
The following is fiction. The content of the story is not representative of the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. The author does not condone or promote any unlawful activity such as is depicted in the story. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character that they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: EvilDana


Published: 12.08.2023

Story Codes: K9, Young Ones, NC, Sexual Slavery, Racism, Bondage, Abuse.


Jessica Reeves and Myia Jackson have graduated from high school. Both are eighteen years old, very beautiful, and so in love with each other. No one in their families knows how much in love they are with each other. Their families have no idea that they both have been filmed making love with each other and with dogs. Jessica and Myia don’t even know that the video of them doing it with the dogs has been sold over the internet. Their school knows about them being with dogs, as well as Myia being with little children, at a daycare center (read previous stories).

The last couple of months before graduation, they were picked on about letting dogs have them sexually, one day at school. Jason, from Patterson Photography, set them up, at their school making love, to two large Great Dane dogs. He set them up to get caught by members of the football team. Since then, they have been picked on by the other students (read previous stories).

The Last Time Daycare Center

One afternoon, while laying out by the pool, at Jessica’s house. Jessica and Myia got to talk about how wonderful it was being with the dogs. Thinking about it, talking, and sunning themselves. They were in only thong bikini bottoms, laying on their stomachs, they really started loving the idea again.

“That was a great time,” Myia says, “I loved that Great Dane. I really don’t care that the whole school found out.”

“I know what you mean,” replies Jessica, “I don’t really care about it either. That was so great, and so many orgasms.”

“Would you like to try the kids at the daycare center?” asks Myia, “I think you would really love it.”

Jessica says, “Yes, I really want to try it. I love the idea, for some reason, of walking nude around little kids. Having their hands touching me. Something about it is driving me wild. I can’t help it.”

“Okay,” Myia agrees, “I will call Jason tomorrow, see what he says, and think about it. I bet he will love to set it up.”

“Why not call him now,” Jessica asks while smiling very deviously.

“Okay. Sure,” Myia says as she’s smiling back at Jessica.

Myia reaches for her cell phone. Calling Jason and waiting for him to answer. Smiling over at Jessica, and winking at her, Jason answered the phone. Myia hears.

“Hello, Patterson Photography, this is Jason. How can I help you?” Jason says.

“Hello Jason, this is Myia Jackson, how are you?” Myia asked him.

“Hello, great. How are you? How is Jessica doing?” Jason asks.

“Great, I’m laying here by the pool and sunning with Jessica. We have a question for you?” Myia asks.

“Oh, I bet you two are a great sight laying there. What is the question?” Jason asks.

“I have been talking with Jessica,” Myia asks, “She wants to come to the daycare center. She wants to see what it’s like to be with the kids. When would be a good time?”

“Great, love to have her stop in. I’m sure she will love it, just as the kids will. How does tomorrow sound?” Jason says.

Myia smiles looking at Jessica.

“Great thanks, we’ll be there. Thank you so much.”

“No thank you. Thank Jessica too. I can’t wait to have another video of you two. See you two tomorrow at about one,” Jason says.

“Okay, thanks. Bye.”

Myia ends the call and puts her cell down.

She tells Jessica about tomorrow at one. They can stop by and see what happens. Jessica smiles and they look into each other’s eyes. Laying on their stomachs, they turn and sit up. Sitting on the lounge chairs by the pool in Jessica’s backyard. They are so into talking, they forget the neighbors can see them fully. Laying back, their breasts on full display, as their tops lay on the ground.

Jason hangs up his phone and calls the man owning the daycare center. Talking to him and setting up the next day at one for the girls. He tells Jason about someone wanting to pay big money for Jessica and Myia too. Jason agrees and gives their cell numbers to the man. Later that day, Jessica and Myia got a text message.

“Hello, when you get here tomorrow, park down the street at the shopping center. Lock your purses, car keys, turn your cell phones off, and put them in the trunk of your car. Trust me, I have a way to get them out later. Trust me on this. Walk up the street and come on in. Dress in just loose sun dresses. Nothing under them. I need you to wear the tallest heels you own and fix your makeup to be a little heavy. Need your faces to show up on camera so well. Thanks, see you then.”

