Writer: thegrandbookofsatanicwitchc-blog
Subject: The Merging Roots Of Devil Worship
Link: Tumblr / 03.03.2023 / ©Malvern 2018 / thegrandbookofsatanicwitchc-blog
The Merging Roots Of Devil Worship
Satanic Witchcraft is a merging in many ways of the Old Paths of Devil Worship, Dark Witchcraft and Primal Satanism. While its practices are raw, natural and primal as those of Dark Paganism it also carries with it the current of the Old Workings of Devil Worship — not the Ritualized form of Devil Worship — which is recognized as an inversion of Catholic Ceremony, but the Dark forms of Pagan styled Devil Worship captured in the paintings of Goya, the beautiful art, and verses of Erica Jong’s Book Witches, or more recently in the film The Witch directed by Robert Eggers.
There is a strong resonance between the Black Arts of this kind of Devil Worship and the Practices of Satanic Witchcraft. Both merge the elements of nature with the Dark Currents of the Demons, both in the past had a predominantly female Congregation, both utilize raw primal forms of Black Magick Arts and both express connections to the Dark Forces both male and female.
In Satanic Witchcraft the Practitioner upholds Satan above all others as the Goat Headed Lord of the Sabbat, the Father Satan who rules over Hell but His Consort Lilith is revered as the Mother of Demons and the Dark Queen of Witches … from past life recollections I have found that some Witches while honoring the Devil as the Black God of the Sabbat also worked with Pagan Goddesses such as Diana and Hekate.
This is not surprising as those of the Left Hand Path have always been more experimental and exploratory in their Practices than those of the Right Hand Path and there are many Goddesses (Hekate in particular) who have a dark seductive and wrathful nature.
Within the Workings of “The Grand Book Of Satanic Witchcraft,” Satan and Lilith are held as the true Father and Mother of the Infernal Regions, Satan is also revered as True Master of this World and Lilith as Mother of all Witches who follow the path of Satanic Witchcraft. Within the Old Paths of Primal Devil Worship Satan was also regarded as True Master of the Earth and also of Hell,
He was regarded as the Goat of the Sabbat embodying both the Spiritual and the Physical elements of Power. These beliefs of descended down into the systems of the later Ceremonial Devil Worship and also Traditional Theistic Satanism.
As mentioned in the earlier Text of this Manuscript, “The Path Of Satanic Witchcraft,” the majority of Initiates of this Path are women as it honors the Dark Current of Lilith and the Seed of Satan as stronger in the female than the male, however there have always been men who are drawn to this path as I was and in times past these took up the Positions of Warlock and Warden within the Black Covens of this lineage.
Lilith as first of all woman then elevated to Demoness and the Mother of Demons has a primal link to both the physical and spiritual plane of Hell and is as a Demiurge to the raw Demonic Power of Satan giving shape to His seed in the Dark World that it forms here within the physical dominion.
It is the Spiritual Daughter of Lilith Fathered by Satan who shall come forth to the Earth as the Antichrist figure (a position delegated as male in the Bible — as are most positions of importance in this Handbook of the Misogynist) — but this Sacred and Unhallowed Daughter shall be the third Dark Messiah sent forth to bring about the reign of Satan and Lilith upon Earth. During Communion with Lilith I was given the following decree which I share with you here …
“It shall be a man who shall instigate the fall of the Hierarchies of his gender through the revelations of the Arts of My King Satan and from the words written by his hand shall the Old Faith of Our Mysteries be revived … and these Unholy Writings shall be presented to a woman who is My true Spiritual Daughter and she shall take these Words forth into the World … and bring about a Gathering of the Witches, the flesh bound Daughters of Satan who shall rise and tear the veils of illusion from the realm of the mortal that the Seals of God may be shattered … and a second Daughter of my making shall rise from this Gathering and she shall bring woe upon the Church, the Synagogue, the Chapel and the Mosque … and the Daughters of Satan shall dance naked in the blood of their victims as the World rages in chaos born of my Dark Womb … and then shall She arise … the Daughter of Armageddon … the Third of My Spiritual Princesses … and she shall castrate the foul Nazarene and the Prophets such as Moses and Mohammad and cast their flaccid genitalia into the red seas . . . and birth Demons from this act of Blasphemy … you shall be the pen that brings forth these Words Malvern … you shall be the new Iscariot … you shall lie in the shadows as the veiled Matanbuchas … and prepare for the coming of the first of the Unholy Trinity who shall reflect the beauty of the legends that have been shrouded in those such as Aradia … go forth and write and seal the conscious mind that you may journey beyond the Dark Gate of the Labyrinth!”
The power relayed in this communication struck me on a very deep level and dictated the next step of a journey which has taken up the majority of the incarnation I now travel within!