THE PHOTO SHOOT 1 by AmandaBlonde

Feature Writer: AmandaBlonde

Edited and Revised: Regis

Feature Title: THE PHOTO SHOOT 1

Published: 09.11.2022 / Revised Version

Story Codes: Collective exploitation of a child

Disclaimer: the characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Preamble: This work was originally written by me, Amandablonde. The work has been extensively revised by my friend and collaborator, Regis. Enjoy!

The Photo Shoot 1

As a single mother I prefer to take my ten-year-old daughter with me whenever I’m required to attend work conferences around the country. I’m a sales rep for Naughty Nities, a French lingerie firm with two dozen reps in the US. I live in Sacramento, and my area is Southern California.

Conferences occur around the country, but because of Hollywood and the hundreds of small film companies in the State, most of them surviving on pornography, where erotic scanty clothing is a must, my sales are top in the country, and we often get to host the monthly, “Get-togethers,” designed to increase sales performance of the reps.

This time it happened to be in L.A., and like always I tugged Ally along to accompany me on the trip. I home-school her, so taking her along is never a problem. Usually, she prefers to stay in our hotel room watching kids shows while I’m working, but this time she wanted to come along and enjoy the sun and pool at the place we were staying.

We had reached the physiology part of the grade three curriculum, and I decided to make it a show and tell. We got undressed in the hotel room and sat on the bed, while I got her to show me each of her body parts. When we got to the groin, I had her touch her little cunnie and my adult organ, and describe to me what she saw as different.

It was delightful. She actually slipped a finger, then two, and then her whole hand into my vagina, and said she couldn’t do that with hers. She was a bright kid, and of course a virgin, as I never let my boyfriends ever get too close to her, knowing what was likely to happen if any of them did.

Every day during our stay we enjoyed some great food and pool time after my meetings ended in the early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It turned out that Amanda, a gorgeous sexy looking blonde, was a well-known professional photographer, and her associate Sue, a bit younger, was one of her assistants.

As regular customers who also often referred guests to the hotel, they had privileges at the pool, and would take advantage of this when they finished work for the day at their nearby studio. I said that Ally and I had often talked about having a real professional photographer take a number of pictures of her in her youth that she could enjoy in later years.

Ally was a beautiful, precocious girl for a ten year old, and I had wanted a photographer to capture her beauty ever since she was eight. As a rank amateur, the photos I had taken never did her justice. Besides the usual pictures of her in a dress or swim suit, I also had a secret desire.

I thought it would be amazing to get some private boudoir shots of her pretending to be an adult, and even have the photographer take a couple of provocative nude shots of her, just because I thought that would be a lot of fun, having her show off her developing body, including her immature slit of a vagina, to a professional photographer. She wasn’t so sure.

Wouldn’t it be special to get some professional photos of her wearing false eyelashes, lots of makeup and only some tiny see-through lingerie, and to make it memorable, even get some tasteful nude pictures of her, with everything showing? She was developing such a beautiful body, and had innocently developed some highly erotic moves at gymnastic classes.

I had never mentioned my secret desire to her, because I knew for certain she would be reluctant. I was sure she would be embarrassed if someone else saw her slender naked body, with her little pubic mound exposed in the photos, even if they were tasteful, highly discrete and totally private shots.

As her mother I was used to seeing her wonderfully sexy body developing, every year since she was six looking more attractive, but I never made an issue of it. I also didn’t interrupt when she struck provocative poses naked in front of her mirror, standing up on her tiptoes, looking so daringly erotic in her innocence.

Sometimes we were both naked in the evening at home, watching television and cuddling on the couch, but she was usually a very private girl, curious but never overt with her interest in sex, and I was certain would never allow herself to be photographed by a total stranger with see-through clothes, or better, naked.

As I visited with the women, Ally came out of the pool to join us, and upon seeing her in her tiny wet bikini, Amanda remarked that she was quite a lovely girl, and indeed she was. The tiny bottom of her dripping suit grasped the slit puff of her pubic mound, displaying a prominent slit, and the water dripping through it made it appear she was peeing.

