Feature Writer: Baphomet
Feature Title: The Sacrifice
Story Codes: Religious, MF, NC, MC, Forced, Anal, Kidnapping, Imprisonment


The sound of children laughing and playing filled the air. The warm sun shone brilliantly against the clear blue sky. A cluster of colorful balloons floated lazily in the air.

“Look it how big he is!” Tommy shouted as pointed across the barrier toward the elephant. He stood up on the bottom rung of the fence to get a better look.

“Yeah! He’s as big as yer mom!” Billy teased. the shoulder. “Yer mom’s bigger!”

Sister Anne was oblivious to the schoolyard drama unfolding around her. Her eyes were fixed on little Julie. She was licking an ice cream and laughing with her friends. Sister Anne’s thoughts drifted back to her own tragic past. Oh, how Julie reminded her of her own beautiful Perdita. She was about Julie’s age when … when it happened…

A terrible sense of loss welled in Sister Anne’s chest. She felt the tears threatening to flow again. A sudden blow to her thigh brought her to her senses. Tommy had swung at Billy and missed only to slug Sister Anne firmly in the leg.

“Boys!” The shrill sound of her voice froze them in their tracks. “Anymore horseplay and you’ll spend the rest of the field trip sitting on the bus, do you understand?”

“Yes, Sister Anne,” they said sullenly in unison.

As they moved to the next exhibit, Sister Anne couldn’t take her eyes off Julie. It was a terrible idea for her to return to teaching, but what could she do? She already had the credentials and the experience. It was only logical for the Order to give her this assignment. She had taken a vow of obedience. She couldn’t refuse and she had no reasonable argument that would persuade her superiors into changing their minds.

Being close to children … it broke her heart. Every time she looked at Julie’s long, golden locks, her baby blue eyes, her brilliant smile … she could only think of Perdita. Oh how she missed her! Little did Sister Anne know, she too was being watched.

He kept his distance. He didn’t want to draw attention. It was the little girl who caught his eye. That Catholic school uniform was irresistible. That little skirt hiked up high, the white stockings, that tight little blouse pulled tight against the tiniest little breasts just starting to bud — it was a wet dream come true. A gust of wind shot through the crowd blowing up Julie’s skirt. His heart skipped a beat. He felt his cock swell as he fixed his eyes on her hemline. Yes! The wind was just enough to give him a view of her tight little bubble butt wrapped in white panties. He could even make out the printed pattern of strawberries on her underwear. He had to have her.

That’s when he noticed her chaperone. The wind was still gusting. It blew up Sister Anne’s uniform revealing her perfect legs. Black nylons hugged them as the wind opened her dress giving him an amazing view. His eyes worked their way across her tiny waist, up to her beautiful c-cups. The wind pressed the material of her uniform tight against her skin. A tiny lock of blond hair peaked out from the top of her veil. She was young, thin and absolutely lovely. He wanted her. He wanted them both.

“17, 18, 19 … wait … no, 18 — I counted Tommy twice … HOLD STILL CHILDREN!” Sister Anne bellowed at the top of her lungs. Silence fell across the bus. She counted again. “16, 17, 18… 18!” One child was unaccounted for. She scanned the faces on the bus. “Julie! Where’s Julie? Has anyone seen Julie?”

“Is that her over there, Sister?” Sally pointed across the parking lot. In the distance, it looked like a little blond girl was wandering off into the wooded area of the neighboring park.

“Stay here children,” Sister Anne ordered as she got off the bus. “Julie! Julie!” she shouted in panic. It was happening again! No! Not again! “JULIE!!!”

She ran across the parking lot and bounded into the woods.

“Julie! Julie!”

A sharp pain shot through the back of her head. Lights flashed before her eyes. She felt the cold hard earth slam into her face as she fell. Then darkness…

Mildew. Dust. Musty.

Stale odors filled her nostrils as Sister Anne slowly regained consciousness. Her head throbbed. She felt an ache that coursed through every muscle in her body. For a moment she thought of Phillip in his last days as he lay in the hospital bed. Grief had robbed him of the will to live. He simply wasted away. The weight of his mortal body was all that anchored his soul to this world. He lay there day after day under the weight of his own failing body, just waiting … waiting for death.

But she wasn’t dead. Sister Anne opened her eyes. Where was she? She lay on a musty old cot. She could hear the intermittent drip of water. The smell of dust and mildew saturated the air. A basement. She was unmistakably in a basement. She tried to get up. The pain in the back of her head throbbed with every beat of her heart. She felt the blackness threaten to return and quickly abandoned her attempt to get up. She looked at the cracking concrete wall in front of her. She managed to gather enough strength to roll over.

In the distance, she saw the figure of man sitting across the room from her. She blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to shake off the salt crusts that blurred her vision. He was a bit overweight … flabby … and balding. His features were just a bit crooked giving him an unnatural look. It looked like he was missing a front tooth. His white shirt was wrinkled and dirty. The collar was stained yellow as were the underarms.

“You’re awake,” he said. He got up and approached her. “Can you sit up?”

Gently, he helped her to a sitting position. Despite his non-threathening demeanor, his presence repulsed her. His every movement was preceded by a nauseating stench of body odor. His hair was greasy and his breath was absolutely foul. He had a disgusting sheen of sweat that never seemed to dry giving him a wet, greasy look.

“Drink this,” he said as he offered her a warm mug. “You took quite a fall. I was worried. There wasn’t much bleeding, but you’re going to have a nasty bump back there.”

“Who are you? Where are we?” Sister Anne asked groggily as she collected her senses.

A crooked smile grew across his face. Sister Anne turned away as she couldn’t stand the sight of his filthy teeth.

“I’d like you to call me Earl, Sister Anne,” he said.

How did he know her name?

“And where exactly are we, Earl?” she asked, eyeing him over her steaming mug.

“You’re new home, Sister,” he said nonchalantly.

“I beg your pardon,” she asked.

“This is always hard at first, but you’ll get used to it,” he said. “Look around. See this room.”

Earl got up and spread his arms wide to get her to look around. It was a tiny space, more like a prison cell than a room. There were no windows and only a single, foreboding door. The only furnishing was her cot. Over in the corner was a hole in the ground that looked like an open drain pipe.

“This is your home for now, Sister. This is where I’m going to keep you.”

“Keep me?”

“Yeah, that’s right,” he said. His mood was hard to gauge. He wasn’t threatening or angry. He was calm, even a bit giddy. “You see, I guess you could say I’m a kidnapper. I’ve done it so many times, I’m used to it now. I kidnap girls, women, anyone I want. It’s like shopping!”

“Kidnap people for … for ransom?” she asked.

Earl laughed out loud!

“If only! No, I’m afraid it’s much worse than that, Sister. You’re here for sex. You’re here because I want you for my very own sex slave.”

“So, you’re a kidnapper and a rapist,” she said in an accusing tone.

“Oh, I don’t rape women,” he said. “Everything is consensual. If you don’t want to have sex, we don’t have sex.”

