Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 09.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 22

Chapter Twenty-Two — The Princess Uterissa’s Opening And Ending 

The brutish Zoda’s thick long penis was still firmly planted deep in her asshole so that all he saw was the tooled leather armor plate she wore. Those sitting anywhere in the front row saw that he wore gloves with vicious spikes on the fingers! By reaching around her, his powerful hands now had free access to the Royal Princess Uterissa’s fully exposed naked breasts and her tender gently-curved underbelly.

The new position gave her hope she could get her heel blades into her fierce tormentor. As he butt-fucked her, she swung one leg wide and kicked at where she thought his hip was. His arm swung down painfully at the top of her knee, hitting the leather armor she wore, and drove the leg back with such force that her heel blade dug into her opposite calf, slicing it painfully open.

The game young Royal bitch tried to kick him again, and this time it was not his closed fist, but his open fingers that struck the back of her thigh, scratching her deeply with the finger spikes. Gripping the unprotected part of her shapely limb, just above the knee, Zoda dug his sharp spikes into the tender meat behind her knee, drawing a sharp scream.

Blood gushed from the two vicious leg wounds, and she quickly realized that the Slave Master who was ass-fucking her was well-trained to avoid kicks while plying his skilled cock inside her and that she was soon going to pay a terrible price for her futile attempts at self-defense. She couldn’t see but felt the stabbing of the spikes into her sides where he gripped her.

Now it was clear to the delighted audience why her costume had been designed to leave her naked in front, from her enticing painted mouth below the beak, down her slender throat and her full breasts, across her tight tummy and down to her similarly painted vagina: this magnificent young human female bird was going to be ripped!

That was exactly what happened. Zoda first reached around her for her fabulous dangling breasts, and grabbed them with both hands, squeezing and easily digging the sharp blades of his fingers into the resilient mammary flesh. The ten remarkable blades were all totally buried in the Princess’s marvelous bulging tit meat.

With his hands remaining tightly closed, the sadistic Master pulled the big breasts out so violently from her chest that the blades came free, neatly slicing each full breast right to the nipple, so that they were each divided into five equal segments, like the petals of flowers. The horrifying destruction of her excellent breasts released the fatty breast meat that provided their roundness and firmness.

It dangled out in desiccated strands as if it were emerging from a meat grinder. The beautiful fifteen-year-old tortured Princess screamed out her horror at the incredible destructive power of the Master’s steel talons, and the massive audience screamed back its approval of the gross and destructive treatment she was receiving at the hands of this incredible Slaver.

Zoda’s hands now went between her legs, and he thrust a bladed finger up into her vagina. It was not a prick, and she screamed in anguish as she realized that her chance for carnal knowledge of a man today had passed. Driven by the shouts of encouragement from the mob, he pulled the finger forward, slicing up into her oversized erect clit, which was neatly split wide open.

The vicious finger continued its upward movement, and it cut a deep gash up her belly, slicing right through the tender bitch bacon, through and past her navel. Grabbing her by the shoulders, Zoda lifted Princess Uterissa to a kneeling position, allowing the crowd to see her ruined breasts and the slice he had made across her tight hairless tummy.

His hands grabbed at her screaming mouth, and he viciously ripped her lower face open, bringing sheets of blood streaming down across her naked front. Now his fingers crossed down the length of her throat, opening it, and without slicing an artery, he slit open her windpipe, which permanently silenced her screams.

Without pause, his incredibly sharp finger blades were drawn down between the young Princess’ ruined breasts, stripping open the flesh and exposing her white ribs and sternum. The bare-fronted Princess was being gradually peeled like a huge shrimp. Now it was time for what everyone in the vast audience was waiting for.

With his huge prick still firmly buried in her anus, Zoda now thrust a finger blade through the muscle deep into her upper belly, and with all his might ripped downward, slicing open the marvelous bird-women’s belly, right down to her ripped cunt. Grabbing the new seam with both hands, he pulled the flesh apart, opening her tummy and exposing her tight packed tangle of guts, which now freely tumbled out of her.