The bikini bottom had a deep crease in the fold where it crossed her pubic mound, commonly called a camel-toe. Amanda’s eyes were momentarily glued to it, which didn’t surprise me. After all, she was a photographer, always on the lookout for the unusual to photograph. This was unusual but under the circumstances marginally acceptable.

Ally was very attractive for a girl of ten, with a pixy face and the finely-toned body of a gymnast, a perfect example of a young model. In fact, she loved her gymnastics classes. I liked her to take them, because like ballet, it gave her poise, and contributed to her general fitness and confidence.

She had lovely bumps on her chest that were mostly her sensitive nipples, a flat and skinny tummy with six-pack abs from exercising, and long beautiful tapered legs. I especially liked her round bottom, and never tired of caressing and feeling its soft shape when we were alone and naked together.

I was concerned that soon she would start to become a teen, and lose her youthful charm. Certainly she would grow out of liking the physical contact I so enjoyed with my naked daughter. It was a fleeting thing, to be enjoyed while it was possible, without her objection.

I asked Amanda what type of photography she did, and she said mostly fashion. She told me she shot almost exclusively women and children, and she did models in all manner of attire, including dresses, sports clothes and lingerie, for boudoir sessions, and even nudes, all depending on what the various magazine editors wanted or stipulated.

She said in her early years while they were still a leading men’s magazine, she had done some nude sessions for playboy, which included some additional intercourse images, done by request for the owner’s private collection. She appeared to blush when she said she had done much more than that.

She told me that, in addition to the gorgeous young ladies she photographed copulating with highly-developed studs, she had photographed some of the highly regarded and well-known Playboy bunnies and amazingly built female models engaged in inter-species sex.

She had even, she confessed, done special assignments for the highly guarded Girlie-Pose, a slick New York underground monthly publication depicting children, featuring erotic nude poses of girls Ally’s age. She winked as she said although not entirely legal, to say the least, it paid very well, and when it came right down to it, everything was about money, wasn’t it.

Amanda reminded me that capturing erotic sex images was quite simple with the right models, and although enjoyable, was all in the past, during a time when she had been struggling to develop clients for her photography career. Now she was so busy she had to literally fight clients off.

By this time Ally was attentively listening to our conversation, her ears perking up with the mention of sex. After she’d had a good look at Ally, I asked Amanda if she could do some professional photos of my daughter. Amanda hesitated, and then said she might be able to work her into her schedule, so I asked how much it would cost.

She quoted ten thousand dollars for a session, far beyond my price range, which was disappointing, as what she was asking was understandable, but well outside my budget. She was, I assumed, one of the top Los Angeles photographers, and had earned the right to charge those very high prices for her services.

I watched Amanda appraise Ally again, her eyes noticeably returning to the prominent camel toe in her groin that had not diminished as the clinging fabric partially dried. Amanda then surprised me when she changed her mind and said she could do it if we signed off on all of the pictures.

The gorgeous photographer winked as she said it was possible that she might interest one of her special kiddie-pic publishers in using a photo or two, if we had a few that bordered on the risqué. At first I thought she might mean some kind of child pornography of something similar, but realized that was absurd.

Whatever would make me think a thing like that? This woman was a real professional in the photography business, with a well established reputation. Of course, she might know of publishers who would be so unscrupulous they would print photos of naked little girls, but she would never do business with them.

I was careful to not make a big show of it, but I was very enthusiastic, and I asked Ally if she would like to pose for Amanda. Ally was at first reluctant and shy at my suggestion, but when I persisted, telling her big producers might discover her once she was published, she finally agreed.

Amanda said that she could do some shots the next evening after her regular schedule was completed. She added that she did not supply clothing for the shoot, and suggested we look over the clothes and lingerie that Ally had at home, and perhaps shop for additional items. She said I should consider things that were somewhat revealing.

