Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 10.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 21

Chapter Twenty-One — Princess Uterissa Gets Her Fucking 

Before the violent bloody action in the water was completed, a smaller but magnificent barge was slowly floated out onto the small lake, gradually catching the attention of the huge crowd as it moved to a place of prominence. Standing proudly at one end of this ornately carved and varnished rosewood barge was the striking figure of the bird-costumed captive Royal Princess Uterissa, her naked front, from her mouth to her groin, fully exposed to the crowd.

She was resplendent in her magnificent bird costume and drew the cheers of the crowd, many of whom had come to attend the day’s entertainment solely to witness the creative destruction of a real Princess. She wore the foot-arching boots, forcing her to stand on her tiptoes, boots with long heels which were vicious steel blades.

She wore the hard body-fitting plated of tooled leather, perfectly contoured to her marvelous body, which served as protective armor, but only for her back and sides, as her entire front was naked. She also wore the spectacular head-covering bird mask, which left only the lower part of her beautiful face uncovered below the large upper beak.

Her painted pouting mouth, her throat, her large full breasts, her tight tummy and her crotch with the sex-swollen painted vagina were the parts of the beautiful captive Princess’ amazing body that were naked and unprotected, in full view of the appreciative audience. They could readily see she had been sexually ravaged. Zoda knew that, like him, Romans were cunt people.

At the other end of the small barge crouched a tough-looking knurled dwarf, stark naked and armed, stroking his monstrous phallus as he lecherously eyed his magnificent bird-woman prey. He knew he was to entertain the audience by doing what he did best, and that was raping and killing young women for show, in the most violent way.

The outrageous size of his sex organ was partly due to its natural form, partly due to the constant attention through masturbation it received from the horny little man who owned it, and partly due to the syphilitic infection that caused it to dribble a yellowish puss along with the creamy slime of pre-ejaculation fluid.

The knurled knob of a penis head pulsed with eager anticipation as he stroked his rigid and bent fuck shaft. The horrific little man was naked except for a curious tail that was attached to a thick butt plug thrust into his anus, to increase his appearance as a gnome, and short sharp curved metal blades worn like talons clamped both to his fingers and his toes. He was a lethal killing machine.

Princess Uterissa screamed in terror at the sight of the obscene dwarf. She guessed correctly he was there to fuck and then kill her. Her choice was to leap into the water and join the other girls, offering her fabulous form to the ferocious crocodiles with their merciless jaws, or to face this incredibly ugly and profane little man.

Just then, the dwarf suddenly leapt into the air, whooping in his excitement, and danced an obscene jig for the delight of the audience. The captive Princess let her eyes lock on the bouncing penis of the horrible creature as he danced, leaping and bounding with his bent legs flung wide, his bloated scrotum wagging wildly.

She could not take her gaze from the amazing male sex organ. This huge prick was there to publicly ravage her magnificent cunt. She would not have to worry about its filth and infection, as she was not going to live long enough to experience the incredible unnatural vaginal itch it would cause.

She knew without doubt she was about to die, and now she had a choice as to how she went out. Her option with the crocodiles meant she would be ripped apart by their savage jaws in the bloodied water. As the alternative, facing the horrible dwarf included the chance to get a male penis thrust into her womb, to ejaculate into her ovaries.

As ugly as this heinous organ was, it was a male penis, and the disease that caused it to dribble so horribly would never have a chance to infect her, as she knew that at this point her life was now to be only minutes long, and the dwarf was sure to rip her apart with those vicious little blades he wore.

She vowed to herself that the long sharp blades of her high heels would make him pay dearly for the privilege of slashing open her exposed flesh, once she had got him to bury his big penis in her eager womb. This was nothing like what she imagined engaging in public sex with a man would be like, but at least she would have a thrusting penis spouting deep inside her.

The remarkable bird woman, the fifteen-year-old Princess in her leather suit with the front open, and her incredible high-heeled boots, startled the depraved audience by moving toward the dwarf, her exposed belly and pelvis thrust forward. When she reached the middle of the small barge, she lay down on the rough hewn wood of the deck.

She was on her back, with her long luscious legs in their high-heeled boots, her shapely knees bent and spread wide, inviting copulation. The audience and the brutish lecherous dwarf screeched in delight at the Royal Princess’s audacious and aggressive openness to engaging in public copulation.

The dwarf leapt straight at her, his long dong erect, with its full scrotum swinging obscenely behind it. To Princess Uterissa’s surprise, he grasped her firm buttocks, which were mercifully covered with the hard tooled armor, with his blade-armed hands, and lifted her, bringing her exposed crotch to the level of his huge dribbling dong.

