The Punishment by Serpenz

Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Writer: Serpenz

Subject: The Punishment

Link: LS666 Emails / 05.01.2024

The Punishment

It was a parent-teacher conference. My daughters, aged ten and twelve, and I were seated in the auditorium, as were many other parents with children. There were various organizational issues … they congratulated the winners of the Olympiad … and praised the excellent students … such a boring day but presence was obligatory.

Suddenly there was talk of punishment. It was an innovation.

“Dear friends, to improve academic performance, it has been decided to punish the delinquent at the end of each monthly meeting, “ said the principal.

Everyone seems to getting excited. The day was no longer languid.

“Please welcome to the stage the Ivanov family. Vika, Olya, and their mom.”

That was us! What happened?

“Girls, why are we being summoned? What did you do?”
“We don’t know. Nothing bad, Mom.”

Everyone was looking at us! It was very exciting. I was an ordinary woman leading an ordinary life. I was not used to such attention.

“Victoria and Olga broke discipline several times by running around during recess. We decided that they would be punished today. According to the rules, the mothers of the guilty girls are also subject to punishment, as they are guilty of a bad upbringing,” announced the principal, “Before punishment commences you must be stripped naked for us. Take off all your clothes!”

We were shocked! To undress in front of hundreds of eyes!

“You must take off all your clothes or we will be forced to do it,” reiterated the principal.

“Girls,” I said, “Do as you’re told. Take off your clothes. You see, I’ve already started.”

It was very embarrassing to take off my clothes. But something new was happening to me. It was a kind of pleasant excitement. I was looking after myself. In my thirties, I looked very attractive. I often looked at myself in the mirror and was always satisfied with my appearance.

The girls were doing gymnastics and dancing. Their figures, though still childish, were slim and trim. Like me, the girls could do all the twines with ease. Together with their very pretty faces, the girls would soon attract the attention of boys, if they didn’t already.

Vika and Olya were dressed in their school uniforms. We undressed very slowly. No one rushed us. I had my bra and panties on and the girls had their panties and socks on.

“Take everything off. Only socks and socks are allowed for the girls,” said the principal.

Here we are standing naked. The girls pressed themselves against me. I felt ashamed and very excited at the same time. What’s going to happen next? What kind of punishment was in store for us?

“Punishment will be execution by hanging,” informed the principal, “However, as it’s expressly forbidden to execute virgins — all girls must be deflowered. Bring in the mats!”

Three mats were brought into the hall and spread a meter apart. Why three mats not two?

“We can’t deny your wife her last hour of pleasure,” explained the principal.

I was shocked! Are we going to be hung? I couldn’t believe it. They put the girls on the right and left mats and me on the center mat. I don’t know why, but I was horny! If I were a man, my cock would be hard! But even now I felt like a lot of people could see my arousal. I was embarrassed about it, but only got more aroused. My girls are about to be raped and hanged, and I’m hornier than ever!

“Dear friends, whoever has the desire to give the girls pleasure, you’re welcome. Young men first. For the mother — there are no restrictions. No need to be shy. Let’s get started!”

After the first brave ones came up and began to undress, people became animated. Many people in the hall began to leave their seats and queue up. Boys up to the age of fourteen were allowed to see the girls. Everyone was lining up for me. Children and grown men. Their wives didn’t mind, because it wasn’t cheating, but taking part in the punishment.

I looked at the girls. They were distraught. But somehow I didn’t see fear in their eyes. Maybe they were transmitting my excitement. The girls didn’t panic. They were watching the men and boys with interest.

“Vika and Olenka, you need to relax. The first time can be a little painful. You don’t have to resist and strain your pussy and ass. The girls like that. Just lie on your back and spread your legs. That’s it. Look at me and do the same. Caress your pussy. It’ll feel so much better. Well done. Good girls. That’s right. That’s right. With your finger. You’re so beautiful.”

The first one to enter me was a grown man much older than me. His cock stood up and looked bigger than average.

I wanted him!

If I had been told earlier that I was going to be fucked in front of my girls by a whole bunch of people … And the girls next to me would be taking the cocks of their classmates in their young pussies …. I don’t know my reaction at that moment. Perhaps I would have been frightened by it.

Now I was hungry for sex! I heard the girls squeak softly. They were in pain at first. That’s normal. Hopefully, they could enjoy the same pleasure as I did. Periodically, I looked at what was happening on the neighboring mats. The boys were changing frequently. So far, everything was classic.

I don’t know how long it was until the style of sex changed. I started getting fucked by two of them. One of them would suck me while the other rammed my pussy or entered my ass … It got to three at a time. I had all kinds of cocks in me. From small pussies to massive penises that I could only see in porn.

The same thing was happening to the girls. No one controlled the age of their sexual partners or the number of them. My little girls were covered by huge male bodies, then they were put on their knees and fucked in their ass and mouth, then they were taken in their arms and two of them made a sandwich, fucking simultaneously in ass and pussy, then standing, then lying down.

I saw girls being penetrated even by three men at the same time, and their hands and feet were used for stimulation of their penises — the girls were jerking their penises with their fists, or clamping the man’s organs between their small feet. Every millimeter of my girls’ bodies was used.

What an orgasm came over me when I suddenly noticed a frame with three hinges. It had now been brought in and was being set up not far from us. Why am I aroused by the gallows? What’s wrong with me?

I completely lost track of time. My body was covered with cum. I imagined myself in the noose. What would it be like? What would it feel like? And my little girls hanging next to me. A grown woman and two schoolgirls. Why do these thoughts excite me?

“Dear friends. I can see that you don’t mind continuing the punishment, but we have time limits. I’m going to have to ask you to wrap this up”

After about five minutes, we were standing in front of our loops. Just like with the mats, it was the same with the loops. Mine is in the center and the girls are to my right and left. We had our hands tied behind our backs.

I looked at the kids. They were still in their socks. But no longer clean white ones, but all cum-covered. Male juices were running down their thighs from their pussies and asses. Their faces, their breasts, their hair. Everything was covered in cum. I was sure that my babes had never been more beautiful than they were now!

“Friends, we’re finishing our punishment. All that’s left is to hang these three beautiful girls. I hope you’re ready — Let’s ask the girls and their mommy if they’re ready”

The principal started with me.

“Hope, are you ready?”


“Vika, you’re ready.”


“Olechka, are you ready?”


“Then let’s begin!”

The first to hang was little Vika. How beautifully my little girl danced. The flexibility of her young body was perfect for this execution. The white shorts accentuated her slender legs and gorgeous feet. The way her outstretched toes sought support was worthy of an artist’s hand. Many people took pictures on their phones. I’m sure they will cum thousands more times watching this video!

Vika had not yet quieted down, as Olehka started her dance, not at all worse than her younger sister’s dance.

Oli’s body was more developed. Breasts were appearing. The figure was beginning to take on a femininity.

Elena’s movements were more graceful and erotic. Her beautiful feet in shorts were also looking for support. The little girl struggled. The girl began to spread her legs, exposing her intimate places, from which the man’s white fluid continued to flow.

It felt like Olenka was seducing men with her twine in the noose. I looked at the onlookers. Almost everyone was masturbating! What a show me and the girls put on! And then I lost my footing …


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