When Ally heard this, she protested about the lingerie, expecting I might pick things that were too skimpy, but I said I would love to have some tasteful shots of her in some lovely clothes for women, even if it makes her a bit embarrassed. Amanda said she would look good in some lacy and shear lingerie.

She also suggested both tiny tight panties and some that were too large for her. That sounded like we were both on the same page. We parted and agreed to meet at Amanda’s studio the next evening at seven. She suggested we eat first, as the session might be lengthy.

That night we looked over Ally’s clothes, some of my lingerie, and decided to shop in the morning. Amanda had mentioned a great place to find what we were looking for, and it turned out to be perfect. Most of the products it carried were for little girls, and I was surprised to see they catered to girls as young as five.

The company I worked for, Naughty Nities, had nothing in these sizes. I’d have to recommend we make some additions. With the tiny tots they were providing micro garments for, there were things about today’s society I had yet to fully comprehend, but it would be wise for us to get ahead of the curve.

We purchased a couple of small dresses for Ally, short skirts and blouses, and of course some very attractive lingerie, with lots to choose from in Ally’s size. We also bought sheer slips, tiny bras, camisoles, sheer lacy panties, both regular, lace and open legged in pink, beige and white, including an open crotch pair, just to be quite naughty.

In addition to those, I bought for her some erotic sheer stockings her size and also child-sized garter belts. I also found a beautiful red pair of small sized adult-style spike heels she could wear. They had three and half inch heels, which in her size was the equivalent of 5-inch heels.

She looked amazing in those spikes, nylons and garter belt with her shapely legs. When I had her put them on before the panties she protested again about the photo shoot and people seeing more of her than she liked. I reminded her that she didn’t mind wearing her bikini at the beach.

I knew better than to mention her skimpy gymnast’s outfits she happily wore to perform in front of an audience, which at best, in the modern style, was quite immodest form-fitting and high-cut attire. In those her puffy camel-toe was prominent for all to admire, and at the competitions I regularly saw people’s eyes glued to her barely hidden sex organ.

She always seemed to be comfortable in a bathing suit, which everybody wore in public. I told her she would be glad when she grew up to have the photos we would get, both to enjoy herself and to share with her family, as she is only ten years old once, and I reassured her again that she would make a great child model with her wonderful fit body.

We arrived at Amanda’s studio with her new costumes carried discretely in a pair of travel bags. Sue answered the door, escorted us in, seated us, and soon Amanda appeared. She sorted through the clothing that we brought, and nodded approval, especially at our lingerie choices.

Then she introduced us to another female assistant, as well as one of her male helpers, Carol and Karl. Amanda said the two women would pose Ally, and the man, Karl, would help with the lighting and also some of the camera work. Amanda mentioned she had another male helper, Steve, who did some camera work and some editing.

I could see Ally was nervous with all these people, especially the two men in the studio. Amanda was very understanding, and reassured her that the men were there because they were needed, and that both were very experienced and were totally professional.

The female assistants put some makeup on Ally, glued on amazing false eyelashes, adjusted her hair, and then took her behind a dressing screen and worked with her on clothing. I couldn’t see what they did, but they soon had Ally giggling.

The men busied themselves with the camera and the lighting, the painted backdrop, the placement of a sofa and some props. At last everyone was ready and they posed Ally, now in a short black dress, with her beautiful red spike heels on, either standing or seated in various positions, and began shooting.

They did several shots, the women bit by bit raising her dress to expose more and more of my daughter’s shapely legs and thighs. Ally had some mixed feelings about that. Next were some shots with her shorter skirts and sexy low blouses I had selected, to expose her bare shoulder and some of her upper chest.

When the women wanted to expose even more leg, so as to show all of her sheer stockings and straps of her garter belt, Ally blushed, protesting and looking with her pleading eyes for me to intervene. Sensing Ally’s growing humiliation and embarrassment, Amanda halted the shoot to chat with her.

