The Satanic Truth by GarySix

Writer: GarySix

Subject: The Satanic Truth

Link: LS666 Email / 12.07.2024

Warning: The pages are filled with very serious blasphemy to God’s name.

The Satanic Truth


“Antiquorum veritas deus” (Truth of the ancients was god)

The Lord God Lucifer has given me a multi-page meditation. I now have his approval to share it with all who come to this site. If you are not in a position to enjoy and meditate on such disgraceful, filthy and evil blasphemy, it would be better not to open the PDF.

I am deeply enjoying this kind of evil blasphemy which Lucifer the perfect perfection god of all filth has shared with me and in fact has possessed me in total god-fucking filth blasphemy and it makes me so hard and more. My hope is that you will masturbate and offer cum to Lucifer in this beautiful blasphemy I share.

I am hoping there are others out there that feel the same so we can connect by phone and email and share the disgraceful name fucking of the fucking lord, fucking whore pig, fuck god. I look forward to hearing from those of you who are true god-blasphemers.


1 thought on “The Satanic Truth by GarySix”

  1. I downloaded your PUBLICATION MEDITATION. A fucking great blasphemy meditation. Thanks for posting.

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