips together as he’d done to her feet, slow and precise, quiet smacking wafting up from where he applied his lusty attention.

She held her lower lip as she often did in a seductive gaze, looking down upon him as he worked. He could feel her fingers gently playing through his hair, in a way that was commanding, yet almost affectionate. It made him feel welcome against her body.

He tongued her navel, swirling his muscle about the depression, tasting her skin, kissing and sucking wherever he could.

His hands were by his side, but if he were allowed, by gods he would have been taking a full grip of her glutes. If not this session, maybe next time he would ask for more opportunity to touch her.

Oh yes, he was certain there’d be a next time. Seja was expensive, no doubt, but he made good money as a carpenter, and he was patient. He could wait.

Though after this, waiting was going to be an exercise in willpower.

Soft sighs made their way to Herc’s ears, encouraging noises from Seja’s lips.

“Good boy~” she praised. “You know your place perfectly~”

He nodded against her gut, and his cock bobbed eagerly as if giving its own response.

He could feel the tiniest bead dribbling from the tip. She was a master at invigorating her clients after one round. Most brothels only ever provided one.

He kept up his efforts for as long as she wanted, not stopping until she gave him a command.

“Enough~” she said, though even that was said with a distinctly sensual tenor. “Lay on the bed~”

She let him go, and he pulled back with a soft gasp.

“Yes, Mistress.”

He rose to his feet and moved to the bed, laying back upon it. There, he felt Seja grasping his arms and tugging him more into the centre of the bed, until she was satisfied with his positioning.

Then, he felt the mattress sag as she stood upon it, placing her feet on either side of his head.

Giving him a rather pleasing view of her rear, still clad in the leather attire that only covered her lower half now… but barely contained her glutes, shapely and alluring.

She began to sway her hips from side to side in an enticing sway, a teasing gesture meant to arouse him.

“Do you like the view, Herc~” Seja inquired with a knowing tone.

“It is… amazing, Mistress,” he answered, an honest assessment.

Though not entirely honest, as he was yearning to have her nethers within reach.

She chortled softly, reaching behind to grasp one of her glutes and grope it salaciously.

“I bet you want to feel my rump to your heart’s content, don’t you~?” she wagered.

“Y-Yes, Mistress,” he answered. Just watching her sway her hips like that was getting him as hard as he was before.

Seja really did have a way of drawing out stamina in men.

She gave her rump a light slap and a taunting laugh.

“Since you’re being so honest, I’ll grant your desire… so long as you hold your tongue~”

There was always a catch, but it’s what he paid her for, and what he enjoyed regardless.

Seja began to drop to a crouch, and then to a kneel, until she was on her knees and smothering his face between his glutes.

He let out a muffled moan, almost one of protest, though it was nothing of the sort. He could feel the leather strip covering her nethers pressing to his lips and nose, but the delightfully pliant glutes of her rear enclosed his face, conforming to his features and exerting a luxurious pressure.

As expected, they were firmer than her breasts, so even more binding.

She let out a sigh, and then gently shook her hips from side to side, grinding her cheeks against his face.

“You make an excellent seat, Herc~” she teased, traipsing her fingers across his chest, eliciting a flinch from him when they played across his nipples, circling the small discs and all but tickling the small bumps.

He groaned, and she laughed.

“Enjoying yourself~?” she inquired, her tone revealing full well that she didn’t expect an answer beyond muffled groaning and murmuring, just another act of teasing.

He so desired to kiss and lick her rump, but he refrained, staying obedient to his mistress.

His obedience would be rewarded in due course.

For now, he simply revelled in the feeling of her glutes crushing against his face, squashing his nose and even tugging on his lips from the sensual friction, a silky sensation. Her glutes slipped across his face as she gyrated her hips in a circular pattern, and then rolled them back and forth.

In this position, he was unable to avoid smelling the perfume she seemed to exude from everywhere. He was starting to wonder if it was somehow her natural scent.

It made being in her proximity almost bewitching.

Her methods were what actually fulfilled that.

Herc groaned, and he could feel his cock throb needily, aching for more attention even after her feet had driven him to climax.

His sensitive nipples made him flinch erratically, almost squirming beneath her, though he remained largely still for his mistress. His body was just inexperienced in such pleasures.

He loved it.

Then he felt her weight shift. Her glutes moved and he found his face buried more in her crotch and between her upper inner thighs than her rump, and her hands moved from his chest.

Then he felt her naked breasts squash to his waist, nipples poking his skin.

Followed by one hand to a thigh… and the other wrapping its fingers around his cock, giving it a single pump.

He let out a surprised murmur directly against her leather-clad vulva, which was enough to make her giggle in stimulation.

“Surprised~? I’m sure you would be… but I don’t think you’ll mind… consider this an escalation~”

There were a few more pumps to his cock… until he felt a wet touch against his glans.

His hips bucked in reflex, and Seja giggled. There was another moist caress, sliding around his corona from one side of his helmet to the other.

