Writer: EvelynQ69
Subject: The Little Horn
Link: Tumblr / 18.01.2025
The Little Horn
”There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemes —and he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven,” —Revelations 13, 5-6.
In the Bible there are a series of warnings and prophecies against the quote “Little Horn” who is an Antichrist, this Antichrist is described as bringing about the end of the Earth its people and civilization, the destroyer of many leaving few behind. Many biblical scholars feel the “Little Horn” is some Satanic power that emerges during the end of the earth. However what if I told you that this “Little Horn” has been around for ages, that it indeed has done its work well?
Before we can identify who this little horn is we must first understand what is an Antichrist. An Antichrist isn’t someone or something that claims to be Satanic or Satanist rather it claims to be Christ-like and Christian. Yet when in power it causes destruction and mayhem, this power is so strong it breaks the church and scatters God’s people all over the earth.
If you know a little if not a lot of history we can see who this is it’s none other than The Pope in Rome, The Pope or Holy Father is supposed to be the king bishop of the church who continues the apostolic mission of Saint Peter. However, the Pope somewhere along the line turned against preaching and being a bishop and became a military head of state. We can see this Satanic transformation in stages the first huge step came in the form of Emperor Valentinian who said, “The successor of Saint Peter is to be the sole authority of the church.”
The second came in the form of Pepin, the short King of France, who gifted the Pope lands and titles along with, you guessed it, soldiers to rule as a King of the Papal States.
The final transformation came under Pope Innocent the Third who proclaimed the Pope Lord of Europe and imposed the Inquisition to root out what he claims is hersey. For context, heresy is just a Christian who does not adhere to the orthodoxy of the church it wasn’t a big deal for Christians, for example, Christians were chill with heresies like the Arian heresy and others.
But the Pope’s goal wasn’t to root out heresy but rather to exert his power and dominance from Italy which he had ruthlessly suppressed and conquered in a sense. In his mad bid for power and dominance, the Popes became the new Caesars and instigated the witch burnings, Inquisitions, mass executions and finally crusades.
All of this was too much for the Church to handle so it broke under the pressure which led to the protestant reformation which saw Christianity fracture into pieces. The popes never stopped their mad bid for power until the French Revolution when none other than Napoleon captured the Pope and took him hostage to France.
Afterwards, the new Popes were stripped of their absolute power and the Pope became a small feudal fiefdom in the form of the Vatican.
Even though the Pope is stripped of power eventually a new pope will emerge to continue the work of the Antichrist a dark legacy will be inherited, this final Pope will not be weak like his brothers for he will be both head of the church and head of the state in the form of a Roman Emperor, the last Caesar.