Feature Writer: Wombs of Lilith
Feature Title: The Order Of The Wombs Of Lilith
Link: Wombs of Lilith
The Order Of The Wombs Of Lilith
Why Become A Womb Of Lilith?
From Maiden to Mother To Crone- Using Your Fertility To Take And Give Ultimate Power, Strength, and Pleasure, To Lead And To Serve Your Coven Family
Many witches find hints of this path in their individual journeys. The most perceptive often feel a yearning inside, and they find themselves guided by the Lord and the Lady to discover our order and these truths. Some feel it even before they reach Menarche, others not until they have passed beyond Menopause.
They begin to receive insights into the history about who The Lord and The Lady really are, why they are here, and what their true destiny as Witches can be. The truth about Coven Families and the absolute rewards and power that come when accepting the call as a Queen and Priestess of Lilith and to become a Womb of Lilith, the highest thing any witch can aspire to, resonate with them.
And God said to Eve “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth.” And Lucifer and Lilith taught the Daughters of Eve how to become Wombs of Lilith, to turn that curse back upon God, and to negate his power over them and their Coven Families.
Lord Lucifer and Lady Lilith have taught us how we can use our fertility to not only share ultimate power, strength, and pleasure within our coven families, but also to lead a new generation on the path to absolute freedom. It is also the way that we may serve the Lord and Lady in the highest way possible. This is not about “increasing our standing in the eyes of Satan” as some Christians teach. This is far more.
Becoming a Womb of Lilith is more than just joining an organization. It requires real action, total commitment, and absolute dedication. It is the most serious commitment that any Witch can make. It is not something that is undertaken lightly. If you have any doubts, then becoming a part of this Order is not for you. If, on the other hand, you feel the yearning to take this path, you can find more true, absolute power, strength, and pleasure than you ever before imagined could come to you.
Becoming a Womb of Lilith is a hard thing, requiring a ritual that is not for the weak, the undecided, or the uncommitted. It is rewarding beyond measure for the Witch and those she elects to initiate with her by their active participation in the ritual.
The most powerful ritual in all magical workings involves intentional conception with planned abortion at the end. It brings ultimate power to the Witches that perform it and to those they choose to be with them in the the ritual. It is only for the strongest of Witches. They become immune to even the most severe laws of God. This is why God fears Witches above all else, and desires his followers to kill us.
Becoming a Womb of Lilith brings absolute freedom from the decrees of god. It brings such power to her that it makes it possible to negate the very decrees of god himself. It opens the ability to bring into this world as children, the spirits of those that followed Lucifer and Lilith in the beginning, and were exiled from the presence of god. They were forbidden the ability to come here via the wombs of his daughters. Only a Womb of Lilith can break that decree and open her womb to those spirits.
Even god himself can not stop a Womb of Lilith, for he can not look upon her or those initiated with her in any way. Becoming a Womb of Lilith removes you from the power, dominion, and authority of god. You become invisible to him. Even his spirit and angels can not stand against a Womb of Lilith or those she took with her through the ritual to become one. They are free to walk past god, his christ, and their angels and take their places as Gods and Goddesses themselves.
That is the power that comes to you and those you elect to initiate with you when you enter the Order of the Wombs Of Lilith.
Are you ready to walk this path, create a coven family, and bring that total power, ultimate strength, and absolute pleasure to yourself and your Coven Family?
If you would like to know more please e-mail us at [email protected]