Sister Anne stood up and looked around. The door was steel with a series of deadbolts that locked into a metal frame. There was a small slot on the bottom and the top.

“You can’t seriously expect me to consent to have sex with you, Earl,” she said handing over her empty mug. “Or anyone else for that matter.”

“Oh you’d be surprised what people are willing to do after a few days without food,” he said with a smile. “But I suspect it won’t come to that with you.”

Earl headed for the door. “See you in a couple days, Sister.” The door slammed shut behind him.

“What do you mean you lost her?”

His voice was booming. A mixture of anger, disbelief and desperation filled him.

“She’s a big girl, Lara. You can’t just ‘lose’ her. Where’s my little girl? WHERE IS SHE?!?”

Sister Anne bolted up from the bed. The image of Philip’s angry face still lingered, fresh in her mind even now as the dream began to fade. She staggered to the hole in the floor and relieved herself. Her stomach protested loudly as the hunger pains began to set in.

Contrary to her worst fears, Earl wasn’t starving her … not really. After two days of no food, he began to slide a bowl of cornmeal mush through the bottom slot on the door, once a day … every day. He never opened the door or spoke to her except to demand her empty bowl back.
She lay back on her bed. Where was Julie? Was she here? She thought she had run out of tears, but they returned in streams that ran down her cheeks. She lay there crying, lost in thought for what seemed like hours.

A series of clicks woke her from her stupor. The door swung open. It was Earl. He wheeled in a cart with a couple of pots and assorted junk. Sister Anne immediately noticed a bucket of water and a bar of soap. He handed her a bundle of clothes.

“Try these for now,” he said.

He wasn’t as gleeful as he was that first day. He was serious, business like.

Sister Anne held the garment against her. The size was right. It was a nun’s uniform, but not from her order … in fact … she examined the veil. It wasn’t even real.

“Is this … is this a Halloween costume?”

“It’s the best I could do,” he said. “It’s only temporary while I wash your clothes. Hurry up and change.”

“A little privacy, please,” she said weakly.

She was too tired and hungry to put up a fight. Earl just laughed.

“Oh, Sister! You still don’t get it do you?”

He fondled the hard-on that was growing in his pants.

“Of course, like I said, everything we do here is consensual. I tell you what — you give me a little show and I’ll…”

Earl opened up a pot on the cart. Beef stew. Hot. Steaming. Delicious.

“I’ll fill your bowl.”

Oh, God, she wanted it. She wanted it so badly.

“What … what if I don’t?”

“Well, then that’s your choice, Sister,” he said. “I’ll take back the soap and water and I’ll see you in a few days. What do you say?”

Sister Anne stood frozen. She stared at the slovenly man before him. He looked like he hadn’t changed his clothes. His odor repulsed her … but all he wanted was to look. That … that wouldn’t even violate her vows. And she was hungry … so hungry…

She dropped her gaze to the floor. Tears began to run down her cheeks…

“No,” she said meekly.

True to his word, Earl took everything. The soap, the clean clothes, the food … The door closed behind him. Sister Anne threw herself on the bed and cried as the sound of dead bolts locking marked his exit.

The only source of water was a trickle that ran down the basement wall. Sister Anne had learned to press her cheek against the wall and let it fill her mouth. About three days had passed. Sister Anne’s face was pressed against the wall as she desperately tried to relieve her thirst. The sound of the metal sliding door opening made her heart leap.

“Bowl!” Earl demanded.

Sister Anne rushed to the door and presented her bowl. It was returned to her with plain, cold oatmeal. Nothing ever tasted so delicious. Earl fed her every other day. Sometimes, every three days.


“Earl, there was a girl with me at the zoo, Julie, do you know what happened to her?”

“BOWL!” he demanded angrily. She handed him the bowl.

“Please, Earl! I’m begging you! Is Julie alright?”

The sliding door slammed shut.

Two days later the sound of deadbolts cascading open made Sister Anne jump to her feet. Earl entered the room again pushing his cart. Sister Anne eyed the pot on top. Was it food? Please, let it be food.

“This is a little bit better than last time,” he started.

He handed her another bundle. It was a robe, a veil, a tunic … real ones this time. Where did he get them? At another place and time, she might have cared. She didn’t.

“Now, how about that show?”

Sister Anne didn’t waste any time. She let her robe drop to the floor. She pulled off her filthy panties. She didn’t hesitate to reach around her back and unbuckle her bra. She avoided his gaze as she slipped off the shoulder straps. For a moment, she held the loose bra against her chest. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. What was she doing? But she was hungry. So hungry…

She could hear Earl unzip his fly. She could make out the unmistakable sound of masturbation. She cringed.

She was just making it worse by hesitating, she decided. She let the bra drop to the ground revealing her beautiful, pert breasts. Earl nearly blew his load when she bent over to yank off her panties. Her gorgeous breasts hung pendulously before him as she stepped out of her underwear. She threw the bundled panties at him.

“Oh, yeah, that’s my girl!” he said as he stroked his throbbing cock.

She didn’t know what made her do it. Sister Anne’s eyes darted to his crotch. He was thick and about average or slightly above in length. He was uncircumcised. He must’ve been at his full length as he stroked himself. His size frightened her. She knew what he wanted from her. A chill ran down her spine.

“You’re a good girl, Sister,” he said again. “I know I promised that I would reward good behavior.” He opened the pot and threw a hunk of roast beef at her. She swallowed it like a ravenous dog. Earl just laughed.

“That’s my girl,” he said. “Give me your bowl.”

She handed him her bowl and he scooped up just a tiny bit of broth and a couple small potatoes and carrots. Sister Anne inhaled it. It was just a tease. She could eat that whole pot, she was so hungry!

“Do you want more, Sister?” he asked.

“Yes, please … PLEASE!” she begged.

“Well, that’s all you get for just a show,” he said. “If you want more, you need to pay for it.”

“Pay for it? How?” she asked. “Please, tell me how!”

Earl let his pants drop to the floor and stepped out of them.

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

He walked close to her as he unbuttoned his shirt. She barely noticed his stench now. Earl fondled her breasts.

“God, I love these,” he said.

He pressed his cock against her bare thigh, enjoying the softness and warmth of her body. He pulled her close to him, pressing her breasts against his greasy chest.

“Earl … please,” she started to cry. “I … don’t…”

“Shhh…” he shushed her. “It will be over soon, and then you can wash up and eat.”

Earl forced his lips against hers. His tongue forced its way into her mouth and he kissed her passionately, driving his tongue deep into her throat. His cock rubbed up against her thigh as he humped her leg.

Earl broke their kiss. He smiled his crooked smile at her. She felt disgusting. He licked her face and laughed. Then he kissed her neck. He kissed his way across her throat, her collar bone, down to her breasts.

“God, I love these so much,” he said. “You are so beautiful.”

He took a nipple into his mouth and sucked greedily. Sister Anne just cried as she tried to deny the tingling and the warmth that filled her body.

Earl sucked her nipple to hardness then moved to the other breast. He sucked her eagerly, reveling in his new plaything. His hand made its way to her crotch and he fondled her pussy. His fingers worked their way inside her and coaxed her juices to flow.