The next day. Both Jessica and Myia, get ready. Each takes showers and shaves completely in all the right places. Jessica gets a sundress that is white. Myia does the same, but her dress is pink. She finds a pair of pumps with four-inch heels. Jessica wears a pair of black heels with five-inch heels and laces up her calves.

Jessica walks out of her house. Her parents do not notice her, as she walks outside, to her car. Her heels click on the sidewalk as she gets into her car. Backing out of the driveway and driving to Myia’s house. Myia’s parents are not at home. She walks out, gets into Jessica’s car, and they drive off. Smiling, and giggling, can’t wait for what they think is about to come. Both, in only the sun dresses and wearing nothing underneath. Their make-up shows their faces so well. Myia’s natural tan skin was brought out with her make up too.

“Girl, you are going to love this. Those little hands. God that’s such a great feeling,” says Myia.

Jessica smiles while driving.

“Oh God, I can’t wait. I never thought about kids sexually, let alone touching me, but God I really want this.”

“I never thought about letting a dog take me either. But now, I am a bitch to one. I love that so much now too,” Myia replies.

Pulling into the parking lot at the shopping center. Jessica pulls into a parking space with the other cars. They get out and walk around to the back of Jessica’s car. Looking around and feeling so excited, Jessica opens her trunk. They each place their purses (each purse with id, credit/debit cards, and a couple of tampons), and cell phones (after turning them off), and Jessica places her car keys in the truck.

Taking a deep breath, and smiling at each other, Jessica lets the trunk lid close, and it locks. They turn and start walking toward the street. Heels clicking so. They start walking on the sidewalk toward the daycare center, up the street. The breeze blew their dresses. They both have their hair down. The breeze was blowing their hair. They love how the wind feels. With nothing on under the dresses. They feel the wind too. Loving like they are walking nude.

Smiling at each other. Walking side by side. They start letting their fingers touch and hold each other. They start noticing cars passing them, but not noticing the looks they are getting. Their dresses, are downright see thru, in the bright sunlight. They don’t realize they are showing off their bodies so well. The bright sunlight is shining on them. They walk to the daycare center and walk to the front door. Looking around. They see a moving van delivering playground equipment. The men were smiling at them. They open the door for them as they walk in.

”Hello ladies,” welcomes Jason, “Good to see you again. You both look so good and hot.”

“Thank you,” replies Myia, “Good to see you again too. Jessica is ready and wanted this today.”

“Yes, I am wanting this,” Jessica smiled so big saying, “I can’t wait.”

“Okay, come this way. I need you two to do one thing first. I’m sorry for the workers outside. Getting some equipment delivered. Today was the only day they could do it,” smiles Jason.

“Oh, that’s okay,” Myia says, “They seemed so nice.”

Jason leads them through the center and into a small classroom. There are only two stools set up in the front of the room. There are some lights and cameras pointing at them too. They are so well-lit. Jessica and Myia walk to the stools and sit on them. Smiling at the cameras pointing at them, they cross their legs, smooth their dresses out, and move their hair back.

“Okay, when the red lights come on. Start reading the teleprompter. Just read what comes over it and then start taking your dresses off. Just like before. I’m sure you will love this.”

Jessica smiles, taking a deep breath, then says, “Okay.”

Myia smiles and nods.

Jason steps back and starts working some controls, on a computer. Neither of them can really see him well because of the lights shining in their eyes. They see the teleprompter come to life and the red lights on all the cameras come on. Myia starts talking first and starts unbuttoning her dress as she speaks. Jessica sits there looking at her best friend.

“Hello, I’m Myia Jackson and I am eighteen years old. I just graduated from high school, and I am a proud pedophile. My best friend Jessica, here is eighteen also and wants to be with children sexually too. She wants to be called a pedophile and has been wanting to try this. We are both so happy to know you’re watching and hope you like seeing us doing this”.

Myia, while talking, was unbuttoning, opening, and taking her dress off. She’s sitting on the stool now, with her legs together, smiling proudly, and being so proud of what she just admitted to on camera. Jessica smiles at her and looks at the teleprompter, taking a deep breath, and starts talking.

“Hello, I’m Jessica Reeves. I am eighteen and just graduated from high school. I got my best friend Myia here, to try sex with a dog. We both love K-9 sex and are both proud true bitches to dogs. I’m so happy to be coming out as a pedophile today. I hope you like watching it. I also am into community theater and was the butterfly in Alice in Wonderland. I hope you got to see me in it.”

