Feature Writer: Demonlustlove
Feature Title: The Joy of Satan
Link: https://demonlustlove.tumblr.com/
The ‘joy’ of S A T A N
Lord Satan is carnal in every way.
Satan’s joy is received by and through sexual gratification. Not our sexual gratification, but HIS. Lord Lucifer has no interest or concern as to whether or not, we mortals are sexually gratified. HE could care less.
We are HIS minions and our sole purpose is to bring unto HIM sexual frenzy and ejaculation. That is our role. Our job is to stimulate HIM and cause HIM to erupt. We are HIS slaves. Yes, HE does grant us unequaled sexual madness by and through the perversions and deviances,
HE offers and encourages. But, this is for HIS joy, not ours. Our ejaculations, while more intense than anything we have ever experienced are secondary to HIS. Satan’s LUST can never be fully satisfied. Triilions of naked cocks and asses like ours, slave to bring about his sexuality. We have no other purpose, nor will we ever have.
His concern as to our gratification is nil. It is only a bi-product of pleasing HIM. That is the reality. But in that reality, we are eternally happy. We have accepted our enslavement. We are owned and we will do anything to please HIM that HE might imagine. We are HIS naked court jesters and we will lewdly dance the tune.