Writer: Lucy Az
Subject: The Lineage of Lilith
Link: MEWE / 03.04.2022
The Lineage of Lilith
Make no mistake earthlings. I am indeed a demon, I am not of Earthen stock, But those who hearken unto Me, are of mine. You will suckle from my voluptuous breasts to feed your insatiable lusts — just as I designed you — your ball-sacks will nourish my offspring with rich demonic seed; and every earth shattering climax that you are bestowed with; you will call out my fucking glorious name in devout gratitude.
Every daughter of mine is too my plaything, for only I can rivet their their very soul in convulsive throes, vampyrically raping their “Chi” like dark goddess I am. In so that their souls echo mine. My lineage then, is expressed through my daughters, who carry my divinity and my dark essence. Temptation is your sign, for in it is my will to rectify the human condition. It should then be apparent, who is your salvation from delusion and deception.
Hail Lilith
Now and Forever
Hail Lilith’s Supreme High Priestess
Lucy Az
Now and Forever
Thank You My Brother Xpanther for sharing Her Wisdom
Hail Lobo — I follow your posts on Dark Goddess — may I make a small request — can you not put everything in capital letters … haha … it’s only because I am a lazy fuck … and copy and paste is much easier than retyping everything from scratch! XP
Question is, once you take a cock in the mouth in lust, is there any turning back?
Hail — I honestly feel like cock is the ultimate thrill … cock-to-cock … is what I think about most of the time