The Satanist’s New Year’s Resolution by Satan Worshipper

Writer: Satan Worshipper

Subject: The Satanist’s New Year’s Resolution

Link: LS666 Email / 09.01.2024

The Satanist’s New Year’s Resolution

Resolve in 2024 to strengthen your devotion to Satan’s mind, body, and soul.
Love Him more. serve Him more.
Most importantly, worship Him more.
If you have been thinking and serving and loving and worshiping Him once or twice two a week, strive to do all those acts of devotion every single day this year.
He will tell you how best to be of use to Him.
He wants me, for instance, to continue corrupting the innocent, luring them to Him and away from Jesus Christ by any means necessary, including my favorites – lying and deceit.
He might have a different purpose for you.
Pray to Him every day and He will reveal it to you.
Obey Him without question.
You will get your reward a thousand-fold in Hell.
2024 – the year you grow your commitment to the one true God, the only God, Satan! Praise His name.


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