Writer: Destiny1961
Subject: The Pastor & Me
Link: Email LS666 / 05.12.2022
The Pastor & Me
I was raised in the church, all be it a corrupt catholic one. I had heard the stories of the priests and wondered about them, even as a young boy. You see, at a young age, I had a wild imagination and wicked mind. I even had a priest tell me, that he felt something in me, something, “Special.”
The priest, the ultimate authority when it comes to religion. I know about the bible. I have read most of it. But, I haven’t read it all.
I remember thinking to myself, as I sat in that confessional, how can someone tell me to just say a few prayers and all is forgiven? Does he have that power? Back then, I spent a lot of time thinking about sex, and of course, about the pleasures of masturbation. But do I really confess that? And what kind of penance is there for these sins?
I have always been this frail, shy type; with my long hair; looking like my female siblings. The older kids would say shit like, “You’re going to make a good wife someday,” and stuff like that.
I had seen the dark part of town, with its hookers, and realized a few of them were different. I was told by someone that they were just men dressed like girls; that they do bad things. While, others said, they were in the wrong body, or were they?
I remembered reading that God does not make mistakes. So maybe, they were made this way for a purpose? We all have a purpose? Maybe this was me? I remember thinking about the things they did and wanting to masturbate. Maybe one would help me out?
It was bad enough thinking about someone sucking a dick and swallowing their semen — but then how a man could go down on a woman? Then it got to the thoughts of a man inside a woman’s pussy — only to think about one in someone’s asshole.
There was one priest in particular. The boys talked about him. I went into the confessional and it was him. I wondered how I could tell him, that I thought about sex and masturbation — or maybe even tell him that I am, “feminine.”
It was then, that I had my first vision. It started with the usual …
“Forgive me father for I have sinned and it was a while since last confession.”
Right away he asked me why it had been so long and then went into a sort of daze. I pictured telling this priest about my thoughts of sexual misconduct and then feeling like a girl. He scolded me, and told me, we needed a drastic measure.
He had me leave the booth and took me into his office. He told me he would show me why it was wrong; and had me put on a girls things; and even did some light make up. He told me, we needed to take holy communion first; then he would get, “Satan,” out of me.
I had this weird thought as communion; we are told we are eating the flesh of Christ and drinking his blood to be close to him, is that not black magick?
He pulled out a briefcase and took out a few things. He gave me a small wafer that tasted funny and then poured wine. It was real wine. The wafer was like a rape drug, as it had me woozy.
Then I heard him tell me to open my mouth as he slid his penis out from under his robe. He pressed it in my mouth and told me he was going to pound, “Satan,” from inside me; as he grabbed me head and started to fuck my face until he was fully erect.
He then had me stand up and lean over. He said that, “Satan live inside the anus,” as he slid a wet finger into me. He told me it would hurt and then thrust into me. He started to say Satan to leave, as he fucked me and told me he would give me the, “Seed of God.”
Before I knew it, I was bouncing on his lap, until he held me, and released inside me. He told me not to tell anyone and if I feel this way again to quickly see him. I then came out of my daze as he was calling to me. I told him a few sins that were lies and got out of there.
Through the years, I had been through many denominations and have even gained spiritual gifts. I had thought about my sexuality and gender dysphoria and how I dreamed the priest said he could change me with the, “Seed of God.”
At one point, I felt called to become a minister or pastor, but those thought got me. Maybe I could transition and be a female pastor, as they had started to pop-up. I was now a part of a Methodist Church, where they started to accept gay and trans people. But they had mixed feelings about that.
I also liked to write and found myself on a site writing erotica. But it got dark and I also found myself getting into hypnosis. I had watched porn that turned into tranny porn and even liked the idea of being in the female role.
I decided to see a hypno-therapist and maybe they could get these thoughts to leave. So, I went to a female who was a new age Christian. She said she could get to the real me. She even brought up, reading something in the bible first. She told me it would make sense if I came back. She had me read the, “Book of Job,” — it told of how Satan had no influence, unless God allowed him to have it.
