Feature Writer: skullmayhem
Feature Title: The Rotting Corpse of Christ
Link: TUMBLR / 26.09.2019 / Reposted by fxhs
Repost Notes: The evil is spreading…read this and smile…jerk your cock…feel the darkness embrace you…enjoy…praise Satan as you cum…feel his power…
The Rotting Corpse of Christ
The decay of organized religion has all ready begun. The stanch is inescapable. The destruction from within and without. Satan has full control of what’s going on . Chaos in the order of the day. Notice most mass shooters are Christians or Islamic extremists. Christ body rots. With great glee. I applaud. Fuck them. Rot you Nazerine MotherFucker. Have sex with multiple partners. Burn the Bible. Have multiple abortions. Spit on the graves , or piss, of Christians. Fucking on top of a grave was one of the best fucks I ever had. Promote Evil. Satan reigns. Hail Satan