Everyone took a short break, until Ally was relaxed again and shooting could be resumed. This time they were chattier, and the girls were posing her more suggestively, getting her to giggle with them, while showing her lovely stocking clad legs up to and including her sheer panties.

I noticed that with the lighting they were sheer enough that it was possible for the cameras to get a good view of her pretty child cunt through them. Ally was blissfully unaware of what the cameras could see, and was more cooperative than I thought she would be with the increased exposure.

Then Amanda said it was time to do some lingerie shots, so Ally was taken behind the screen again, and now they put on her a sheer beige skin-colored camisole top. She also wore a sheer lacy half-slip with her tiny nylon panties visible, still with sheer stockings and garter belt.

Ally was blushing again when she became aware of the men looking at her, but I kept reassuring her with my smile that they were professionals. As she was being posed in her lingerie, I found my heart pounding. My innocent youngster was looking incredibly sexy.

Even though she was only ten years old and was my daughter, I was becoming sexually aroused by the highly erotic interaction that grew as it played out before me. Amanda continued shooting as more and more of Ally’s small body was exposed to the cameras.

The knowledgeable female photographer quietly expressed pleasure with what she was capturing, purposefully speaking loud enough that Ally could hear what she said. Her job at this stage was to not only capture great images, but to coddle her subject to ensure she would continue to pose, and to go further.

The girls managed to make Ally look incredibly erotic as they posed my child with her lean legs spread to show her pretty if thin tiny panties, and with her camisole lowered slightly at the neck, beginning to expose her budding nipples. Amanda and Steve’s cameras were busy capturing my sweetie.

They continued to advance the immodest exposure, and were soon getting pictures of her with her slip pulled above her waist and below her rib cage, so that it covered nothing. Even the dimple of her navel in her slightly rounded tummy was fully revealed, and I had to admit looked quite sexy.

I watched the camera’s screen as Amanda checked a close-up of my child’s groin, and was impressed at how cute her barely hidden 10-year-old cunt was, and how well the camera lens could see the naughty sex organ peeking through the insignificant thin and nearly transparent fabric.

This photo session was working far better than I had expected, and I was pleased. Despite her professional veneer as she worked, the distinguished photographer was clearly as much a child cunt fan as I was, and I knew we’d have to get many more and more revealing images of that delightful little girl sex organ to satisfy us both.

The sheer see-through panties we’d bought failed to hide the plump, pink lips of her pretty child-cunt, or its prominent slit, as I knew would be the case, but thankfully Ally couldn’t see that. The women took her behind the screen again, and they soon had her changed into pink lingerie.

Ally now wore a half-slip, a pair of transparent hide-nothing panties and a camisole, this one even more sheer than the beige one that it replaced. From every angle, my little girl was now completely naked, and enormously appealing to see in her new highly transparent outfit.

This time the minuscule panties they chose to put on her had a sheer plastic strip over her pubes, a clear cover, hiding nothing of her pretty cunt, and the view they provided was very arousing. As I looked, my eyes wide, I could see the ladies had applied lipstick to her organ!

Her little pink inner lips, now with the makeup along their flared edges to highlight them, were spread as they pressed against the clear plastic, fully revealing her most meat of her vestibule, and her urethra’s swollen little dented bud of a piss-slit in the most enticing way.

Just as the women wanted to put her in further erotic poses, Ally looked at me embarrassed and humiliated for guidance. She was torn between what I was so agreeably allowing and what her teachers at school had taught her was just wrong. My little girl was clearly confused.

I couldn’t understand how young school teachers, most of them not yet mothers, thought they had the right to impose their own standards on the children in their care. It was invasive of them, to say the least. I could not remember ever teaching Ally anything about a false sense of modesty. Her body was her own, and she had a wonderful female form that should only inspire pride. Since we practiced no false modesty when we were at home alone and naked together, I was certain it was that prudish school teachers who were the source of my child’s confusion.

With a reassuring smile, I reassured her that the crew was doing a great job, getting some amazing photos, which even as an outside observer I could see was completely true. I also pointed out that they were not infringing too much on her shyness, so it was all right for them to continue.