With nothing to lose now, the Royal Princess Uterissa attempted once again to gouge her rapist with the sharp blades on her heels. With several attempts, she managed at best to scratch his tight buttocks, but in the process, she again brutally slashed the backs of both her shapely legs severely.

The crowd was out of control with excitement as the Slave Master reached into her opened torso and completely gutted her, drawing all of her pink intestines, her stomach and her lower organs out of her. The bird bitch was now fully eviscerated, and ready for eating. Instead of Queen, the beautiful young Royal was about to become crock food!

Before she lost consciousness, Zoda jerked his big penis out of her ruined asshole, and lifting her high, threw the Royal fully gutted young bird-woman into the water, to feed the eagerly awaiting crocodiles. She hit the surface, covered with floating stools, with a big splash, and the carrion-eating reptiles struck her with a vengeance.

The shock of hitting the water briefly increased her alertness, and the beautiful princess both saw and felt the vicious jaws and the ripping teeth of the first of the three crocodiles to hit her. Even gutted, the magnificent female specimen was able to kick and thrash her fabulous body to the very last.

From his seat in the stands, the mighty Caesar watched with pride the conclusion of Zoda’s contribution to the daily entertainment regime in the Roman Coliseum. Caesar was emulating the butt-fucking that Princess Uterissa had received, but he was using a small six-year-old girl, and as Princess Uterissa hit the water, Caesar ejaculated into the split colon of the beautiful screaming and kicking child.

When he had satisfied himself, he lifted her off his still dribbling penis and instructed a guard to throw the child into the water. Three of his handmaidens immediately squatted before him and cleaned his long narrow penis with their mouths, removing the child’s offal, her blood and Caesar’s semen.

Princess Uterissa’s masked head was being cleanly bitten off as Zoda returned his attention to the water-filled arena. She was already missing an entire leg and most of both of her slender arms. The toughened and tooled leather was useless against the powerful jaws and teeth of the vicious crocodiles, and they swallowed the leather along with the tender flesh of the remarkable teenage Princess.

Zoda made a note to himself to keep one or two Royal Princesses in his stable at all times, but he realized he would be lucky to find another beautiful young member of Royalty with the spirit of the virgin bitch Princess Uterissa. He watched the crocodiles in the sparkling blood-tinted water with girl shit floating on it.

They were still feasting on the reduced chunks of bitch carcass from all of the beautiful young women who had died as crocodile food, much of which had sunk to the bottom of the arena lake to rest on the bright sand, where they remained visible. Zoda slipped off his bladed gloves and gave his erection a good pumping until he spurted semen out into the gleaming crock-infested water.

As he watched, an incredible new idea for a spectacular event crossed his mind. As a youth, while chained in slavery to the oars of a fast warship, he had watched as schools of ferocious barracuda had attacked and demolished garbage thrown from the ship’s galley. The big cruel carnivorous fish had leaped high to snatch morsels dangled from strings by the amused cooks and soldiers.

Now he imagined how marvelous it would be to feed swarms of such fish with a bevvy of delicate damsels, slowly lowered over the water as the six-foot-long ravenous fish leapt up to rip off and bolt down tender chunks of the maiden’s living flesh. He would experiment with this to pass the time on his long voyage home. Zoda had not used all of the slaves he brought with him to Rome.

Those left over would be used to entertain Caesar and his guests in a private celebration tonight, which would last until Caesar fell asleep from exhaustion, not boredom. Any slaves remaining would return home with him, to his private Greek Island. Beautiful young females were of so little value that he decided to enjoy sport on the journey home, and that not all of those he took would survive.

Before the debauched private bitch butchering party, he would set aside a plump teenage girl, and perhaps also one of the pretty little innocent girls from his stable, because he was certain that in addition to the woman he would spike to the bowsprit, on the long voyage they would find a school of hungry Barracuda to feed.  He knew that living female flesh made perfect fish food.


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