“I need to be inside you, Sister,” he said. “Get on your back and spread your legs.”

“Earl … please,” … she started.

“DO IT NOW!” he ordered angrily. “Or I will lock this door and I won’t come back for a FUCKING MONTH! Do you want that? DO YOU?”

Tears streamed down her face.

“I can’t Earl … please, go.”

She couldn’t bear to face him. She kept her eyes shut and covered her breasts with her arms.

“You ungrateful bitch,” he said. “I’m warning you! I’ll do it! I’ll lock this door and forget about you. This is your last chance!”

“Go,” she said quietly. “JUST GO!”

Earl gathered up the clothes.

“You’re not getting these back,” he shouted as held her robe bundled in his arm.

He wheeled his cart out and slammed the door behind him. How much longer could she resist? He was going to break her. It was only a matter of time. Why did she send him away? Why not just get it over with? It’s not breaking vows if it’s rape … but that’s just it … he wouldn’t rape her. He was going to make her consent. She began to sob. The truth is … No! It wasn’t the truth. It wasn’t! She didn’t want it! He repulsed her! He was filthy! Repugnant! Disgusting! His cock was … she couldn’t stop thinking about … No! She didn’t want it! She didn’t!

Two days later the little sliding door opened. To her surprise, Sister Anne’s bowl was filled with oatmeal — hot this time. The bowl was followed by her clothes — with new underwear and everything — cleaned and neatly folded. She quickly got dressed. A few minutes later, she heard the dead bolts unlocking.

“You’re a tough one, Sister,” Earl said smiling. He laughed a little. “I have to admit, no one’s ever lasted this long. But I like that. I like a challenge. Come here.” He waved her out the door, smiling.

Sister Anne hesitated. “It’s okay. C’mon!”

She followed him out of the room. She had never seen what lies beyond that door. Was he letting her go? She was shocked to see a hallway lined with steel doors like hers as far as she could see in the dim, flickering lights. He led her to another room. There was a battered couch and a cart with a TV and VCR.

“Sit, sit,” he said as he closed the door. “I want to show you something.”

He hit the “Play” button.

A burst of static was followed by the black-and-white video from a surveillance camera. It was a cell, like hers. There was a little bunk, a hole in the floor for a toilet … but this room was nicer. There was a small carpet, a bookshelf, some toys scattered about and … and … a little girl…

“JULIE!” Sister Anne shouted. She leapt from her seat. “Oh, God, Julie…” tears ran down her cheeks.

She felt her heart rise to her throat as the feeling of guilt overwhelmed her. “It’s all my fault that you’re here, Julie,” she thought to herself.

“She’s a sweet little thing, isn’t she?” he said to her.

“You evil, sinful man!” she shouted. “You devil! You … you…”

“Oh, relax, Sister, relax!” Earl said. “I haven’t touched her. In fact, I’ve treated her much better than I’ve treated you … but that can change.” He winked at her.

“Tell me, Sister, how long do you think it would take me to break her?” He smiled.

She hated his smile. She wanted to bash his face in.

“Aw, hell, why am I asking you for? I know full well from experience that she won’t last more than a week… ! Just think, one week from today and I’ll be dumping my load in that sweet little ass.”

Earl’s cock grew hard at the thought. He began stroking it through his pants. He licked his lips as he stared at the screen. His eyes fixated on the pretty blonde girl in front of him. Sister Anne dried her tears. She collected herself.

“I want food and a bath, before and after,” she started. “I also want fresh sheets for that bed, clean water to drink and I want to see Julie — NOW.”

Earl walked close to her. His cock was pitching a tent in his pants. He pressed it against her thigh.

“You’ll get the food, the bath, the water and the sheets,” he said. “But the girl … I’ll let you see her in a couple days after you and I have gotten to know each other a little better.”

He took her chin in his hand and tilted her head up to look at him as he smiled.

Sister Anne refused to meet his gaze. She turned her head to the side. “I’ll see her today … after we … we…” she didn’t finish her sentence.

“Tomorrow,” Earl said. “Final offer.”


“How ’bout we kiss on it?”

Without saying a word, Sister Anne pressed her face to his. She opened her mouth and kissed him passionately. She was doing it for Julie, she told herself as she explored his mouth with her tongue. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled his head into hers. She pressed her leg into the throbbing member that threatened to tear a hole through his pants. She was keenly aware of how aroused he was. It was Earl who broke the kiss, but Sister Anne quickly put her mouth over his and started it anew. Her tongue eagerly lapped the foul taste of his stale, festering mouth. Her hand reached down and squeezed his cock, eager to sample its stiffness. Sister Anne drew her mouth to Earl’s ear.

“Hurry up with that food,” she whispered.

Then she turned her back and returned to her cell.

When Earl arrived she was already naked and waiting for him. At the last minute, she decided not to remove her veil. Like a hungry animal, she wolfed down three bowls of soup and two bottles of water.
Earl watched her hungrily. He undressed himself as she ate, then he held his cock in his hand, squeezing it as waited for the sweet reward for his patience.

Sister Anne looked up at him as she licked her bowl clean. He flashed her that smile she had learned to hate.

“Get on your knees,” he ordered.

Sister Anne knew what was coming to her. She had long accepted her fate. Without further prompting, she took Earl’s cock in her hand and squeezed it gently as she pumped him. Now, Sister Anne had been a prisoner for weeks with no chance to bathe or wash, but Earl … Earl had no such excuse. He was just a filthy man. His entire body reeked of sweat and BO. His cock was just as filthy. The odor of stale urine emanated from his crotch. Sister Anne took the filthy cock head into her mouth and sucked. She pulled off and gently pulled the foreskin back only to reveal a crust of funky white fungus around the base of his head. Sister Anne closed her eyes and licked it. She licked the rim of his cock an lapped up the disgusting smegma. She had to consciously stifle the urge to vomit.

“That’s it, baby,” Earl said grabbing her head in both hands. “Suck me.”

Sister Anne silently obeyed. She took his cock into her mouth and sucked. Earl began pumping his hips, thrusting his rod into her face. He shoved his cock across the roof of her mouth and into her throat. He began face fucking her more forcefully. He grabbed her head and pulled her onto him, shoving the length of his shaft down her gullet.

It was too much. She had just gorged herself after days of near starvation. Earl grabbed her head and rammed into her. Sister Anne’s nose pressed against his mound of pubic hair. The disgusting odor of urine burned her nostrils and stung her eyes.

An uncontrollable urge to vomit overwhelmed her and she began to puke. A spray of hot vomitus engulfed Earl’s cock and covered his stomach. It was warm, almost burning. His cock was bathed in burning stomach acid. Chunks of partially digested beef and potato became tangled in his pubic hair.
Earl just kept fucking.

“Oh yeah baby! FUCKING TAKE IT WHORE!”

Sister Anne choked and gagged as Earl face fucked her. She puked again, and then again. Her stomach was empty, but Earl continued his assault on her face. He slammed into her again and again, faster and faster.