They were indeed professionals, and without any sense of force, they continued to gently encourage my gorgeous little girl to push at her own personal boundaries. To do so was, I noticed, a fun thing to do, and she was getting more and more comfortable with her growing exposure to the cameras.

I told her I approved of what was going on, and was genuinely interested in seeing what would develop with her in the hands of these consummate professionals. Knowing I had her trust, I further promised her everything would be fine. I thought this was true, and realized it would be incredibly exciting if it were not.

I didn’t really know these people at all, but had placed full trust in them. What if they went too far, and pulled me along with them, encouraging unacceptable conduct by my little girl, with her thinking they had my approval? How far would they go, having an encouraging mother present? What limits did any of them have?

When Sue and her assistant wanted to slide her panties off her hips to bare her groin, my daughter finally rebelled. That was just too much for her to handle, at least, I thought, happening as quickly as it did. In my view, now that it seemed I could trust Amanda and her team, pictures of her pretty little cunt seemed to me to be fair game. Secretly I had really hoped for that.

Amanda and I tried to reassure her so we could continue to expose more of her delightful body, particularly revealing her cute little sex organ to the cameras, but she did not want have them take nude photos of her. To my consternation, my stubborn little girl was proving to be an obstructive little bitch.

Finally, I had to take her aside and have a quiet talk with her. I pointed out that with the expensive lingerie we had bought she was not at all nude. Nude really meant wearing no clothes at all. Unreasonably I argued that, even with her vagina bare, she was still wearing those high heeled expensive shoes we’d bought.

I reminded her I was spending a lot of money on this session, and that the photos were all for her to keep for her whole life. I also made several promises and few threats along the way before she became somewhat compliant. What finally swayed her was the promise of a double slice of strawberry pie with three scoops of ice cream, her favorite.

I had got her acquiescence, but not before she said that it would be up to me if she were to continue, and it would be my decision, not hers, on how far I’d let things go. I said yes, that these were great shots we were getting with a wonderful, highly respected fashion photographer. I loved them, and she would too.

I also promised her she looked like a professional fashion model, doing exactly what successful models do. “Their bodies are their prime tools,” I said as if I knew what I was talking about, “And they practice constantly to look incredible in front of the cameras, with as much showing as the photographer and the designer require.

“These are modern times,” I said as if I knew the subject well, “And the paying public, and therefore the magazine editors, need these photos that really show how beautiful you are as a person and as a professional model. They want to see your best, and realize its just your picture, not you they’re seeing.”

“Are you sure, Mom?” she asked, surprised at what I said. “Like, everybody can see everything!”

“Of course, dear,” I reassured her, “That’s what a photography session’s all about. To get lots of assignments and be popular with the editors who buy your photos for their magazines, you have to give them what they need, and they need to see inside your pretty little peepee.

Everybody wants to see it. That’s what people expect when they buy their magazines. There’s really nothing wrong with that. After all, it’s just pictures they want, and someone seeing your private parts in a picture is quite harmless, Little girls’ cunnies are quire popular..

“All professional models are very proud of their bodies, like every part of them, and have nothing to hide. They are happy to share their most intimate body parts to make the photo sessions really successful. Besides that, the crew in the studio, including the men, is only there to ensure everything goes well.”

This seemed to satisfy her, as she did not protest much this time when her panties were lowered. Now she sat, her legs apart, exposing her little ten-year-old cunt to all of us in the studio, and she actually smiled. Even her bare cunt seemed to smile. With my approval, she decided to enjoy this.

Her slip was then bunched around her waist, exposing her hips as well, and there were many more sexy photos taken at Amanda’s direction, mainly closeups of Ally’s pert little naked vagina. She even got Ally to raise and thrust her hips, rotating her pelvis so that her cunt opened and was featured.

Next her camisole was pulled up to expose her lovely aroused nipples. Amanda said these shots were going to be great, as she continued clicking her camera. I couldn’t help notice that most of the photos she was taking were with the long lens of her camera pointed at my child’s naked painted pussy, and I was pleased.