It was her tongue, slick and deadly stimulating with its precision, even with how lightly it was touching.

He bucked again when she dabbed her tongue’s tip directly against the slit on his glans, an involuntary gasp released directly against her mound.

She tilted his length to the side, and he felt her lips against his cock, Seja gently brushing the folds against his rod with a feathery pressure, pressing just enough to let her lips be caught and tugged by his length.

She did this to both sides of his length, right down to the root, even leaning a little forwards so she could give his testicles some of the same gentle attention.

Then her tongue returned, applying light licks across his root and randomly around all sides of his member, interspersed with quick, soft pecks.

Her efforts were calculated, meant to tease and entice, not necessarily stimulate. But the feeling of her oral attention to his manhood was exquisite all the same, especially when she applied firmer licks and kisses, really letting him feel the moisture of her touch.

But it wasn’t just the saliva, but the soft plushness of her succulent lips as they splayed across his girth and the terribly precise motions of her tongue. Sometimes it was the brush of the flat to his skin. Other times, it was a precise touch with the tip of her tongue applying a tracing point of pressure that trailed around his skin.

As she did this slow, delicate and tormenting dance around his pole, she stroked the lower half of his penis with one of her hands, using only her thumb and the middle and index fingers, the other two brushing against his groin.

Then he felt her other hand grope his testicles, squeezing them in her palm, gently tugging on the sack whilst his girth was caught between her stroking and her licks and kisses.

His head wasn’t spared either, the Blood Elf grinding against his head with a wondrous weight upon his face, her thighs enclosed around his cranium and permitting him no escape or room to move.

And he still wasn’t allowed to touch her or use his mouth. This was maddening, yet he couldn’t get enough of it.

He didn’t quite realise just how obedient he was, able to resist simply grabbing her… was he always this submissive?

He knew he had such desires, but this unexpected even to him.

Oh well.

She wiggled her tongue down one side of his cock, and up the other. Then she went down that side, and up the first. And after that, she chose her sides randomly, running her tongue erratically wherever she pleased, primarily using the tip of the muscle to trace tantalising trails of wet pressure all over his girth.

Her tongue raised up and curled around, and attacked the frenulum on the back of his glans, earning a large bead of precum from his tip, before she ran it back down and waggled her muscle at the root of his member, where it joined with the top of his scrotum, tugging his penis down so she had access given her position.

Seja kissed at his testicles, gently shaking them, before returning to his tip. But now, she slowed down, and began to swirl her tongue about his glans with a tepid precision, applying just the right amount of pressure to stimulate, but not enough to be considered firm.

The Blood Elf circled her tongue around his glans, releasing a muted sigh. She started licking his cock again, one long stroke up and down his sides, pressing a bit more firmly than before, curling the tip up beneath his corona before focusing on his glans again, all whilst her hands did their work gently fondling his balls and pumping the lower half of his mast.

It was intense simply from how slow and precise it was. She knew every point on his cock, every nerve his penis that elicited the most delight when tripped. Sometimes she let her lips drape across his meat and then draw together in slow, suckling kisses, leaving a thin layer of saliva behind, and gentle smacking sounds in their wake that barely made it to Herc’s ears, still trapped between her thighs and within her crotch.

He felt his balls receive similar kisses, and even brief moments of an orb or both being drawn into her warm, wet mouth.

He moaned involuntarily, trying to stifle his sounds of bliss obediently, but simply unable to hold back how good he felt, which only made it worse for him when Seja giggled or murmured in turn, lips ever so gently thrumming against his scrotum, his rod, or his glans.

He felt one of his throbbing veins traced by her tongue, gliding along the bulging line with a luscious touch.

She wasn’t being rough, but it was intensely domineering all the same.

But as always, Seja wasn’t one to stick to a single technique forever, much as she may have wanted to; Herc perhaps was not yet ready for that kind of hopeless torture.

She brought her lips to his tip again, and after a few suckling kisses as before… she began to take his glans into her mouth, tongue swirling and gliding around his helmet with the exquisite dexterity he’d come to experience from it.

She thoroughly wet his cockhead, and bobbed her lips up and down his glans alone, yet never slipped off his tip.

It felt heavenly, those plush lips sealing so nicely around his sensitive tip, how they gently rolled and tugged against his flesh, and the slippery tongue that endeavoured to ensnare his mind.

His toes curled, his hands clenched into fists, and then gripped the sheets to keep himself from touching her.

Seja herself murmured as though sucking his member was a pleasing experience to her all on its own, and that was only adding to Herc’s arousal; it was a wonderful thing, to feel one’s dick sucked… but for Seja to be passionate about it, as though it felt good to her as much as it did to him… that was simply irresistible to the man. It made everything she did so much better and more exciting.

Then she popped off his tip with a quiet smack, and lifted her hips away from his face, though not without giving her hips a good shake, letting her thighs gently tap and brush against the sides of his face in a teasing manner.

