The power of Satan over this former Christian
I need to thank my Lord, GOD and Master SATAN for showing me that the real way, truth and life. When I worshiped the so called son of god I never felt the way I do in Satan’s service. He has brought me into the light of HIS pure darkness. I edge my big hard cock and praise him as he takes me deep into his powerful world of Lust, self indulgence, sins of the flesh and pornographic bliss. I want no part of Christ’s heaven, to sing his praises with the other misled beings that have been blinded by the lies of the church. I just want to sit at the foot of SATAN and masturbate to perverted images and feel the rush of endorphins that give me the perfect high I crave and am addicted to as I stroke my throbbing cock to PORN. If you are a former Christian like me and understand what I feel, re-blog this and show the world how many of us have left Jesus to praise and worship the prince of the earth, SATAN!!!
Blaspheme and feel HIS goodness as his demons take over and we orgasms again and again and again.
yes !!! I too succumbed to Satan!! HailSatan!!
Hail Bruce — Excellent to hear — And what will you do for Satan today?
Hail Satan! Ave Satanas! Blaspheme and feel His goodness as his demons take over and we orgasms again and again and again