Writer: Jack1965
Subject: The Seven
Link: Tumblr / 05.12.2024
The Seven
The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are considered the worst offenses in the Christian tradition, but encouraged to be indulged in by Satanists. They include:
- Pride (vanity, excessive self-love)
- Envy (jealousy, covetousness)
- Wrath (anger, hatred)
- Gluttony (overindulgence in food, drink, or other pleasures)
- Lust (excessive sexual desire)
- Sloth (laziness, lack of effort)
- Greed (avarice, want for more material things, desire for wealth or possessions)
These sins are considered dangerous by Christians because they can lead to other sinful behaviors and ultimately separate individuals from God.
Pride leads to self-confidence and self-esteem. Envy gives us a taste for something that we might like to acquire. Wrath becomes righteous in just circumstances. Gluttony is the enjoyment of food. Lust leads to sex which hopefully leads to orgasm. Sloth is better done in the form of rest, recuperation and relaxation as opposed to unproductive laziness. Greed is reprehensible, but if you replace it with motivation for material gains then you have just become a productive agent.