“You’ve been such a good boy, Herc~” she praised, looking down between their bodies at him with a teasing expression. “Therefore, you deserve a fitting reward~”

She reached between them with a hand… and tugged aside that leather strip that separated her vulva from his face.

He could see her pussy now, clearer than ever, and it was a delight to behold; clean shaven, cleaner and smoother than he could have ever achieved, as though hair simply did not grow where she did not wish — and indeed, he’d not seen or felt even the tiniest fuzz on her body, her only hair seemingly on her head and above her eyes — and soft just looking at it. It was a little puffy, her pink labia quite striking given her natural Blood Elf skin tone.

Everything looked so perfect.

Her arousal was also terribly evident, her folds sopping and her clit erect, and that just excited him more; he had paid her for this, but to see her enjoying herself filled his heart with gladness.

He could feel the heat from her pussy on his face, even with the inches between them. Her arousal must have been intense.

“You are going to use that mouth of yours for something useful, Herc~ And you are not going to stop of falter until I’m satisfied~ But since I’m a generous Mistress… I will let you use your hands to touch me~ Does that not sound good~?”

“Y-Yes, Mistress!” he answered excitedly. “Thank you, Mistress!”

She ‘humphed’ in amusement, and without warning, dropped her crotch down onto his face, rather firmly planting her mound upon his mouth.

Her lips returned to his glans shortly after, dropping just a little further than his tip this time.

Herc was stunned at first, simply taking in the fact he could feel her wet pussy against his lips. Her taste was pretty mundane, nothing special, but it did little to stifle his arousal. And she smelled exotic, a sweet aroma that made up for her the lack of taste to her fluids. Not that he really expected any different.

He just wanted to partake.

And once he got over his initial shock, and after a prompting shake of her hips against his head, Herc set himself to pleasing his mistress, opening his mouth and unfurling his tongue, starting with slow up and down strokes between her labia.

His hands gripped the sheets a little longer, but once he realised he was no longer bound by any obedient self restraint, they let go and his arms lifted up, fingers outstretching over her glutes, hovering just above them and wavering in hesitance.

But with her permission given, he couldn’t hold back, and he took firm handfuls of her rump cheeks, groping and kneading them, feeling his fingers trying to sink into her flesh, and feeling the resistance as her cheeks fought back against his exploring hands.

He eased up, and started caressing and rubbing her glutes instead, fondling them with desirous affection.

She was still grinding her hips against his face, though slower now to better let him work his mouth against her slit, Herc now using his jaw to suckle upon her mound, lips meshing with her lower folds, and tongue attacking her clitoris.

It made her moan, which only excited him when the vibrations coursed through her lips and tongue into his dick. And that made him moan in turn, more vibrations following, thrumming into her womanhood, and thus adding to the stimulation she felt.

He didn’t feel nearly as skilled as her, his efforts a little crude and clumsy, but he did not hold back, not after she commanded him. And to hear her moans as a result of his efforts was enough.

He clasped his mouth around her vulva as best he could, a little difficult given it was constantly grinding against him, but he managed, finding leverage in the hold he had on her rump.

But he was reminded of just who was in charge, when Seja began to sink further down upon his member, tongue swirling from either side and slipping past her upper lip to curl against that bulging cord along the underside of his penis as her head sank down.

Her mouth was terribly inviting, its warmth and wetness erotic and tantalising. Seja had taken him to the halfway mark, and slipped from there to his tip and back down again, all as her hands continued their efforts. Seja started twisting her head from side to side in a reciprocating fashion, rotating upon his cock as the axis.

She tilted her head too, forcing his glans to push against her cheeks, one or the other, bulging it out from within and subjecting him to a most delightful touch as the flesh of her inner cheeks closed around his glans, Seja making sure they rubbed to his sensitive tip.

And whenever pre beaded upon his tip, it was quickly lapped up by her tongue, ever probing about his girth, exploring and roaming where it willed.

She tugged on his balls, gently stretching his scrotum with her delicately caressing fingertips, before pushing the sack up against him, palming his jewels and then letting them fall away to a natural hang so she could juggle them.

She was still pumping his lower half with her other hand, though now it was just her thumb and index finger… and slowly, she was pumping less and less of his length, Seja bobbing upon his member and taking more and more into her mouth with each dip of her head downwards.

And soon enough, her hand was no longer pumping, simply gripping his root with thumb and index finger forming a tight ring, and soon after that, it slid away so she could take the final bit of his cock into her mouth, Seja able to go no further.

He was deep in her mouth now, able to feel his glans in her gullet… she wasn’t even gagging, let alone choking on the width lodged in her throat.

He was by no means big, but even that should’ve been difficult… but for her, it was nothing.

Seja suckled around his girth a little longer, slurping deliberately to please him, whilst her tongue slipped out past her lower lip and around his length so it could tease his balls with a waggling caress.