“Oh God, I’m so close,” he cried out. “Take me you little bitch!”

He slammed into her face and shoved his cock down her throat as far as it would go. His whole body jerked as he came. Load after load of hot, thick semen surged forth and filled her.

“Swallow it, bitch! Or the deal’s off!”

Sister Anne swallowed as much as she could. She let him fill her empty belly with his essence. She sucked him like a baby suckling a teat. She fed on him, savoring every sacred drop. She continued to milk him until long after his cum stopped flowing. Finally, he pulled out of her face. He toweled himself off and looked at her.

Sister Anne was on her knees, naked except for her veil she was covered in her own puke. Long strands of drool dribbled down her chin. Thick strings of semen dripped from her mouth and onto her breasts.

“Look at you, bitch,” Earl said. “What have you got to say for yourself?”

Sister Anne looked up at him and smiled. Her eyes were crazed, wild!

“Give me more!” she said, smiling.

She took him by the hand and pulled to the cot. She laid back and spread her legs.

Earl lay on top of her and kissed her. He fondled her breast as he positioned his cock between the soft, warm folds of her dripping wet pussy.

“Are you a virgin?” he asked.

The image of Philip flashed in her mind. How long had it been? How many years since she had been intimate with a man? She pushed his image from her mind.

“No,” she said.

“Good,” he said. “I don’t want to be gentle with you.”

With that, he slammed himself into her pussy. She was unexpectedly tight. He could only squeeze his cock about a quarter of the way in, despite her wetness.

He pulled back and pushed in again meeting with surprising resistance. The tighter she was, the more he wanted to fuck her. He watched her face as she squinted her eyes and gnashed her teeth. Each thrust brought a combination of pleasure and pain.

Earl forced his way into her depths, spurred by her grunts of discomfort. He wanted to hear her scream.

Sister Anne was overwhelmed by his thickness. She could feel herself stretching to accommodate him, but it wasn’t enough. She had been celibate for far too long. He was too big and too eager. With each thrust, he penetrated deeper. It seemed like his length was never-ending. Again and again, he plowed deeper into her, forcing her apart. She felt like she would break in two. Her grunts grew louder and louder. Finally, she couldn’t contain her screams.

With every thrust of his hips, Earl forced his cock deeper into her depths forcing an ear-piercing scream out of Sister Anne. Soon, Earl began screaming too. With each forward plunge, he let out a bellowing roar of passion. He was absolutely indifferent to her pain, her discomfort. This was his moment. His time to fuck. She was nothing more than a tight little piece of meat to wrap around his cock and he reveled in her discomfort.

Finally, he felt her crotch grinding against his as he buried his cock up the hilt. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down into him make sure he was in as deep as he could go.

“Oh yeah,” he grunted. “You feel that baby? You feel how hard I can get? How deep I can go?”

Sister Anne just grit her teeth and sobbed. Earl couldn’t tell if they were tears of pleasure or pain. He didn’t care.

“Now, you’re loose enough for a real fuck!” he threatened her.

He pulled halfway out and then plunged back in. Again and again, he invaded her depths. He began a relentless, steady, rhythmic pounding of her cunt. He never paused, he never stopped. He just kept fucking. Slowly, steadily he quickened his pace. He pounded her fast, and faster. His body became a blur. The rickety cot threatened to collapse under the lightning pace of his forceful pounding. Sister Anne felt her vaginal walls burning from the friction. Sweat poured off of Earl and rained down on her. She turned her face and squinted as a drop stung her eye. Earl never relented.

“Oh … oh, Sister!” he called out. “So close … I’m so close, Sister. Take me! Take me bitch!”

Sister Anne felt sick inside. Her body was hot and feverish. Her stomach queasy. She needed him to end this. She needed to finish him. Finally, she became desperate.

“Oh, Earl!” she called out. “Give it to me! Teach me a lesson, Earl. I’ve been so bad to you, punish me!”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” he asked between breaths.

“Yes!” she called out. “I love it when you fuck me. Punish me with your cock!”

“Like this, you bitch?” he called out as he pulled out and then slammed all the way in. Her body jerked as he slammed into her.

“I love your cock!” she cried out.

She felt his cock jump. Impossibly, it felt like it was thickening inside her.

“I love your cock!” she cried out again.

There was no mistaking it. He was getting harder. Incredibly, Earl doubled his pace. His hips thrust into her at what felt like superhuman speed. Sister Anne reached out and desperately clutched a handful of sheets in a futile attempt to mitigate the pain. The other hand clawed into his back.

Then she felt it. Earl’s cock bucked inside her. He slammed in one last time, burying himself up to her cervix. His cock leaped and twitched as it unleashed the first volley of semen. She felt it inside her, hot and stinging. She felt him pumping it into her, filling her. A part of his body was becoming a part of hers.

“Oh, Sister,” Earl sighed as he lay next to her. His cock was still inside of her twitching as spurts of cum continued to fill her. “I can’t believe I’m still cumming.”

Sister Anne stared blankly at the wall, trying to ignore the man inseminating her. She tried to imagine it was Phillip, but maybe it had been too long or maybe it was the stress or starvation, but she couldn’t conjure the image of his face. All she could remember was his sickly, emaciated body laying in the hospital bed, wasting away. Was he in Heaven now? Was he with Perdita? Were they looking down on her in shame in disgust as she allowed this filthy disgusting man to have his way with her? She could lie to herself but not to them, they could see through her. They knew deep down inside … she enjoyed it.

The metallic clicks of deadbolts pulling back was now familiar to her. It was her alarm clock. Sister Anne woke and approached the door, bowl in hand. Earl walked in, filthy as usual. Scrumptious odors emanated from the pot atop of his cart. He filled her bowl with a mixture of potatoes, scrambled eggs and cut up pieces of sausage.

Sister Anne had washed the night before after their sordid coupling. She was clean and fully dressed. Somehow, that aroused Earl, seeing her in full habit just like the day he first laid eyes on her at the zoo.

“Are we going to see Julie?” she asked as she finished her breakfast.

“Of course,” he said. “I reward good behavior, remember?”

“I remember,” she said putting her bowl down and standing up. She wasn’t afraid to look him in the eye any more.

Earl walked close to her. He put his hands on her waist and smiled his crooked smile.

“How about we have a little fun first?”

“Earl!” she called out. “We … we just … did … last night?”

“I’m ready again now!” he said playfully. “He took her hand and put it on his cock. He was hard.

“I … I want to see Julie now…” she said weakly. Her hand was frozen in place. She couldn’t take it off his cock. She felt his warmth, his hardness through his pants.

“We’ll see her,” Earl whispered in her ear. “I promised, remember?” He kissed her cheek. He nuzzled her neck. He continued giving her little kisses. A hand wandered up and fondled her breast. “It’ll be quick,” he said. “Not like last night.”

“But … but Julie…” Sister Anne’s willpower was faltering.

“She’s safe,” he whispered.

His fondling became more aggressive. He had her nipple between his fingers. He was pinching it gently. His other hand hand found its way up her robe. He was caressing her thigh, making his way toward her crotch.