Jessica, while talking, unbuttons her dress too. She opens it, removes it, and while sitting back on the stool, leaves her legs open some. She and Myia are smiling, showing their bodies off, and being so happy right now. Little do they know, they are going out over the internet, on a live feed. Admitting to who knows who, their deepest secret.

Jason says, ”Okay ladies, now. When you’re ready. Just walk into that room there, and have fun this afternoon. I’m sure you both will never forget this day.”

They smile, taking each other’s hands, and they get up. Walking to the door and opening it. Jessica walks in first, then Myia. They walk into a larger room with cameras and lights all around it. They’re several kids too, aged between three and six. Boys and girls and they are nude. They smile when they see Jessica and Myia walking in.

Jessica and Myia walk to the center of the room. The kids walk to them and immediately start letting their hands roam over their bodies. Mostly over their upper legs, asses, and pussies. Jessica looks at Myia and smiles loving the little hands. Both don’t notice but each of their nipples is so hard. Jessica starts to kneel and lets her hands roam a little too. Jessica’s hands start feeling, one little girl’s back, then a little boy’s ass. Myia starts feeling another little girl and the little boy too. Both continue kneeling and lay down on their backs. They let the little hands feel their bodies.

They lay there feeling the hands feeling them all over. One little boy climbs up on top of Myia and puts his little penis into her mouth. She starts sucking it. Letting her hands rubbing his body. Jessica has a little girl climb up and sit on her face. Her tongue goes into licking her little pussy. The boy in Myia’s mouth, moans and holds still. He starts peeing down her throat. Myia’s hands waving as she swallows it all.

The little girl on Jessica’s face gets up and a little boy gets over her face. He puts his penis into Jessica’s mouth. She starts sucking it. Loving it, Jessica hands the feeling to the kids that she has no idea who they are. The boy then holds Jessica’s head and starts to pee. Jessica, like Myia, hands waves as she swallows it down. Almost making gulping sounds.

This goes on for a few hours. Jessica and Myia swallowing lots of pee. They even lick a couple of assholes. They taste shit for the first time and love it. Each has several orgasms from the hands feeling them up. Soon after, they start to calm down. Jessica and Myia kiss all the kids on the lips and give them all hugs.

They get up smiling and walk into the other room. Sitting on the stools again and smiling. They moved their hair back behind their ears, looking at the cameras, smiling, and sweating. Both are loving, feeling the warm glow inside them from the orgasms. Jason walked in and started talking.

“So ladies. How did you two like this today?” Jason said to them.

Jessica smiled.

“Oh I loved it. I can’t believe how that felt. All those little hands. Their bodies are so smooth. I loved it.”

Myia smiled.

“I told you that you would love that.”

“God you’re so right,” Jessica looks at her and says, “My pussy is so numb now. I didn’t even get fucked. I can’t believe it.”

“Ladies,” said Jason, “I have something else for you two to try,”

“Yes sure, what is it?” asks Jessica.

Jason starts saying, “You see, someone has paid big money to see what you two would look like all tied up. Arms, legs, mouths, everywhere tied so you can’t move. What do you two thinks about that?”

Jessica looks at Myia and smiles, “I guess it’s okay. Seems alright to me. With how I feel right now, I would try anything.”

“Sure I guess that’s okay. What harm could happen?” Myia asks, “Just us here, right?”

Jason goes and gets some ropes. They don’t think about how he already had it ready. Myia looks at him walking to her. She places her hands behind her back. Jason ties her hands together and then ties her elbows together too. That pulls back her arms very well and pushes her breast out. He then moves to her ankles and ties them together and then her knees. She’s sitting there trying to move her arms and legs and can’t. Jessica smiled at her.

Jason asks her, ”How’s that feeling?”

Myia says, “Tight. I can’t move. It feels kind of nice though, I guess.”

Jason then looks at Jessica saying, “Okay, ready? It’s your turn. Place your hands behind you.”

Jessica smiles, “Sure.”

Jessica then places her hands behind her back as Jason starts tying her hands together. Then, just like Myia, he ties her elbows together. That really pushes her breasts out. She giggles as he does this. They both just sit there as Jason ties Jessica’s ankles and then knees together. Stepping back after smiling at his work. He thinks to himself, he has them now, nothing they can do about it. They are too stupid to know any better.