His cock was sopping by this point, utterly soaked in her saliva, adequate lubrication for when she began to rise and fall from root to tip upon his head.

Her expertise was delightful, Seja maintaining the seal of her lips and letting it break only occasionally, to let her tongue have more freedom for brief moments to tease him, before she was back to that luxurious, exotic fellatio that was building Herc towards another climax.

He couldn’t quite believe that she was already driving him closer to a second. He expected her to ease off — and she did to a mild degree, if only to make it last — before moving on to something else… but her efforts were consistent, and full of pleasure.

Of course, it did not mean they were in mutual standing now. She squeezed his balls on occasion, not enough to hurt, but enough to make him wince in reaction, reminding him she was in charge… and the way she fellated him served as another reminder. It was so skilled, so luxurious, it made his own efforts to please her falter. And yet another reminder was made in the form of her crushing her hips down onto his face every now and then, grinding slowly but firmly, easing up so he could continue his efforts without much impediment.

He felt he had to work harder, so he outstretched his tongue, and pushed it into her depths.

He swirled it around as deep as he could, tasting her walls and tugging on her folds, feeling them gently shiver against his probing muscle. He moaned into her depths, pressing his mouth firmly to her vulva so she could feel each and every vibration, adding to the stimulation.

She responded by twisting her head in that reciprocating motion as before, as well as tilting it so sometimes he did not feel his cock slide into her throat, but into her inner cheeks instead, grinding luxuriously against the slick, smooth flesh.

Either way, he felt her lips spiralling like a corkscrew around his girth, lips clasped as tightly as possible around his member, save for when her tongue darted out past them across his length, either with a firm caress or a vigorous waggle. But it mostly stayed behind its lips… especially since his glans hadn’t been out of her mouth since she planted her bare pussy against his face.

His hands gripped her rump, and he involuntarily pulled on her glutes and thus her hips more firmly against his face, so he could reach his tongue just that little bit deeper.

She didn’t protest to this… perhaps because she was working such he now remained close to the edge, always threatening to release, but never given that necessary push.

It was torment he enjoyed, but the frustration was one hell of a thing. Then he realised, she must have been waiting for him to satisfy her.

At least, that’s what Herc believed… if not, well, if he made her cum anyways, he was going to see that as a reward in of itself.

He started thrashing his tongue about in her depths. It had a shallow reach, but it was enough for her to moan a little more. But he also focused on her clit, wrapping his lips around the nub and letting his tongue retreat so he could attack it with a vigorous waggling of his muscle, circling the base of her clit with the tip of his tongue, flicking and prodding the button with a renewed intensity.

Her muffled moans intensified with his efforts, and she started bobbing faster, reciprocating her head to add to the stimulation, going from root to tip with a speed that should have ruined the smoothness of her fellatio… but it was as slick as ever.

Her fondling of his balls grew more assertive, tugging more frequently and a bit more firmly. And of course, her other hand slipped around his thighs to take a firm handful of one of his glutes, in a rather possessive manner.

It was enough to drive him over the edge, before he was able to bring her to climax. A strained moan thrummed directly against her pussy, whilst his hips bucked upwards.

She met his climax by pushing her lips down to the base of his cock, forcing them as hard against his root as possible, relentlessly licking to draw out his ejaculation… and gulp down every rope he had to give.

His own licking had turned erratic and clumsy, but he did his best to keep it up… and he found success, as a low, but potent moan ripped from her throat and thrummed around his cock, as a small spurt of juices sputtered against his mouth. Her body shivered delightfully, but that didn’t stop her from giving his dick one last thorough suckling, making him shudder more than her.

Eventually, their orgasms came to a close, hers before his, with Seja slowly sliding her lips off his manhood with her tongue trailing behind and grazing along his glans in a final parting tease, making him twitch.

There wasn’t a single drop upon his mast, or on her face; she’d swallowed it all.

Then she sat up, and as she rotated her hips, her pussy moved away from his mouth, and Herc found himself trapped between her glutes once again.

He groaned, and she laughed deviously, shaking her rump about his face domineeringly; her recovery was startlingly fast.

“You’ve done well, Herc~ Not everyone manages to make me cum their first time~” It was more praise, though mixed with her characteristic dominance, slapping her rump so it jiggled against his face. “Because of that, and because I think you might be nearing your limit for one day, I think I will give you an even greater reward~”

She rose off his face, chuckling deviously when Herc gasped, taking in a deep breath of air, since full breaths had been denied to him whilst she was atop of his face.

“You’ll learn to breathe much better when beneath me if you wish to make this a regular experience~” she teased. It stung a little, since Herc knew already it would, and he’d have to budget himself to pay for the rare times he’d be able to happily afford the session.

She found the pitcher of water, and brought it over again, sitting down next to him, mattress sagging a little. As before, Seja brought it to Herc’s lips, and he sipped slowly, all as the Blood Elf kept his member nice and erect with a gentle stroking of her hand, her motions slick and fluid thanks to her lubricating saliva, still clinging to his cock like a film of moisture.