I went back confused, as she told me, “I means that, if anything happens, then it’s God that must have said he’s okay to it.”
She even said that, he mentioned it is never too late to seek him and he is a gentleman and does not push himself. If we go in a direction — maybe it is destiny —she proceeded to put me under. And when I came out of it, she told me I am like her, “A shemale.” Then she told me to, give it a little bit, and if I still feel badly… to see a priest.
I thought back about my upbringing and went home. I found myself feeling more girly, to a point, where I was lusting for sex in a feminine way. I started to keep an online diary and found myself reaching out to the spirits.
I opened a doorway, but there was more then just spirits …. as I began to hear from demons. I was hearing what others said about God. They were calling to me and I even found myself immersed in hypnosis. I had started to take hormones and thinking in a feminine manner — I even found myself having sex in the feminine position. It was satisfying, but I knew it was a sin.
I found that someone had gotten into my online diary and was reaching out to me. It was a pastor. He told me he understood me, and wanted to help me, “To get free.”
So I met with him for a few weeks as we discussed it all. I told him about the thoughts of those prostitutes, and how I actually found something that said, “It was an honor.” I told him about the hormones and even showed him my small breasts.
As we went on, he brought up scripture, and I brought up my own versions which I said proved God allows some of this. I told him about my first vision of the priest in detail, from the using of drugs to fucking me like a little girl. I watched as he kind of fidgeted and looked like he was trying to rub himself without me noticing.
We met a few more times, as he had me write thoughts down, and even tell him about the hypnosis files I was using. He had to keep on stopping. I felt this was because, he had to, “Relieve himself.”
The next to last meeting he left me with this. He asked about the files, making me a slave girl, and asked if I felt like a girl. Then me asked about me calling on the Queens of Hell. He also knew them as the Four Sacred Prostitutes. He asked, if I felt that I was called to be all this. He told me that lust is a very strong thing and again tried to quote scripture.
I asked him if he was married and how his sex life was. Then I mentioned that if he were to pick up a hooker, he has many possibilities. He could get a disease or even have one show up pregnant or many other things.
Then it went outside the box, as I told him I felt I was the sister of the Baphomet, due to readings about its relationship with the sign, Gemini. I then referenced reading it was the daughter of Eisheth and in turn, if I am its twin, I am also her daughter, so to speak.
I then told him, she was going to teach me from inside, but there is something called, “Sex magick,” and with it we can be one. I said, there is one picked out to take me there and we will both benefit — I told him to think about it — as a slave girl that can be anything, one desires, from a movie star to a nubile young virgin.
He started to quiver and said we will meet one more time, but he needs to test something. In order to, he would need access to my hypno-files. He wanted me to come next time in a way I feel best.
I had someone ask me, if I was seeing him, as they had concerns. They said, they were told he was looking at child porn and sissy hypnosis and dark stuff like magick. I got an email from him and he told me to make sure I listen to my files for three weeks non-stop leading up to our meeting.
So I listened to the files — the ones that have me accept commands from others — as it prepped my mind. The second was one that teaches me, “Why I am a slave girl.” And the third was a dual personality one, called Gemini, that takes me from a boring person to a bad girl/slave girl personality with the use of a trigger. I then followed that with a dark satanic slave file. This one was a visual showing sissies serving sexually …
… it had priests and nuns in it.
It has been close to a month, before I get a call and he asks for me by my alter ego. He tells me it’s time for this little girl to come and see him. I feel myself fade into my altar. I grab a few things, as I am going to dress once I get to where he sends me.
It is a motel that is hidden away and I go to the room he tells me. I put on a little girls things and text him. It is now getting dark as I try to turn the lights on. There are candles so I light then and feel this tingle. He knocks on the door and once inside locks it. He tells me, I am bad and we need to do something about it. He tells me, he has fallen and he has this briefcase.