For the first time I noticed Amanda also had a couple of video cameras going. They were operated by a pair of young girls who appeared to be in their late teens, probably high school seniors, and they seemed to know what they were doing. Amanda was making a video of our session, although that had not been part of our agreement.

These new poses were so good that they were in fact much more erotic than if she were totally naked. I was even more aroused observing the effect my daughter’s bare cunt was having on the men who looked at her nearly nude body. This was clearly a sexual experience for them both, judging by the rigid bulges in their jeans.

As Amanda instructed, Ally raised up on her toes and thrust her hips, which had the effect of making her naked little cunt stretch wider open. I couldn’t help but notice the large bumps in the men’s pants revealed developing dark spots, known as pecker tracks, proclaiming the depth of their interest.

Even the girls looked aroused. This professional photo shoot was turning out to be much better, more sexually stimulating and more productive than I could ever have imagined. Now I was getting to understand much better the kind of photography done in Amanda’s studio.

We would after all have hundreds of naked shots of my darling, including as it was turning out, dozens of her pretty aroused and open pussy! We were getting, thanks to photographer Amanda and her capable assistants, risqué, very daring and highly sexual photographs that we could never put in our photo albums.

These more than just erotic images, the photos were turning out to be purely sexual in nature, designed to get the viewers fully stimulated to the point his or her juices were flowing. I was now sure she intended to sell these to one of her underground slick naked kiddie-appreciation magazines.

This was much more than the suggestive images I had proposed. This was express child pornography at its finest, by a master of the craft. I was ecstatic! It was exactly what I had hoped for, and it was all happening right in front of me, with my accenting and active participation.

Amanda seemed to be enjoying the spectacle of my now highly compliant daughter, her resistance almost overcome, smiling and doing whatever was asked, and I noticed that Ally’s breathing was now shallow, and her face flushed. This was turning my darling little 10-year-old girl on!

She appeared to be aroused and stimulated by the attention everyone was giving her. What I thought of as my innocent little daughter, Ally was proving to be a real little hussy sex-pot. With her full unabashed cooperation, she was becoming a wonderfully compliant and beautifully performing child model, readily and even eagerly doing everything asked of her.

After dozens of rapid-fire shots, including mostly close-up photos of Ally’s tender exposed genitalia, Amanda surprised me when she said Ally was now ready and she wanted her posed in even more erotic positions. She said Ally had a magnificent vestibule between her enticing outer labia.

I nodded in agreement as she said she wanted to explore and document its finer details with what she called tasteful erotic and sensually stimulating images. This wonderful woman understood better than I did the direction I wanted this photo shoot to take, and she had to this point taken Ally with her.

Amanda surprised me when she put her fingers to Ally’s open slit, and stuck two of them in, moving them around in the most probing fashion. Ally moved her hips encouragingly at first, and then she backed off as Amanda withdrew her fingers, and said, “The editors insist I verify the girls they publish are virgins.”

She then put her fingers to her lips, and sucked on them, taking in the child aroma and moisture she had collected. This woman once more demonstrated in the most revealing way that she was fully invested in her work, and loved working with little girls with pretty little cunts.

When Ally began to protest at what she said and did, we took a break, but it was clear at this point that Ally was certainly feeling the effects of voyeuristic attention she was receiving. What she had always thought of as the private parts of her beautiful young body were now becoming public.

She was further confused that she was getting nothing but full approval and praise as she displayed herself. My little girl was becoming educated. Proving she was still her mother’s daughter, she still would not permit things to continue unless I fully agreed, which I did, thinking that there was not much more in the way of erotic poses that Amanda and her crew could imagine. How could it possibly ever get even more daring?

With my full approval, Sue and Carol held open with their fingers Ally’s thick pubic lips, and displayed her inner vestibule for the probing cameras. The lenses could now see her hymen, and if published, the photos being viewed by the magazine viewers would say “Hi, men!” as Amanda said, which I thought was cute.