He groaned, sensitive from his orgasm, but it was an effective measure to keep him ready and tormented. In these in-between moments of recovery, he felt more like a toy than any time else.

He was ready to go soon enough, however, and Seja let go of his member so he’d have a small reprieve from her touch. But it was soon ready to start the final act, as she stood before him and over him on the bed.

With a devious grin, she reached for her attire, loosely clinging to her lower body by this point… and with a sensual, gradual pace, she stripped, gently tossing the garb to the side.

She was fully exposed to him now, in all her glory, a beautiful Blood Elf Mistress that had tortured and toyed with him from the moment they met in some way or another.

“Do I not look like divinity~?” she remarked, fixing him with a commanding, sultry look.

“Yes, Mistress… you’re beautiful,” Herc responded with awe and adoration.

Her expression turned a little wicked, smirk widening as she took a step forward and over him, performing a small display akin to a belly dance, something he’d seen once when exotic performers were travelling through town. Seja’s performance was slower, more methodical, but no less enticing.

“I’m glad to hear you say that, Herc~” she said with a teasing tone, before dropping down and straddling his hips, his cock sliding up between her glutes, a delightful sensation thanks to the residual slickness of her saliva; only a small amount of moisture remained, but it made his length slip luxuriously between her rump cheeks, despite the drying from the air and her pumping.

She chortled wickedly, and shook her hips, twisting his member from side to side and bouncing it between her pliant glutes.

“I’ll take you, Herc~” she stated, her hands moving up his chest to splay across his pectorals. “I’ll take you inside me, make you mine~” She began to grind slowly against him, rolling her hips with a careful precision, slow as molasses, smooth as silk, the undulating of her torso hypnotic to watch. “Hear those sweet moans leave your mouth… I will assert my dominance upon you as your mistress~”

Her words were so low, so commanding, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. In that moment, he felt entirely bewitched by her, as her subject.

“Yes, Mistress Seja,” he said with an almost breathy voice.

She chuckled appreciatively, and started lifting her hips up and down, clenching her glutes a little to grind against his cock, sliding along his rod with a smooth touch, practically gliding against him even as she swayed and gyrated her hips.

She was still wet, for whenever she opted for her back and forth rolling against his crotch, he could feel her leaving moisture upon the lowermost part of his belly, wherever her pussy ‘kissed’ him.

“But before I do, I am going to torment you~ Take my time with you, make sure you know your place, whilst practically begging for me to take you~”

She slowed her movements, but pushed down harder, a seething exhale through her teeth, one of erotic, domineering delight.

Her hands gripped his chest, her nails almost digging into his skin. He winced and let out a sound of mild pain, though the feeling of her sensual dance atop of him more than overrode the discomfort.

Already his penis began to bead precum, and when she felt the throb that signalled that little discharge, she began to grind against his pole again, gyrating a little bit more so she could rub her glutes against his glans and smear that dollop into her skin and his, providing fresh lubrication. It let her grind more smoothly against him, and thus enhanced the pleasure he was feeling.

Herc believed, if she really wanted to, she could use any of her techniques to make him cum, and it’d feel as good as sex itself… and he’d yet to experience that.

She returned to her rolling upon his crotch, and slid a hand up his chest and to his head, cupping a cheek and making him look into her eyes.

“Tell me, Herc… how badly do you want to be inside me~?” she asked him, licking her lips provocatively.

A shuddering gasp left his mouth, unable to answer immediately.

She stroked his chin with her thumb.

“I’m waiting~”

He grit his teeth, and gasped again.

“I… want it badly, Mistress,” he admitted.

“How badly~?”

“Very badly…”

“More than anything else in the world~?”

“More than anything else in the world, Mistress.”

She grinned at him, tugging down his lower lip with her thumb in a dominating gesture.

“Are you patient, then~?” she asked him.

“Y-Yes, Mistress… I’m patient,” he assured.

“Then prove it~” she challenged, rising off his length with a teasing shake of her rump before rolling back and then forward, catching his penis with her crotch and laying it down, sandwiching his sensitive length between his belly, and her vulva.

She began to grind against his now-horizontal cock, her labia splayed to either side of his girth much like she’d done with her lips earlier, using her folds like a slot to glide along.

It was a delightful sensation, feeling the soft, wet flesh between her outer labia and the folds around her entrance pressing to his manhood, melding to his contours as she slid from tip to root, the back of his glans drowning in her velvety flesh whenever she placed her weight over his tip.

The way she moved her hips and her spine was truly hypnotic to witness, so flexible and fluid. It was like she was performing another slow belly dance, her breasts gently shifting in an eye-catching way.

With her hands placed on his chest for support, he felt like he was trapped beneath her, doomed to experience her rolling motions. He couldn’t resist.

But he had to, if he wanted to feel inside of her… he got the impression his next climax would be his last for this session, and he wanted to make it count… though part of him wholly enjoyed the idea of being made to ejaculate this way.