He pulls out this chalice and a couple wafers and bottle of wine. He knows this takes me back to my vision. He tells me, I have corrupted him and his lust is out of control. He says he feels visits from spirits or demons; and that he is called to help me transition. Then he goes on, to tell me they say that —if he does this — they will let him enjoy sex like never before.
But he is hesitant. He looks down at me as I kneel in front of him with a sad face. He is almost frozen as I take off his pants. He stands there for a few seconds and then lights a few more candles as he pours wine into the chalice. I notice the satanic symbol on it and he says this one is not through the one above.
He asks if I truly believe that God is allowing this. I tell him he deserves this and to enjoy it. I then grab and rubs his balls as he moans. I lick the head of his cock and he stops me. He asks if I truly believe in sex magick and will, he be rewarded? I tell him, “Yes,” and he grabs the wafers. He tells me what they are as per my story. He then uses the trigger on me, which not only brings out this bad girl, but I feel my demoness mother enter me.
I open my mouth for the wafer and as he starts to give it to me. I take his fingers and wafer down my throat and suck his fingers as he pulls them out. He eats his, and then we drink the wine. He remarks we are taking the body and blood of Satan and he quivers after drinking.
I see him wobble, as I stand, and hold him. I tell him he is okay as I give him a deep kiss. I tell him, soon we will be his, as I guide his head to my little breasts. I feel him stoke me as I guide him downward to my dick.
I tell him to taste it — as he knows he wants to — he begins to suck it, but he isn’t very good at it. I pull him back up and guide him back to the bed and start to chant. I tell him to keep up the chant, as I show him how to suck. He watches as I slide my tongue up his shaft and drool until he balls and ass are even wet. I slide a finger into his ass and hit his prostate.
I watch as his cock jumps. I take it in my mouth, as we look at each other. I put his hand on my head, so he can guide me and fuck my face. I feel the pressure build, as I stroke his prostate and suck. He is almost there … so I stop and slide my tongue up his body. I get into position and sit on his cock, as he feels it slowly slide into my tight hole almost not fitting.
It hurts him at first, as he feels it won’t work. But I gyrate until he enters me. I move up and down, and rock on it, as I put his hands on my breasts. I tell him to do as he likes.
I ask how it feels, as he has chanted long enough, and is entered by his own demon of lust. I hear what is like many voices come from him as he has multiple demons. He tells me it is the best he has had — and wants more — I am now entered by the other Queens of Hell … by Lilith. By Namaah. By Agrat Bat Mahlat.
We tell him he can have it — if he surrenders.
He is close, yet again. Now it starts to get painful, as I slide off, and perch above his face.
I lean over and slide into his mouth and fuck his face, as they tell him to take them inside him. I turn into a sixty-nine and suck as he swallows and feels the energy as my seed enters him.
I suck again and this time harder and faster to make it build more. He is in heaven and hell at the same time, as the sex is great and yet he needs release. I slide back off and stand up and gesture for him. He stands next to me as I hold him and we ask him if he is willing to give in for the ultimate pleasure. We tell him he must change us and will not be allowed to release until in our womb. We grab his sore cock to get him aggravated so his thoughts are only of release.
His head spins as we tell him to take us and he tosses us onto the bed. He lifts our legs and shoves deep a few times slowly before picking up the pace. He sucks hard on our breasts before grabbing them and molesting them as he keeps shoving as hard as possible. We are looking into each others eyes, as we tell him to open us up. Finally he feels almost a pop as he enters through that second doorway and begins to pound us unmercifully as if he owns us.
We tell him to tell us he is ours and we will let him feed us and he says he gives in and we kiss him and wrap our legs around him. We feel his body quiver as he explodes for almost five minutes. He leans back on his hands with a weird look on his face as you can say the pleasure. After all is done he lay there spent but satisfied like he has never been before.
Such a thorough understanding of the process many of us go through and what lovely description… please continue writing!
Lord Satan! Bring your demons to me!! Please??
would you settle for me?
So AWESOME SEXY HAIL SEXY SATAN loves the story thank you sharing it with us sweetie