“Y … yes?”

“I’m so horny right now.”

She didn’t know what made her do it. When he said those words to her, she stopped merely feeling his cock and she squeezed it. She began stroking it through his pants. Earl’s hand reached between her legs. His fingers pressed against the sheer fabric of her panties and found her clit. He pressed against it with his thumb as his fingers fondled her swollen lips.

“Are you horny too, Sister?” he asked.

“No,” she lied. Earl’s fingers tore her panties aside and plunged inside her.

“Do you want me to fuck you again?” he asked.

“N … no,” she lied again.

“Then why are you so wet?” he asked. His fingers danced inside her. She just grunted in reply.

“Ask me to fuck you, Sister,” he demanded.

“No!” she whimpered pathetically.

“Remember, everything we do here is consensual. I won’t fuck you unless you ask me to.”
Earl’s fingers continued to tease her. His thumb pressed against her clit as his fingers wriggled back and forth in a “come here” motion, aggressively rubbing against the roof of her vagina.

“Say it, Sister!” he demanded.

He was becoming frustrated with this game. Why didn’t he just take her? But he felt he was close. He was so close to breaking through her stubborn will.

Earl abandoned her breast. He grabbed her hand and shoved it down his pants. She clutched his bare cock and stroked it, savoring the feel of his hot meat in the tight grip of her fist. She jerked him off vigorously as his pants toppled clumsily down to his knees.

Earl pushed his face into her hers. His tongue darted out and licked her lips. He tried to part them, but she pursed her lips tightly, avoiding his kiss. Undaunted, he pressed his longed tongue against her face, running it along her lips, trying to force his way in. She relaxed a little and he shot his tongue in her mouth only to be confronted by her clenched teeth. He slid his tongue into her cheek and ran it along her teeth, inside her lips, exploring as far as he could go, enjoying the lecherous rape of her mouth.
Sister Anne finally gave in. She opened her mouth and let him in. His fingers plunged into her pussy simultaneously as his tongue shot down her throat. He felt her body quiver and shake beneath him. She was close.

Earl stepped out of his pants. He rubbed his cock against her pussy lips. She was dripping wet.

“Beg me,” he said.

“Please, don’t make me,” she pleaded.

“Do you remember me inside you last night?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Do you remember how I made you feel?”

“Yes,” she said on the verge of tears.

“Do you want me to FUCK YOU AGAIN?”

“Yes, damn you,” she said. “Fuck me!”

Earl grabbed her forcefully and pushed her against the wall. He grabbed her waist and pulled her back. He smacked her legs apart and pulled her robes up exposing her ass and legs to the cool, dank air of her basement cell. He grabbed her panties and tore them apart, ripping the flimsy fabric like paper.
He then placed his cock head against her pussy. He noticed Sister Anne’s breathing quicken as she felt him at her entrance. He teased her, rubbing his cock in her dripping juices.

“Oh, God, that bastard,” she thought. “What is he waiting for?”

He ran his cock up and down her slit. He pushed it against her lips. Finally, he wiggled the cock head into her, stopping before the shaft. He placed his hands on her waist and held her, bracing her for what was to come. They sat there for a moment in silent anticipation. Earl reveled in his position of power, of control. He had her exactly where he wanted her. Against the wall, legs spread, cock in her dripping wet pussy — she was his.

Without warning, Earl thrust his cock inside her. Suddenly, all at once, the whole of him was in her. Sister Anne felt him tear through her tightness. Her vaginal walls were still sore from last night’s marathon fucking. A scream erupted from her uncontrollably. Earl pulled back and thrust in her again. She let out a grunt. This was a mistake. She was too sore! He did it again … then again, and again. He began fucking her.

Earl was not a big man, but inside her like this he felt impossibly big. It was like his cock had swollen to twice its size. She felt it pressing up against her insides. She felt the pressure buidling up inside her. She was completely out of control as this man tore into her again and again. His hips began bucking faster and harder. She felt his balls swing up and slap against her pussy with each thrust. The room echoed with the sound of their lustful coupling.

Suddenly, Earl’s cock twitched. Impossible! He let out an unmistakable jet of cum. Sister Anne felt the now-familiar spurt of warmth and moisture inside her. It was just one jolt, but she felt it. Earl never missed a beat. His cock remained hard and he continued to fuck her.

“Did you feel that, bitch?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Did you like it?”

“I … guess,” she said.

“You want more don’t you?”

No answer.

“You fucking whore! It’s what you want and you can’t even admit it,” he said. “You fucking whores are all the same. All you want is a big fat cock between your legs, fucking you like a bitch. You want me to cum inside you and fill you with my load, don’t you whore?”

No answer.

Earl slammed into her hard. He smacked into her again and again. His fucking became, brutal, violent.

He quickened his pace.

“ANSWER ME, BITCH!!” he demanded.

“I want it!” she shouted. “I want your cum, Earl! CUM INSIDE ME!!! I LOVE YOUR CUM!!!”

She felt it again. She could actually feel his cock getting harder inside her. It was such a turn on.

“I want your cock!” she shouted again. “Fill me with your cum! Please! I need it! I need your cum”

Earl’s breathing was labored and loud. His legs felt weak and wobbly, but he needed this. He needed to fuck her. He needed to drain his balls into her. He fucked faster and faster. His balls ached from slamming into her so hard and fast. He was so close. He felt his cock twitch and tingle. Just a little harder … a little faster…

“FUCK ME!!! Oh! Oh!” Sister Anne screamed. “Oh! Cum! Please, cum!!!”

And he did. Earl buried his cock into her as the floodgates opened and he released his load.

“Oh, yeah,” Earl said with a euphoric giggle. Gob after gob of thick, creamy semen filled the nun’s lithe body. “Oh, it feels so good!”

Earl’s cock softened and fell out of her. A mixture of their love juices dribbled down Sister Anne’s leg. Earl collapsed on the cot, his legs weak from fucking so intensely.

“Come here and clean me off, baby,” he called.

Sister Anne obeyed. She leaned against him and sucked his cock. She savored the taste of her own pussy as she suckled him. She licked the shaft and the balls, lapping up the sweat and the cum. She took his cock in her mouth again and sucked it, teasing it with her tongue. She was lost in her own world of lust and degradation.

“Careful baby, unless you want to go again,” Earl said, but it was too late.

Her ministrations were too tender, too meticulous. She ran her tongue up and down his shaft. She flicked it across the corona of his swollen glans. His cock became stiffer, harder. Earl felt his need to fuck growing inside him. He needed to be inside her again.

“You stupid bitch,” he said. He grabbed her head and pushed it down on his cock. He began fucking her face.

Sister Anne gagged and tried to pull off, but his hand held her firm. Finally, he released her. Her head whipped back in relief and she began coughing.

“We’re not done yet,” he said. “Show me your tits.”

Sister Anne pulled her robe off over her head. She quickly unsnapped her bra and tossed it to the ground.

Earl grabbed her roughly and pushed her onto the rickety old cot. He spread her legs and suckled her nipple hungrily. He placed his body between her legs. His cock pushed against her entrance. Finally, he slid inside her. She was loose and wet.