It appealed to his submissive desires.

He gripped the sheets all the same, breathing out a little harder as he tried to endure.

But Seja was not one to make it easy, the devious minx laying down and brushing her bosom across his chest, shifting her hands to either side of his head. The Blood Elf swayed her torso from side to side, and shook her chest to make her bust jiggle against him. He could feel her nipples lightly scraping against his skin, before she leaned forward a little further to shake her breasts around his head, gently slapping them either side of him, whilst giggling in her usual wicked way.

She lowered her body a little further and laid atop of him, letting her weight sensually bear down upon him, her silky skin caressing him.

“Will you last long enough to feel what it’s like inside me~?” she crooned, and he could only groan in response, trying to weather her seductive taunts lest he lose himself before he had the chance to couple with her.

She chortled in an alluring but mocking way, before sitting up once again, though she altered her method, twisting sideways upon his cock, and then in a circular manner, sliding his member across his stomach, which was now wet from her arousal, trickling down his member.

With her motions making his penis move like a pendulum against his gut, it didn’t take long to get it nice and slick too.

Precum joined the mix, oozing from his tip at a trickle, the member feeling beleaguered but more than prepared to go one last round. How could either he or it not when someone like Seja was working it?

She slowed down again, and applied more pressure, like a firm milking, his cock crushed beneath her soft, pleasing flesh.

She sped up quickly all of a sudden, drawing a surprised gasp from him, Seja laughing deviously, before returning to the normal pace.

“You’re trying so hard, Herc~” she crooned with a lusty tone. “I enjoy that~”

He wanted to say thank you, but the words were supplanted by a gasp when she attacked his glans more directly, angling her hips so her erect clit dug into his helmet.

It made her gasp sweetly in response, but her commanding air never diminished.

She was making it hard to control himself. But in the end, he managed to endure, as she slid to his root and ceased her efforts, simply sitting atop of him.

“You’ve done well, Herc, lasting this long~ For that, I will indulge you this glorious pleasure~”

She murmured seductively, biting her lower lip as she raised her hips up, letting his erection rise with them, until it was standing tall, and she was all but seated upon his tip, labia ‘kissing’ his glans as her arousal continued to slowly trickle down its length.

He watched her with awe, unable to take his eyes off her mesmerising form. She looked incredible.

Seja slid her hands up her sides in a seductive display, catching her breasts and letting them drop as her hands glided over her face sensually, her bust jiggling as they bounced back.

She stretched her arms into the air, and let out a sigh, before bringing them down to her hips, over her thighs, and to her knees, where they remained whilst she looked down upon him.

“You look eager, Herc~” she noted with a lusty tone. She had to get some last moment teasing in, of course, circling her hips with sultry gyrations, grinding her vulva against his glans, smearing her arousal across his throbbing helmet.

“I am, Mistress,” he answered, almost sounding out of breath.

Indeed, he was starting to get tired, and he could feel the faintest layer of sweat on his brow, though he had not been worked too hard.

The stimulation was more than enough to make him perspire, of course.

However, Seja remained upon his tip, slowly teasing it as she fixed him a tempting look.

“Do you want it inside me, Herc~?” she asked.

He could only give one answer.

“Yes, Mistress.”

She smiled in satisfaction, and then with a soft, delighted gasp, her open mouth twisting with a slight smile, she began to sink down upon his girth.

Herc moaned; she was unexpectedly tight, and gripped his member with a slick pressure, the folds of her vagina digging pleasantly into his rod, and particularly rubbing over his corona as he went deeper.

She settled on his crotch, still on her knees. The weight of her supple rump pressed upon his groin and the upper reaches of his thighs.

He could feel a gentle, repetitive clenching around his mast… perfectly tuned with her heartbeat. It was subtle, but noticeable, and it added to the myriad of feelings he felt in her hot, wet depths.

The warmth was terribly inviting, and her arousal was such he felt barely any friction.

Her hands moved from her knees to his chest again, and she looked him in the eyes.

“You’re mine now~”

Then she began to rise and fall.

Herc couldn’t help the moan he loosed, she simply felt too good. Her contours gripped and rubbed against him in all the best bays, curling and folding against him as they shifted, particularly tugging against his corona from beneath whenever she rose upwards.

Seja also clenched herself, squeezing his cock whenever she wanted, often at random moments, always keeping him on his toes.

He moaned softly, fingers digging into the bed, wanting so badly to touch her, but holding back since he’d not been giving permission.

It became especially notable when she reached out and grasped his elbows, holding them to the sides and pinning them to the bed, leaning over him a little more as she began to pick up the pace.

She resumed the gyrations of her hips, as she’d done before when grinding against his penis from the outside.

She laughed lowly at him, a wicked and salacious sound, licking her lips before they twisted into a taunting smile.

