The Mind Mistress by Destiny1961 – Non-Fiction

Writer: Destiny1961 aka Serinity Michaels

Subject: The Mind Mistress

Link: Email LS666 / 07.11.2022 /

The Mind Mistress

It’s been a while I know but been in a state of confusion lately. I have been talking with someone into chaos and sex magick, who has been telling me of her or his life, as a sacred prostitute. And how they had gotten even into the nastier part of it.

It is weird as they know of so many demons and stuff, so I look them up as they are told to me. I have found my mind kind of melting. I have felt like been on the fence though due to living with my Christian wife too, so have felt maybe the demons are angry with me.

I have laid here calling on them and succubi, and all sorts of things, that some would say, “Go bump in the night,” and then the Halloween season got me.

I cannot use the poppers as due to the stroke; and was even scared to use the hormones as well; as the extra estrogen could do it. I then saved enough money up to buy the, “Demon Dick Dildo,” and got a gift card with what it would cost. But then to realize did not have enough to make it due to shipping.

I then asked for clarity, as felt it was that particular phallus that would bring me closer. Then found myself looking at the hypnosis again and someone called, “The Mind Mistress.” I believe she used the name from, “Alice In Wonderland,” at one point back when. I remembered getting a CD to learn trance from her, which is now gone.

I met someone on, “ALT Personals,” though who had an actual session with her a while back. So I was drawn to try and pull up the site. The site is broken down though as she still has the CDs, but through

So I now have this gift card and looked at maybe a file,but which and felt guided as my mind flutters back and forth from the dark and light. There is one called acceptance that helps to accept other files or suggestions and felt maybe Satan was telling me it would help me turn over my mind for the proper programming. It says to listen to it for two weeks straight to work and have for three days now and going to after writing.

I have had a few guys, who want to fuck me, and figure would use that as an offering to the demons and through it would be taken into the dark. Problem is, I talk too much, so before I totally lose, all figured better call for help.

I read somewhere that the way into the dark sexually is through the, “Anus,” as it is, “Sodomy.” So figured maybe start out sucking; and then maybe get into position where someone will fuck me. So decided to try something last night and oddly am getting more brazen as doing things even with the others here secretly.

So my thoughts were if I dedicate the file maybe I can be possessed for a given time and they will be in my mind to help it stick and guide me. The file even talks about being what I want to be so it helps me accept Seri as me so what next? I know have actually been trancing cause it has maybe nine files and as I get to about number four all of a sudden am on number nine and its over.

Will say more about that soon, but last night I grabbed a shot of absinthe, as read it is a dark drink. I have gotten my ears pierced again and its wild as have these crosses, so when needed look like a Christian and when time turn them upside down for Satan.

So, as the wife was napping figured would give something a shot. I grabbed the shot and went into my bathroom where do my summonings and took the shot and offered it to them to taste and fill with their spirit. I went and made sure she was out; and that my phone was set to the files and my earbuds were charged. Then went into the bathroom and first used the, “Satan Enn,” and followed by Lilith and then Lucifer.

I told them my thoughts that through drinking the shot. I wanted to offer my mind and soul so they can guide me as I listened to the files and make it stronger supernaturally. I told then they have access to my body through it and wanted them to get me right. I then drank the shot, which just about gagged me, as it is strong and the heat through my body as if the heat from the abyss entering me.

At one point I did quiver a little and upon starting the files even felt like my breasts were growing. I used to say felt the femininity but now know its more and different. It is the transformation into some sort of mixture. Then what got me to write was this new vision as most of the times I see and add myself to the mix, but this one was me as I was married and fat and lets just say me. I am writing it even with a precursor of what just told you to share and see what happens as at times it is like my own writing becomes the hypnosis.



2 thoughts on “The Mind Mistress by Destiny1961 – Non-Fiction”

  1. You are so far ahead of me, but I identify with you on multiple levels.

    FallingFalling at proton dot me
    Falling13 – wickr

    1. my contact is serizenunim at wickr and its time we finish this, sex magick is power. feel the power when u take his gift

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