Earl never took his mouth off her teat. He continued to suck the stiff nipple and tease it with his tongue as he thrust his cock inside her. His hips began pumping relentlessly as he invaded her sopping wet pussy. She was full of his cum and her own flowing juices.

Earl’s cock was sore, but his mind was steeped in a cloud of lustful desire. He slid his massive member into her, feeling her vaginal walls give way as he buried himself in her cum-filled womb. His cock slid in and out with ease. He enjoyed the sensation of flesh against burning flesh as he invaded her.

“This is where you belong, isn’t, whore?” he asked. “You need me on top of you, dominating you, fucking you, making you a woman. Admit it!”

Sister Anne’s brow furrowed in a contorted expression that combined fear, shame and pleasure.

“Yes,” she finally admitted. “Yes, I need your cock.”

“This is what all women want,” Earl said. “They want a man to fuck them.” He slammed his cock into her for emphasis.

“Fuck me…” she whispered weakly.

“You want me to cum inside you again, don’t you baby?” Earl whispered to her. He quickened his pace. “You can feel it already, can’t you? My hot cum shooting inside you? Is that what you want? Is that what you want to feel?”

“Yes, I want your cum,” she said. She reached around and gently caressed the back of his neck. She pulled him into her and kissed him.

Their tongues collided as Earl continued his fucking. As his cock sunk inside her, his tongue boldly forced its way down her mouth, threatening to invade her throat. His penis, likewise, pushed deeper and deeper into her body, forcing her apart, coming ever so close to pushing against her cervix.
Earl broke the kiss.

“God, you’re such a hypocrite, you little whore!” he said as he fucked her. “All those years…” He slammed his cock into her — hard! ” … locked up in that convent…” He slammed into her again. “And all that time, you were craving a man’s cock, weren’t you?”

“No,” she denied it. “No … you don’t know me.”

“Oh, I think I do,” he said. “You can say ‘no’ anytime. You can stop me any time you want, but you won’t. You won’t stop me till I cum, because THAT’S what you want.” Earl started fucking her faster, harder. His thrusts became more erratic, aggressive, violent.

“No … NO! That’ s not true … Oh!” Sister Anne protested between squeals of pleasure. “No, it’s for Julie. I’m doing this to protect Julie.”

Earl laughed. “Is that what you tell yourself? Maybe the first time, but not now,” he said as plunged his cock into her wet pussy. It let out a loud queef as air rushed to escape past her flowing juices. “Now, you’re getting fucked because you want it. Tell me you want it, Sister. Admit it to me!”

“No,” she said.

“You want my cum!”

“No, oh God no, that’s not it … don’t … Don’t make me…”

“You want me to cum inside you!”

“Cum … your cum…”

“You want me to fill you with my cum!”


“You want me to make you pregnant!”

Sister Anne didn’t answer. She clutched his shoulder and squeezed it as his invasions became more heated. She felt her body quivering, tingling beneath him. This talk about cum, and pregnancy … it was doing something to her.

“You want me to give you a baby!” he said. “That’s what all women want and all women are whores.

You want a big stiff cock inside you!” He slammed into her again, to emphasize his point. “Cumming inside you! Giving you babies!”

“Just fuck me, Earl!” she said, giving in to him. “Just fuck me!”

He did. He fucked her deliberately, nonstop. He forced his cock inside her. The bed creaked below them as he pushed her body back and forth on it. He could feel her flesh swelling around him. It encased his cock, enveloped it. He felt his need building, growing.

“Fuck me,” she said again. “FUCK ME!”

That did it. He began cumming. His cock felt like it was cumming fire as the hot liquid burned his sore member when it exited. Muscles spasmed forcing out hot jets of semen into his plaything’s waiting womb.

“This is what it’s all about, Sister,” Earl said as he collapsed on top of her, his cock still twitching as it unloaded its cargo. “This moment, when you take my cum inside you.”

He lifted his head and looked at her and then they kissed. It was a dark, passionate kiss. Sister Anne didn’t know what made her do it. She was so confused. She felt so dirty, so disgusting, and yet … so liberated.

She felt Earl’s cock inside her body. It had been so long since she had a man inside her. He was giving her his precious seed. She could have a new life growing inside her right now! God’s most precious gift! She closed her eyes. Exhausted, they slept.

Later, Earl awoke and helped himself to the cold leftovers in the pot that carried Sister Anne’s breakfast. They ate together in silence. Then, Earl turned to her and gave her a knowing look. He caressed her soft, white flesh. He suckled her breast. They laid back on the bed as he sucked. His cock grew hard. She spread her legs. She was his.

“I’m sorry,” the Sheriff’s deputy said with professional detachment. “We can’t continue to devote resources to this case.”

“W … What does that mean?”

“It means we can’t devote any more manpower to looking for your daughter,” he said.

“Wait … You’re going to stop looking? But she could still be out there! She could be lost or scared or hungry or … or…”

The deputy was stolid. “I’m sorry,” was all he said as he left.

“No! No!”

Shouts transformed into tears as despair gave way to grief. The couple collapsed on each other.

“Julie … Oh, Julie! Where are you? How could you be gone?”


Phillip’s angry voice echoed in Sister Anne’s head. She awoke in her dark cell. A dream … it was just a dream. It was already beginning to fade. She remembered the deputy coming to their home. She remembered the day they told her that they stopped looking for Perdita. No … he said Julie. He said Julie in her dream.

Sister Anne got up from the bed. She washed her self with a bucket of cold water and soap.

She and Earl had fucked for weeks together in that cell. Never leaving. Oh, he would occasionally leave to get food, but when he came back the same thing always happened. Sex. He would seduce her … somehow … convince her that she wanted it, and she would let him. She would lay there and spread her legs for him. “This is the last time,” she would tell herself, but soon she would find his cock in her mouth, his fingers in her pussy and that feeling would overwhelm her. She couldn’t resist that desire to feel whole again, to feel like a woman again.

Phillip had stopped thinking of her that way. Their days were consumed with searching for their daughter. He combed through the streets, asking people, hanging posters. They canvassed the hospitals. They searched and prayed, but they were no longer a couple. She was no longer a woman to him. She was … a thing to be hated. She had given him a daughter and then … she lost her.

The grief, the agony … it was too much for him. The strain of search, of not knowing … they took their toll on his health, his body. She stayed by him. What else could she do? As he wasted away, dying as the cancer took his last breath and all the time, what became of Perdita?

The opening of the little metal hatch startled Sister Anne as she finished dressing. A fresh bucket of water, soap and towels, and a bowl of food came sliding through.

“Earl?” she called out. “Earl, is something wrong? I haven’t seen you in so long!”

“Nothing’s wrong, babe,” he said. “Just been busy.”

The little hatch slammed shut.

“Earl!” Sister Anne shouted through the thick metal door. “What about Julie? I have to see her.”

But there was no answer. She heard the faint sound of the squeaky cart wheeling down the hall. He was gone.