The riding grew faster, and now Herc could hear the quiet, wet slapping whenever her hips came down to collide with his. He moaned, sounding strained beneath her, whilst she seemed hardly worked.

Her breasts bounced in front of him, his eyes moving with their jiggling before he looked between her crotch as it repeatedly devoured his member, and her face as she looked down upon him with that possessive dominance that told him ‘you are mine’.

His lips parted and quavered as another loud moan was ripped from him. Pants followed, his strain starting to grow, and he wasn’t even moving.

“That’s it~” she said with a more agitated, lustful tone. “Moan for me~”

Whether she asked him or not, he would have moaned loudly regardless. He could feel that pressure building inside his loins, aided by her masterful motions, torso undulating, hips rolling or gyrating, twisting so his glans sometimes scraped into her walls, or at other times stopping either upon his crotch and grinding like she had before upon his crotch, only now stirring up his member within her innards, or upon his glans like she had done just before taking him.

He bucked involuntarily, the pleasure too intense for his body to be controlled… but he was still in no position to take any sort of initiative.

He felt helpless. Controlled. At her mercy.

He feared he was going to fall in love with her.

Seja’s hands let go of his elbows, and moved to cup his cheeks. She started laying down on him, first brushing her chest across his, those breasts of hers squashing and applying their spreading pressure tantalisingly across his torso, only for her to shift up and let them bounce and jiggle around his head.

He couldn’t get enough of those moments when she smothered him with her bosom. It was a prison he could get lost in, but the moment sadly passed.

Something just as great, if not better, came in its placed, when Seja grasped the sides of his head tightly and forced him into a deep kiss.

His eyes widened in response, not expecting this show of affection. Or perhaps dominance, as she meshed her lips sensuously against his. Her efforts weren’t aggressive, or fast, but they were certainly assertive, taking what she wanted, especially when she forced her tongue into his mouth, tangling it with his own. It was a fight he could not win, as her dexterous muscle overpowered his in short order, whilst funnelling her saliva into his mouth.

His eyes narrowed when he accepted this domineering kiss. He did his best to kiss back, moving his own lips, swirling his tongue about hers, but she was in control. She twisted her head about, rotating her lips against his, though never did it make the connection crude or clumsy.

His toes curled, his hands gripped the sheets tighter, else he would have taken hold of her possessively.

But his restraint was short lived, Seja breaking the kiss for but a moment to give him one last treat.

“Why are your hands idle, Herc~?” she said with a low, breathy but aggressive tone, more so than he was used to. “Put them to use~”

Then she returned to her kissing, and resumed her lusting ride of his member, speeding up even as she laid over him, enough that he could hear the resounding wet slap of her crotch upon his.

With her permission granted, his hands made an immediate lunge for her rump, and he took handful’s of her glutes, squeezing and kneading as possessively as she kissed him.

She shook her hips about as if in response, and that only stirred his cock about her innards, grinding it against her walls.

Laughter was released directly into his mouth, though he could only answer with moans, their mouths thrumming as a result. Still her tongue kept up the assault, and Herc knew this was the beginning of the finale.

One of his hands slipped up from her rump, trailing up his back and finding purchase just above her shoulder blades. His other hand briefly left her rear and caressed over the small of Seja’s back, before returning to grope her lower cheeks.

All as she kept up her kissing. She had his head on lockdown, her hands gripping the sides of his cranium and making sure he had nowhere to go, no escape from her hungry kiss.

The pressure in his loins was building. Every part of this tryst was now working against him, from the way her smooth belly caressed his gut, the way her pliant thighs brushed against his hips and upper legs, the way her breasts draped and squashed to his chest, and every other delightful point of skin contact. And of course, that wonderful kiss.

She was working him towards a climax. He was drawing close, and she wasn’t slowing down.

He tried to speak, murmuring in warning, and Seja seemed to pick up on it, pulling back from the kiss to let him speak.

“W-Wait, Mistress,” he pleaded, still maintaining his obedient reverence. “I-I’m gonna cum soon.”

His warning only got a salacious laugh.

“Then cum, Herc~ Don’t hold back~”

He blinked.

“B-But, inside you?! I can’t,” he insisted, but not because he didn’t want to. That would’ve been amazing. But there were other concerns at play, naturally.

But Seja wasn’t having any of it.

“Do not worry about me, Herc~ You cannot conceive with me, so fill me with your obedient lust~!”

She laughed, and she rolled her hips and rode his cock even faster, the slapping echoing in the room.

It was too late now. He couldn’t stop himself.

“M-Mistress! Aaaaahnnn!”

He bucked hard into her, and this seemed to push her over the edge too.

“Yes~! Just like that~!” she exclaimed with wicked authority.

He was filling her. He could feel her orgasming walls shuddering around his penis, milking him for every drop.

He couldn’t stop. Being his third climax, his dick even began to hurt a little from the stimulation, but it paled to the euphoria he felt.