At that instant a blade struck him in the back, piercing his heart. Zoda had, at the last moment, decided it was he who should take the Royal Princess’s cunt, and in front of the crowd, fuck her to death. That would be a far more satisfactory conclusion to his incredibly violent presentation in the Coliseum.

A naked slave paddled a second, smaller barge over to the one bearing the Princess. On it rode Zoda, wearing the helmet of a warrior. He was sufficiently naked that he displayed his remarkable erection to the crowd. When the craft came together, he stepped onto the larger barge, and the slave paddled the smaller one that had brought the Slave Master away.

The mighty warrior stood over her, wearing a cape over his shoulders and a brief loincloth that did not go between his legs, but simply had small braided ropes hanging down front and back, the front part spread open by his huge erection. Zoda knelt between her spread knees, and she gasped as she felt the moist head of his huge penis suddenly probing her swollen vagina lips.

She gasped with pleasure as the surprisingly warm broad glans poked up against her erect clit. She gasped again as he jerked the tail plug out of her rectum, and felt the broad head of his probing penis slide across her vagina, and come to rest between the cleft of her buttocks, now pressing against her anus.

The carcass of the ugly distorted little man flopped into the water as Zoda moved the lust-swollen head of his rigid fuck rod firmly against her virgin anus. She had never before been butt-fucked by a man, either in private or in public, as now. That was far below the dignity of a Royal Princess.

He rudely pressed his penis solidly against her tightly closed starfish rectum, so recently obscenely occupied by the stout long tail plug anchor.  At first, she screamed in horror as she realized what it was that he was going to do to her. She was the daughter of a mighty man, a King, and was above this kind of public abuse.

Then she screamed again, with a terrible surge of pain, as the firm large pole of his penis was forcefully thrust deep in through her violated anus. The incredibly strong male flesh weapon of a cock now filed her impossibly stretched colon instead of her fuck-lusting womb, as she had hoped for. This was inhumane!

Her next scream was one of desperation, because in this position her feet were used to support herself, and she could not get at him with the heel blades of her boots in self-defense. She knew that if her hips were dropped to the deck, she could use her legs with remarkable power, and kick the raping bastard’s legs literally to pieces.

As it was, she was for the moment completely helpless, and entirely at the mercy of the Slave Master who had seized her. This was the ultimate debasement, and even with the anonymity provided by the bird mask over her eyes, her beautiful face turned a beet red. Her father would be defamed because his daughter was being so grossly debased in the Roman Coliseum.

When he found out, he would have her mother slowly boiled to death in a huge cauldron of oil, and feed her deep-fried flesh to his least important slaves. The Slave Master thrust his huge penis deeper into Princess Uterissa’s anus with a sudden thrust and then moved it in and out with a jerky rhythm.

His exaggerated movements were deep and penetrating, to ensure they could be seen from the farthest seats. Zoda was, if nothing else, a consummate showman, even as he raped the anus of the magnificent teen in the bird costume, the Royal Princess Uterissa. She was his, and he was sharing his carnal pleasure with the Romans observing.

Uterissa had to arch her feet severely to get a purchase with her bladed boots on the rough wooden deck of the barge, because of the strange ridiculously high-heeled boots. To the audience, her splendid legs were much sexier in the bizarre boots because of this foot arching, and they expressed their approval at her beautifully futile struggle with obscene shouts of derision.

The pain deep in her guts was incredible. The astonishing agony of the Slave Master’s huge penis impossibly stretching her anus and her colon was worse than the worst constipation she had ever experienced, and she had no sense that her severe and painful anal punishment would end soon. This obscene Master was having his way with her!

The gorgeous Princess bird bitch screamed, while Zoda deeply pumped into her tortured asshole, reveling in the incredible agony he was producing for her. The remarkable backdrop for this brutal ass-fucking was the thrashing of crocodile heads and tails as the insatiable carnivorous reptiles feasted on fresh-killed human female flesh.

In the stands, the parents of the girls slaughtered by the crocodiles were in shock, with several of the mothers vomiting. Throughout the huge boisterous audience, cavalier fathers were drawn into raucous fights with people who made rude remarks about their delectable young daughter’s naked anatomy.

Those very bodies were pumping more blood out as they were being violently ripped apart in the water. Princess Uterissa was enduring incredible agony as the lusting Slave Master’s pulsing penis jammed tightly into her anus and thrust repeatedly with such force that the tight ring of muscle that sealed her shit chute finally ruptured so that it would never again close.

Sensing his success as her anus eased its grip on the thick base of his prick, Zoda grabbed the captive Princess’s lithe legs and forced them wide apart, then twisted her around so that she was now face down, still firmly attached by her anus to his prick. The Royal Princess in the obscene bird costume was now forced to support herself on her hands, knees and breasts.


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