Jason says, stepping back and looking at them. Then smiling, ”You two look so good like this. Something is missing though. I’ll go get it until I get back, I would like for you to read the teleprompter again.”

Jason steps back out of view and starts working on a computer. Then the teleprompter screen comes on and then the red lights on the cameras come on. Shining so bright at them. Jessica sees she is to read first this time.

”Hello, my name is Jessica Reeves. I am now a proud lesbian, pedophile, and lover of k-9 sex. I’m so happy that you like to see me like this. Today was the first time I was a toilet for anyone. I loved the kids today peeing down my throat and I loved licking their asses. They tasted so sweet. Thank you for asking to see me tied up. I hope you like seeing me like this.”

Myia then starts reading.

“Hello, I’m Myia Jackson. I also am a proud lesbian, pedophile, and lover of K-9 sex. I’m so happy you like seeing me tied up like this. The ropes are so tight, I can’t move at all. I am also a proud nigger. So proud of being tied up and helpless like this. Helpless and sorry as all my fellow niggers are.”

As Myia reads that she looks a little surprised, just as well as Jessica. Looking at each other but smiling as she reads it. Both sat there, on the stools, smiling, all tied up. Their make-up still showed their faces so well. Their breasts pushed out from their elbows tied back.

Jessica says, smiling and giggling, “Myia you’re such a beautiful nigger too.”

“Jessica, tell me you are,” Myia says, “You’re my nigger lover.”

“Yes, I am a nigger lover. I love your nigger pussy so much.”

Jason has stepped away and returned. He has two large ball gags in his hands. Walking to Myia and places it into her mouth and fixes the straps very snugly behind her neck. Moving to Jessica doing the same. Being so careful not to get their hair caught in the strap. The big red ball gags stretch their mouths open wide. They can’t talk either, only moan.

Jason steps back smiling.

“You two look so good like this. Too bad you must leave, and I’ll never see you again. See, while you have been here, the video you two made before and just now. I put it on the net on a special website. Had so many bids on you two. Jessica, the play you were in. Didn’t you notice all the single men there? They were watching you and checking you out. There is a website just for you. They were making comments, talking about you, and what they would like to do to you. All loved that blue leotard you had on. Nothing about your acting ability. You see, someone overseas has bought both of you. The tying you up was really to set you up for shipping you off. I’m sorry but I thought this way was better to get you tired.”

Jessica and Myia look at him. Their eyes getting so wide. Not believing what they are hearing. Jessica starts trying to get loose but it’s no use. Jason lets them sit there a few getting used to this.

Jason checks the ropes.

“You see, let me explain. I had you park down the street. I had a guy with a tow truck pick up your car Jessica. He has taken it to a scrap yard. Right now, it’s being stripped, scraped, and sold off as scrap. Your cell phones in the trunk have been destroyed. No one will be able to track you. No one will know what happened to you both. After the video of you two admitting to being pedophiles and bitches to dogs, sexually. I don’t think many will be looking for you two.”

By this time, they are starting to cry. Tears in their eyes. A couple of the men from earlier walk in with large wooden crates. Their eyes were so wide and breathing so hard through their noses. They shift and try to get loose, but there is no way to.

“You see ladies,” continues Jason, “It will appear that they are just delivering some playground equipment today. We will carry you two out the front door in plain sight. In the crates. It will look like we’re carrying out normal stuff to put in the moving van. Then you will go to the airport for your trip. If you two, make any noise. We’ll have to drug you. So just relax.”

The men start with Jessica. Picking her up and placing her in her crate. Putting the top on and nailing it closed. Then it is Myia’s turn. Doing the same and nailing her in hers. They pick them up and walk them right out of the center and into the parking lot. Placing them down right by the street. Both crying. And there’s nothing either of them can do.

Just remember this all started a while ago with Jessica opening an email from someone she didn’t know.


7 thoughts on “THE LAST TIME DAYCARE CENTER by EvilDana”

  1. EvilDana just writes staggeringly erotic evil stories. She can’t post often enough! The ending here was especially great.

    1. Hail Jevans — she has been consistently pumping them out — and they’re getting better all the time … XP

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