Amanda and Karl zoomed in tight, getting what later proved to be hundreds of incredible shots, many of them extreme closeups, of the inner vestibule of my little girl’s vagina and its inner details. As they finished, I was sure this was as far as it could go. After all, what more could they do?

I was, to my amazement, proved wrong, as Amanda raised the shoot to yet another level. My darling little girl, the subject of everyone’s attention, was manhandled into one erotic pose after another, her legs were again spread and her cunt, which now appeared quite moist, was gaping slightly.

Ally surprised me when she complied when Amanda instructed her to use her fingers to spread her vagina lips wide open herself for the cameras. She pushed her little fingers of both hands into the slot of her pubes, and pulled them wide apart, revealing the full breadth of the flexible female organ.

“Our little model responds better to commands than to requests,” Amanda observed. I had not noticed that, but being in charge of the shoot, Amanda did. The delicate inner lips of her organ were becoming puffy and red from frequent subtle as well as forceful handling, as the child intimate organ was being lewdly exposed to the camera.

As Ally pulled her pubes apart for Amanda with her fingers, her hymen was clearly visible, and it was stretched tight, sealing the opening of her inner vaginal canal. if it had not been intact, the cameras and crew would have been able to see right into the depths of my child’s gaping little girl cunt to her cervix.

I was astounded at what Amanda had so cleverly achieved in revealing the core of my child’s sexuality. Only Ally couldn’t see what the rest of us could. It was clear that Ally was now more comfortable with the intimate if obscene attention she was receiving, and my little darling had also become aroused.

The men appeared to be enjoying the view as they adjusted lights and cameras around the studio, with their raging cocks bulging their pants, with unabashed rows of pecker tracks lining the fly of their jeans. Their stimulated testicles were producing semen, and it was making its way up to be leaked in some volume.

It was clear they knew what the perks of this incredible job were while shamelessly watching the action. What had begun as a tame photo shoot had turned into a lurid spectacle of what was becoming, as Amanda so craftily phrased it, willing child fashion pornography.

The spectacle unfolding before them, with their full participation, was light on the fashion but heavy on the child sex aspect. It could not be accurately called anything but pornography, and both the men and women assisting the photographer were fully involved in making it spectacular.

Amanda noticed my arousal and smiled, and I think that I was more excited because of the women and men watching my daughter now being shamelessly displayed, photographed and sexually touched by complete strangers. My delightful little cunt’s perverted mind and her pert and fully aroused little vagina were responding admirably.

Ally was proving to be a precocious little cunt, as Amanda had gambled on. “I wonder if we could try an insertion,” the gorgeous blonde child pornographer said, “I don’t mean to say we should violate her virginity, but perhaps we might find a sexual visually interesting way to use her pretty puckered anus.

“We’ll need her little bum well cleaned inside first, girls,” she said to her assistants, assuming she had my approval. Then to me she said “I’m sure you understand we don’t take any dirty photographs here!” That was intended as a joke, and to break the ice. I gave the expected smile and nod.

I remembered when Ally was four, well after my toddler had been toilet trained, seeing her squat on the bathroom floor. That was the time my impudent baby child took a deliberate dump, making an intentional bowel movement, just so that she could examine her own offal.

I had watched her probe the firm brown log she had produced with her finger, then lift her hand to her nose so she could sniff it, and I was relieved when she did not put it into her mouth to taste it. I was an understanding mother, but I had to admit that would have been too much.

Children do the most mind-boggling things out of curiosity. After she got up, wiped herself and pulled up her panties, I cleaned her mess up. I was surprised that her tender curled stool didn’t smell any stronger than when I had been changing her diapers when she was an infant. I’ don’t know what it would be like today.


5 thoughts on “THE PHOTO SHOOT 1 by AmandaBlonde”

  1. AMANDA is an amazingly talented writer with a remarkable imagination, and creates situations that are highly stimulating for the reader. It is a great pleasure and honor to work with her.


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