Days past. The little door continued to open and close delivering food and water, but Earl refused to show himself.

Left alone with her thoughts, Sister Anne’s dreams haunted her with visions of Perdita, Phillip and poor little Julie. What had become of her? Sister Anne blamed herself. This was all her fault!
She turned in her bed, unable to sleep. She didn’t know what made her do it, but she opened her eyes in the gloom of the dark. There he was standing over her, naked and silent.
“Phillip?” she called out.

No answer.

Her eyes adjusted to the light spilling in from the open door. Earl’s smelly, greasy body crawled into bed with her. His cock was hard and pressed against her.

“Earl,” she said in recognition. “Earl, I need to see Julie.” She tried weakly to fend off his advances.

“Shh…” he hushed her. “Not now.” He cuddled close to her. His hand reached between her legs and fondled her.

She hated that. He knew just where to touch her. Little bursts of electricity ran through her body as he played with her pussy.

“Please, Earl,” she said. “Let me see her.”

“After we fuck, okay?”

She hesitated. “N … no … No, I want to see her now.”

“She’s sleeping,” he said. “Look baby, I’m so hard for you right now. Just give it to me. Let me drop this load and you’ll see her, okay?”

She turned to face him. “Okay,” she said as she kissed him.

Sister Anne slid down the bed and made her way to his cock. She took it in her mouth. It tasted different this time. It was wet, salty. His body was covered in a sheen of sweat. Earl moaned as she sucked him. She tasted the salty-sweet pre-cum oozing from his cock. He really was ready.
Sister Anne scooted back onto the bed and spread her legs. Earl entered her without hesitation. He was hard. His cock was like a piece of iron as it parted her. She felt him, like an invading army, violating her. She stifled a gag as the stench of his body odor overwhelmed her. She cringed as the acrid odor polluted her lungs with each inhalation, but her heart was racing as he fucked her. He was such filth!

Such scum!

She grabbed his ass and squeezed it as he slammed into her. She let out audible grunts with each piercing thrust of hips.

“Oh God, you’re a fucking monster,” she said as he fucked her. She kissed him as he penetrated her.

“Keep fucking,” she begged him. “Keep fucking me. I need this. Oh! You’re a fucking animal today!”

“Is that how you liked to be fucked?” Earl barked at her as he panted heavily above her.

“Yes!” Sister Anne called out. “Fuck me like an animal!”

Earl plunged himself deep inside her. He gave no hint of mercy or hesitation. His cock speared her as if she were a slab of meat waiting to be skewered. His rod was hard, like a thing of iron, and his assault was unstoppable. His aggression and desperation for release was palpable. Sister Anne could sense a deep animal lust welling inside him.

Earl pulled out and stood on his knees before her.

“Get on all fours!” he barked.

She obeyed.

Earl mounted his quarry, his cock had no trouble finding its warm, wet mark in the darkness. Sister Anne gasped as she felt him enter. He had lost none of his hardness or vigor in the transition. His arms reached around her and he clutched her breasts tightly in his hands. He fucked her clumsily, viciously from behind.

“That’s it!” he bellowed at her. “Take it like a little bitch!”

“Oh! Oh, yes!” she called out. “Make me your bitch.”

Earl grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into him.

“You like that?” he asked. “You like being fucked like a bitch?”

His cock was fierce and he fucked her with a savagery she had never felt before. She had unleashed a primal force inside him.

“Make me your bitch, baby,” she called to him. “MAKE ME YOUR BITCH IN HEAT!

The sound of flesh pounding flesh echoed against the basement walls. The thought that Julie might hear them vaguely crossed Sister Anne’s mind, but it was overwhelmed by the intense feeling of being filled by Earl’s monstrous cock. She could feel him throbbing inside her. She felt her flesh give way every time he plunged into her. She longed for it. She longed for this feeling, this mixture of pleasure and pain, of desire and disgust.

“This is the way animals fuck their bitches,” Earl said as he continued his savage assault. “Is that what you are? Are you a bitch to be fucked?”

“I’m YOUR bitch,” she called back to him.

He continued to penetrate her. His onslaught grew more frenzied with each moment. It felt like his cock was on fire as it slid in and out of her, faster and faster.

“I feel it, I’m so close!” he called out as he quickened his pace. How long could he possibly keep this up?

He took her waist in his hands and clutched it tightly, pulling her into him with each slam. She knew he was close to cumming, he was fucking her so fast! Finally, it happened. His cock bucked inside her. He gave her one last slam and then she felt it. She was rewarded with a burst of cum that never seemed to stop. It oozed and oozed inside her. She was pleasantly surprised by the volume and body of his ejaculation. She felt it filling her, overwhelming her, dribbling out of her pussy and down her legs.
They collapsed on the bed together in a spoon position. Earl’s arm wrapped around her waist and caressed her belly as he continued to cum.

“Mmm…” he moaned. “This is for you, baby. All my cum … it’s for you. You earned it.”

“Oh, Earl,” she said in a hushed whisper. “Earl, I…” She hesitated. “I think I love you.”

“What? What was that, baby.”

“You make me feel like a woman like no one has before. I love you.”

“Oh, baby, come here,” he said.

Her upper body turned and they kissed, long and full on the lips. She felt his flacid cock harden inside her. He began to buck his hips slightly as they kissed. His penis returned to life, sliding back and forth inside of her.

He began fucking her. The sensation was new, different in the spoon position. They lay on their sides as his cock continued to plow her.

“Do you like this baby,” Earl asked.

“Mmm, it feels good,” Sister Anne answered.

He kissed her on the neck. “Oh, Sister,” he said. She felt his cock swell.

“My real name is Lara,” she said.

“You always be Sister Anne to me,” he said. He rotated his body to get in a more dominant position and fucked her aggressively.

“Oh, God,” she cried out as he fucked her faster. She turned her body and clumsily got into doggy style again.

Earl’s cock was undeniably hard again. He fucked her like a demon possessed. It was amazing.

“Look what you do to me, woman!” he said as he pummeled her pussy.
It made her feel wanted, needed to hear him say that. He was genuinely aroused by her. She felt sexy, even powerful because she could arouse such desire in him.

“Sister Anne?” he called to her.

“Yes, love?”

“I want to ask you for something,” he said.

“Anything,” she replied smiling as he continued fucking her.

“It’s dirty,” he warned. “Real dirty.”

“Good,” she said. “I like dirty. I need it.”

“Have you ever been fucked in the asshole before?” he asked.

This gave her pause. No one had ever done such a thing to her, not even Phillip. No one had even propositioned her for … for … something so dirty. She didn’t answer. She was afraid to. She did want to do something for him and she did want to try something new and dirty, but this … she was afraid. It would probably hurt … Would it feel good at all?

She felt a warm drop of Earl’s spit land on her asshole. His thumb pressed against it and worked it. He spit again and plunged his thumb into her. She could feel his thumb in her ass as his cock filled her pussy. He worked it around her ass. Then he pulled out his dirty thumb and inserted two fingers, working them deeper and deeper into her.

