Writer: Hoku Lani
Subject: The Mother of Abortions
Link: MEWE / 12.01.2022
The Mother of Abortions
Lilith seduced Lamech, the father of Noah and reminded him that she is the “Mother of Abortions” because she hates fruitfulness in the daughters of Eve. However her existence is far greater than mankind. Her reason for weakening Lamech and riding his cock was that he never forget her and remind him of the line of Cain and his descendants. Lamech’ s responsibility was to write her words and tell the world of her creation. It was not the god of the Old Testament who created Adam from the things of the earth, but Lilith, the Whore of Sitra Ahra and The Dark Goddess , and it was Lilith who visited Eve in the form of a wise serpent to free her from her prison of ignorance by feeding her the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.
There was a group of men and women shared themselves in common. They celebrated sexual orgies in which partners were swapped. Coitus interruptus was the normal practice. This is when the cock is withdrawn before ejaculation. Semen was collected and offered to the creator, before being consumed. They also consumed women’s menstrual blood as a sacred rite.
The theology behind the lechery was anything but world-affirming. It varied from one sub-sect to another. In outline the material world was ruled by an evil “Archon” or intermediate deity. The bodily flesh belonged to this archon, and would not be raised up.
The power of the soul was found in semen and menstrual blood. They believed that by allowing semen to impregnate and bring children in this world would play into the hands of the evil archon. So if by accident a woman became pregnant, the sect would abort the fetus. They would take the fetus and pound it in a mortar, mix it with honey and spices, and eat it.
The beautiful women in the sect used to set themselves out as bait to recruit new followers. They did this as a form of Divine Prostitution. Some formed a male elite called Levites, who did not have sex with women but only with each other!
The sect believed that a son of a storm god was the first teacher of these practices.
He also took his mortal mother to a mountain, took a woman out of his side and then proceeded to fuck her in all of her holes. Keep in mind his mother was watching. He practiced the Ritual of Coitus Interruptus, ejaculating in front of his mother and then drank his own sperm saying: “Thus we ought to do, that we may live.”
The sect even claimed that when eating his flesh and drinking his blood, it was in reference to eating semen and drinking menstrual blood.
“I stood upon a high mountain and saw a tall man, and another of short stature, and heard something like the sound of thunder and went nearer in order to hear. Then he spoke to me and said: I am thou and thou art I, and wherever thou art, there am I, and I am sown in all things; and whence thou wilt, thou gatherest me, but when thou gatherest me, then gatherest thou thyself.” [Epiphanius, Panarion, 26.3.1]
“They say that the same soul is scattered about in animals, beasts, fish, snakes, humans, trees, and products of nature.” [Epiphanius, Panarion, 26.9.1.]
“And the pitiful pair, having made love, then proceed to hold up their blasphemy to heaven, the woman and the man taking the secretion from the male into their own hands and standing looking up to heaven. They hold the impurity in their hands and pray … and say “We offer you this gift, the body of Christ.” And then they consume it, partaking of their shamefulness, and they say: “This is the body of Christ and this is the Pasch for which our bodies suffer.” … When they fall into a frenzy among themselves, they soil their hands with the shame of their secretion, and rising, with defiled hands pray stark naked, as if through such an action they were able to find a hearing with God.” [Epiphanius, Panarion, 26.4-5]
“If one of them fails to anticipate the immission of the seed from the natural effluence and the woman becomes pregnant, then listen to something even more dreadful which they dare to do. Extracting the foetus at whatever time they choose to do the operation, they take the aborted infant and pound it up in a mortar with a pestle, and mixing in honey and pepper and some other spices and sweet oils so as not to become nauseous, all the members of that herd of swine and dogs gather together and each partakes with his finger of the crushed-up child.” [Epiphanius, Panarion, 26.5.]
The Gospel of Eve is known only from one or two short quotations from the great heretic-hunter Epiphanius, bishop of Salamis. He tells us that it was used by certain Gnostic sects with lurid and bizarre beliefs and sexual practices. I am not sharing a satanic or pagan ritual, no I am sharing ancient beliefs of Christianity, as believed by the Gnostics. The man on the mountain fucking a woman he pulled from his side was none other than Jesus!
Hail Lilith
Now and Forever!
Hail Lilith’s Scribe
Hoku Lani
Now and Forever!
Thank You My Brother Xpanther
For Sharing Her Wisdom
Hail Hoku Lani,
These writings are so important for our education and to show how man has corrupted these writing to control others. Hoku Lana shows us what we are meant to be by our dark Crestor. Imagine being able to openly and regularly partake in such described rituals as we worship Satan and Lilitrtakebringould re-
Hai Lilith
The Collyridians also strike me as interesting
The Collyridians also strike me as interesting
I am in awe at your erudition.
Thanks for sharing such wisdom Hail
Im Prinzip kann ich Sachbücher und No Viction nicht Leiden, obwohl die Bilder dazu meist herrlich geil sind. Auch die Inhalte sind oft super erregend und geil, dass stimmt schon. Aber daraus sollten ganze, lange Geschichten Entstehen. So wie bei Anna Laura zum Beispiel oder Amandablonde. Ganz späte Abtreibung oder einige Zeit nach normaler Geburt – was oft auch als späte Abtreibung bezeichnet wird – soll unsagbar starke, herrlichste Orgasmen für das Mädchen erzeugen – und nicht nur in erdachten Geschichten, auch in echt, wie man Lesen konnte. Ja und auch dafür sorgt schon Lilith. Das Jesus ein geiler Bock war – und sogar mit Huren zu tun hatte, steht an mehreren Stellen als Vernutung. Lilith soll schon vor tausenden Jahren eine sehr grausame Königin gewesen sein. Hauptsächlich grausamste Tötungen von Mädchen und kleinst Mädchen und Babys. Steht in alten Aufzeichnungen. Ließ sie von anderen Mädchen tun, aber selber auch. Und nur zur höchsten Steigerung ihrer Lust und Orgasmen. Sie war unersättlich an Geilheit und Lustorgasmen, schreibt man. Aber Lilith wird dann auch in der Bibel erwähnt. Satan und Lilith gehören zusammen und sind natürlich unsterblich. Viele Mädchen, die sich mit Leib und Seele Satan hingeben und schwerste Gotteslästerungen in Taten und Worten begehen – aus Lust, Geilheit und Wonne, Beten darum und wünschen sich Lilith`s geistige Kräfte in ihren Fotzen und Leibern. und würden restlos alles nach ihrem Sinne tun, um ihre Geilheit zu Steigern und Orgasmen zu bekommen, die ihre ganzen Leiber Beherrschen. Und anonyme Umfragen – auch bei ganz spät Abtreibungen – haben gezeigt : Satan und Lilith in Fotze und Leib, herrlicher könne für sie nichts mehr sein. Sagten alle Befragten ganz ehrlich. Also ist es auch so. Anna Laura und Amandablonde schrieben “nur” super geile, herrliche Geschichten. Aber beide kannten sich aus – das alles auch in echt so ist und gemacht wird. Machbar ist alles. Und das Herrlichste das es geben kann an Gefühlen, ist ja Frauen und Mädchen – egal in welchem Alter – vorbehalten. Und wenn machbar, warum sollten sie für diese Herrlichkeit ihrer Fotzen und Leiber nicht alles tun – wirklich alles? Der schönste Lohn von Satan und Lilith ist ihnen sicher. Sie selber Leben gerne und wollen ihr Leben und Leiber Genießen. Sagten Befragte. Und das werden sie auch. Was ja mit Gott da Oben nie möglich wäre.