She jerked atop of him, gasping with each pang of ecstasy her own orgasm gave her. Juices sputtered against his crotch, whilst the discharge from them both mixed around his cock and within her depths.

After an agonisingly pleasurable length of time, seemingly his longest orgasm this day, Herc finally calmed down, and Seja with him.

She laid limp atop of him, panting and holding him close. He too was trying to take control of his breathing.

She’d worked him quite hard, a film of sweat clinging to his brow.

They stayed like this for a minute or two, before Seja braced herself on his chest and sat up, making him groan as his softening length twitched with some dying vigour inside of her walls.

She let out a sigh, and then smirked at him.

“Good boy~” she purred, rolling her hips in one last act of teasing dominance, before slipping off of him, drops of cum falling upon his dying erection.

She rolled over to one of the drawers next to the bed, and fished out a towel, and used it to wipe down her inner thighs and crotch until she was no longer leaking. Then, she did the same to his cock, even the mildly coarse material eliciting some final tinges of pleasure.

He gasped, but then, she handed him another towel, and he got the feeling the session was over.

Seja’s next words confirmed it.

“So, how was it~?” she asked.

“It was… incredible, Mistress,” he answered.

This made her laugh and waggle her fingers admonishingly.

“Now now, the session’s done, you don’t need to call me ‘Mistress’… though I don’t mind it if you do. Still, it’s good to make the distinction,” she explained.

Even now, when she sounded much more casual, she still possessed a feel of sultry authority. Calm, collected, domineering.

“O-Of course… Seja,” he said with a beat, making sure he didn’t call her Mistress again.

She smirked, and laid herself on the bed with a sigh, before rolling up and off and grabbing the pitcher of water.

She brought it to him, and he took it gladly, drinking down the rest of the clear liquid.

Once it was empty, she took it and returned it to wherever it came from in the wash room. And she came back with his clothes and shoes in hand, laying them out on the bed.

“Thank you,” Herc said, before giving her a nervous look. “Are… are you sure it’s okay what I did? I mean… inside you…”

“I have remedies from a local apothecary,” she said. “Remedies I oversee myself. Besides, it’s hard enough for a human and an elf to conceive, and I knew you were healthy where it mattered the moment you walked in.”

“B-But how?” he asked. “You didn’t see my groin until well into the session.”

“I’m afraid that’s a trade secret,” she said. “Not my call, but let’s say we have a way of detecting it. It keeps us safe and even lets clients find help on their own. But enough of that… I take it we will be seeing each other again, soon?”

“Y-Yes!” he answered enthusiastically, before calming himself and muttering in mild embarrassment. “Well, maybe not ‘soon’… but I would… like to visit again.”

Seja giggled sweetly, crossing her arms beneath her bust as she wrapped herself up in a towel, covering her bust and crotch, but laying provocatively on the bed, watching Herc dress himself once he’d wiped himself down with the towel.

“That’s good to hear~ I know our rates are pricey, but I say they’re worth it. Wouldn’t you agree~?”

“Y-Yes… I don’t think I’ve ever felt better in my life.”

She smiled, a warm if sultry expression, tapping the sheets of the bed idly with one hand.

“Well, make sure you spend wisely… it would be a shame to lose such a lovely client to overspending.”

His face flushed, and she chuckled teasingly.

“I’ll endeavour to save for these sessions. It shouldn’t be too hard, I make good coin, and your establishment isn’t as expensive as some of the tales I have heard,” he assured.

“Glad to hear it,” Seja said, before waving her hand in a gesture of dismissal. “The Madame will be along to collect you. I will likely have another client soon, so I think our time has come to an end. I look forward to our next meeting~”

“S-So do I,” Herc stammered before giving Seja a parting bow, to which she responded with a playful giggle.

Then he turned around, and found the door.

Madame Glay was already waiting for him.

“I trust you had an excellent time?” she asked.

“Yes… it was worth every coin,” Herc praised.

“That is excellent to hear, sir. I shall lead you back to the entrance. If you choose, perhaps I can offer another suggestion. Otherwise, you are free to leave.”

“I don’t think I can go another round after Seja…” Herc murmured, feeling a little self-conscious, like he wasn’t being ‘manly’ saying that… but even the most virile man would be exhausted eventually with her. She probably could’ve kept going if she wanted.

“Then follow me, and I shall lead you to the exit.”

With that, Madame Glay beckoned Herc to follow, leading him back the way they came, but instead of going through the entry hall, she led him through a narrow corridor accessible via one of the doors behind her counter, which eventually led to a side entrance outside, in a more secluded spot hidden by small potted shrubs that had been given the topiary treatment.

“We hope to see you again, sir,” Madame Glay remarked, giving one last courteous bow, before shutting the door.

Herc stood there for a moment, and then sighed out, turning around and finding himself back on the cobblestone street.

But as he walked, his lips twisted into a rather broad, goofy smile.

He’d have plenty of motivation now to fill orders.

And he was certain he’d be back under Mistress Seja’s spell soon enough.


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