Writer: Takingthelefthandpath
Subject: The Path & More
Link: Tumblr / 04.07.2023
Author’s Note: I post this following from 4lillith3 who’s no longer here at “t” under their old handle as far as I am aware.
The Path
We are all born into a culture and many of us are born into some religion. We are all victims of social conditioning and indoctrination. The Path is for most people something defined and laid out for them by various external institutions, like churches, the state, or their parents. Society and culture seek to enforce an identity based on our class, gender, career, and religion. This false imposed identity is a lie! The false identity is presented to us as being the foundation of our path. This is the path of the lower self.
The Black Flame
Most people are spiritually asleep and caught by the lie of the lower self. They cling to it because it’s all they know and all they have. Their true self and their true will are unknown to them. The true self is the black flame burning within, suppressed and feared by most because it does not abide by the imposed expectations of the world around us.
The Awakening
When we become conscious of the black flame burning within, it burns away the illusions and lies of the lower self and the archontic culture we’re caught up in. We’ll want to distance ourselves from it and instead follow the Black Flame or our True Will. When we wake up the world notices and responds with hatred. They’ll say: How dare you think you can just drift away and do your own thing!How dare you reject the lies that we have imposed on you? How dare you reject the path that we have laid out for you? How dare you think that you are enough or that you are something at all? Everything you believe in is wrong, denounce it! The archontic culture and its institutions will do anything in their power to pull us back into the imposed identity of the lower self and try to force us to walk a path that they control.
The Truth
The archontic culture must be rejected and we must stay true to our true self; the black flame! When we walk the path of the black flame, we walk a path that is truly our own. When we become manifestations of our true will, we will be persecuted and hated by those who seek to mold us into what they want us to be. The lower self faces its destruction and death in the flames of the eternal black flame and we become who we are supposed to be! The archons cannot recreate what rightfully has been destroyed.
Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer!
Mighty Lord Lucifer! Ancient torchbearer! Help me illuminate my path because it’s foggy and unclear. I can’t see clearly and I’m lost! Share with me your light so that I may see! Mighty Lucifer, awaken the black flame within me! Let it burn and kill the person they’ve molded me into! Let the black flame purify me so that I can become who I truly am!