Her body filled with trepidation. She knew what was coming. She knew what kind of a man Earl was, what a savage lover he was. He would fuck her to the limits of physical endurance. This was the kind of fucking, the level of punishment that she feared she wouldn’t be able to endure.

She felt Earl’s fingers pull out of her asshole followed by another drop of spit. She felt him pull his cock out of her pussy. Her body shivered and her muscles tightened when she felt the head of his cock pushing against her virgin asshole.

The head slowly forced apart her sphincter. The coronal rim of his glans flared open as it plunged into her. He was in.

Earl began his fucking in slow, steady thrusts. He inched ever slowly into her. Sister Anne was unbelievably tight. Every forward motion was a struggle. He continued forward, fueled by the primal urge to bury himself deeper and deeper into her body.

Sister Anne had always thought of Earl as an average-size man, but when he was in her asshole, he felt like a giant. His cock felt like it was the size of a fist. Everything was magnified. She clenched her teeth and dug her nails into the mattress as she allowed her lover to violate her in a way no man had before.

Earl managed to get his shaft down an inch into her ass. He worked his way back and forth pushing just a little bit more with each forward movement. He pushed his luck and shoved himself in farther. Sister Anne let out a scream. He pulled back and shoved forward again. Another scream this time followed by tears and fists pounding on the bed. Earl eased up and continued to slowly, but forcefully open her asshole to accommodate his full length.

He pulled his cock all the way out, spit on it, spit in her asshole, then pushed it in again. Sister Anne let out another shout, but less intense this time. She was beginning to stretch to match his size. Earl pushed forward again, inching deeper and deeper inside her. He began to fuck her faster. Sister Anne filled with dread. She knew how hard and fast he liked to fuck her pussy. She knew her ass couldn’t take it.

Earl delighted in the sheer tightness of her asshole. It felt like a fist was squeezing him. Every time he plunged deeper he was met with an incredible resistance that felt like a challenge to his manhood. He needed to penetrate her, to conquer her, to make her feel the fullness of his cock.

Earl enjoyed the opportunity to quicken the pace. He fucked her faster and harder. He felt her body squirm under him. Sister Anne let out more shouts and cries than she ever had when he fucked her pussy. Her body collapsed under him and she was flat on her belly while he drove his cock into her asshole.

He was almost all the way in. He needed to go deeper. He needed to fuck her up to the hilt. He pushed forward, feeling her stretch. Sister Anne writhed and contorted under him. How much more could she take? It was just as savage as when he fucked her pussy, but this time the mixture of pleasure and pain was gone. There was almost no pleasure, just pain and shame.

Earl forced his way deeper into her rectum when suddenly he felt it — shit. She still had a load of shit up her ass. Earl smiled and pushed forward undaunted. His cock felt the shit surround it as he burrowed into her. He mashed it forward, packing it deeper into her ass. Sister Anne felt the shame and disgust well up inside her as she felt her own filth being ramrodded into her body.

Earl fucked her faster and harder as Sister Anne continued to writhe beneath him.

“Oh yeah, your asshole is loose now,” he said as he fucked. Gone were the moans of pleasure, the orgasmic spams. Now there was only his pleasure, his lust. “You fucking hate this, don’t you, bitch?”

“Please, Earl! It hurts! It hurts!” she cried out.

“You like it don’t you?” he barked at her. “You like it when I hurt you don’t you?” He forced his cock deeper inside her. “Answer me!”

“Yes!” she finally whimpered back. “Oh, yes, I need it, please fuck me! Tear me apart! Tear my asshole apart!!!”

Earl felt his cock jump. He felt it swell with absolute pleasure as he pushed his cock down to the hilt.

He forced all of his weight onto her as he burrowed deep inside her body. Then he pulled back and fucked her again, harder, faster, giving no quarter, showing no mercy.

“FUCK ME EARL!” Sister Anne screamed. “Punish me! Punish me with your cock! Oh! I need your cock! I need your cock in me! I need to be punished!”

Earl took that as license to tear into her and he did. He pounded her ass without mercy. He pulled his cock out then slammed it in, up to the hilt. He fucked her tiny, tight asshole with no thought to anything but his own pleasure.

As Sister Anne lay beneath him, she felt no pleasure, only the steady, uncaring pounding of Earl’s cock violating her anus.

“This must be what it’s liked to be raped,” she thought to herself. She was an inactive participant. She may as well have been a slab of beef as she lay there while Earl invaded her.

Earl continued to assail Sister Anne’s tight virgin asshole. He could feel her whole body closing in around him. He felt so alive! So in control! He was her master! He dominated her with his cock! HE ruled her! He controlled her.

Finally, he felt himself coming close to climax. His hips bucked wildly as he fucked her faster and harder.

“Take it bitch!” he cried out to her.

“Show me, Earl!” she challenged him. “Teach me what kind of man you are! Teach me with your cock!”

“Fucking stupid bitch,” he thought. “I’ll show you!”

Earl heaved his cock into her as deep as he could bury it and unleashed a flood of cum. Sister Anne felt Earl filling her asshole as load after load of semen flooded her.

Earl pulled his cock out of her asshole and lay on his back.

“Well?” he said. “What are you waiting for? Clean it off!”

It was covered in a mixture of semen and shit. A pinkish brown mixture oozed down his shaft. Sister Anne closed her eyes for a moment. Then she took him in her mouth, tasting the flavor of her own asshole that remained on his cock. She licked his shaft clean, lapping up gobs of her own shit encrusted under the head of his cock. She swallowed every drop of it.

“That’s my girl,” Earl said, his hand on her head as she swallowed his cock. “That’s my little whore.”

Sister Anne continued to suck on his cock. He was sore but her tongue felt good on him. He felt his cock begin to stir.

“You’re starting to get hard again,” she said. “We could go again if you weren’t so tired.”

Earl sat up so fast he scared her. “What did you say?” he barked at her angrily. “You stupid bitch! I can’t believe you just said that!”

“What? What is it?” she pleaded. She shrank before him. He was genuinely angry. Fear pierced her heart.

“Spread your legs, you stupid bitch! I’ll show you who’s tired!”

Earl mounted her and began to fuck her pussy wildly. New life surged in his cock and Sister Anne was amazed at how hard he had become. He fucked her with frightening fury. He was moving so fast, she was afraid the bed would collapse beneath them.

“Does that feel like I’m tired, bitch?” he asked after a particularly forceful plunge into her pussy. “How about that? Who’s tired now, bitch?”

Sister Anne could do nothing but take it. She spread her legs wide for him and allowed herself to be assaulted. Soon, Earl’s body spasmed and he let out another load of cum. It was thick and voluminous.

How could he cum so much? He surprised even himself.
Earl rolled over and collapsed exhausted beside her. Sister Anne lay on her back. Earl’s cum trickled out of her ass, her pussy. Her whole body ached. Sweat glistened on her skin. She lay still and silent in

the darkness.
The thought that there was something she wanted to do … something important threatened to invade her mind, but she was too sore, too tired to let it bother her. Soon, she gave in to the quiet peace of sleep.


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