Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: The Powder that is White
Link: MeWe / 30.11.2021
The Powder that is White
Liber Lilith, pages 119-122
He prolongs the embrace and caress of Lilith throughout the night. His senses are inflamed, his mind intoxicated with the rapture of love. Even as a ripe plum that swells in the Sun, so the glans of his member becomes larger than its natural size. It is as though it will split apart and spill its purple blood. An ache comes into the root of his member behind the stones. He wished to complete his pleasure but refrains. The oil of Lilith weeps from the tip in a string of glistening tears. When he can no longer endure the agony of desire he emits his seed.
It comes with the witness of cream and luster of pearl. Like unto stream of warm milk from the utter it flows forth. There is twice the common amount when he lies with a woman of flesh. He catches it upon a disc of polished brass that has been hammered to form a depression in its surface. He sets this on an iron tripod. Beneath it burns a stone oil lamp filled with the tallow of the sheep. The oil of the Olive is not used. The lamp heats the Brass to a gentle heat and dries up the moisture in the seed so that a white scum remains. He takes a knife of beaten silver and scrapes the flakes of white crust into a clean mortar. It is pounded into a fine dust of the color of good ivory. The name of it is The White Powder of Lilith. He stores it in a glass vial and keeps it safe for it contains many virtues.
Hear and be wise. Only the seed lost to the caress of Lilith can form the true white powder. That emitted during common lust lacks the the spark of vital fire drawn forth by the hand of the Goddess. He can not draw it forth with his own hand. Only she can draw it forth, for it belongs to her. That is strongest which is spent without touching the member. Only Lilith touches it. It has still a greater power when lost during the night of The Full Moon. It is most potent when all his thoughts are turned to adoration of She Who Comes In The Night.
The Virtues of the White Powder are these. It grants fore knowledge of events yet to unfold and knowledge of matters hidden. It lends eloquence and grace of manner. It gives skill in Sorceries and Enchantments, and shows the virtue and resting place of potent herbs and stones. It teaches the secret tongues of Birds and Beasts. It reveals the thoughts of other men. It makes one skillful in the reading of Signs and Portents.
i have a MIND CRAMP!..stunned…this is a REVEALING!…an episode of “secrets”..Hoku creates the calm xp;osion..of BUBBLES..in our heads..POP!…..dazed stupor over this!e look forward ..a bit more .to being used by Lilith…NOW!…..this for me is a PRIORITY disorder…corrupting this “protective instinct”…overruling all my thoughts???..how about you????…She builds a builds a castle for us in our minds…so you can “SEE IT FROM THE FREEWAY”…when lust comes down to visit us..the TASTE,, takes us in our darkness..to be used and filled..to Liliths fill!KEEP ME HERE…I DONT WANT TO LEAVE!…the more i walk away from my former religious RITUALS…the more i enjoy the mystical loveliness of LIliths ways..loves…and truths…I LOVE HER…and Hoku..Lucy…Michael and a handful of others…here and on tumblr have opened the “castles”..Liliths castles GATE..PantherX..was the first contact..on tumblr…that xposed me to..the ALTERNATIVE..the dark side…my Minister of ..Darkness…precious ALL of you..and then there is Lilith…Eventually i believe..SHE will xplode my heart…into a PURE..vessel..of her making..i am so grateful!Hail Lilth!…