Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 09.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 20

Chapter Twenty — Up to Their Cunts In Crocodiles 

Princess Uterissa and the remaining slaves belonging to Zoda were taken from their cages viewing the arena pit and moved into a large special holding room beneath the stands. Then the most amazing thing happened. All of the doorways were covered with heavy wooden barriers that were sealed with barrels of pitch.

Great cascades of water gushed from the ports of aqueducts all around the big arena, surging down the vertical stone walls, and in moments the entire floor of the oval of death was inundated with the rushing relentless flood. Still, the water came, and the level rose, gradually but continuously, climbing steadily up the stone walls.

At last, in a surprisingly short time, the entire large oval pit of the Coliseum was an enclosed lake, filled with clear sparkling water more than ten feet deep. That was when the special gates opened, and the two barges filled to overflowing with the lovely maidens who had been brought out of the stands were floated into the arena.

The water system had been installed more than two centuries ago, but no one in the audience could remember the last time it had been used to create a lake. The lovely daughters of merchants and tradesmen, wearing short and sheer gossamer gowns, with garlands of tiny white flowers woven into their fair hair, giggled with delight at being featured in this incredible exhibition.

The lovely barges, loaded with forty girls aboard each, with only a slender flimsy handrail to keep the lovely damsels from slipping into the water, moved slowly toward the center of the large arena, moved by thick ropes pulled by muscular slaves with fully stimulated erections who worked along the top of the stone wall that ringed the arena.

The eighty lovely Roman maidens, chosen for their remarkable beauty, were so excited that they were hardly embarrassed at the fact that their pointed breasts were visible through the sheer material of their tops and that the hems of the garments were so high that their sexual privacy was violated.

They were so beautiful that they were quite used to attracting others’ attention, but now they were the focus of everyone’s attention, and several thousand people were watching them from the stands. The girls screamed with joy and waved at their parents standing in the crowd, who proudly waved back.

These teen girls in their nearly transparent short shifts, and their hair interwoven with white flowers, were incredibly beautiful, and they received a roar of approval from the watching hoards, who were eagerly anticipating what might happen next. Zoda had a plan, and they were not long in finding out.

Suddenly the thinner ropes just at the waterline were jerked from the shore, and plugs were pulled from the sides of the barges. The lovely young girls shrieked with anxious excitement as the big barges swayed and tilted, and the water began to surge into the holds, and gradually to wash up over the slippery varnished decks.

The girls were at first pushing and kicking at each other with their lovely lean limbs as they struggled to remain on the slick deck of the tilted and slowly sinking barges. It was a hilarious sight to see the two barge loads of lovely damsels struggling, slipping and falling, and fighting each other for the slowly reducing dry space.

Then it became a more serious matter, as they realized that the barge was soon going to be completely submerged, and each of them knew she could not swim. It was now the time for the young ladies to panic, and the hysterical naked young girls, with their parents masturbating in the stands, gave the audience a remarkable lesson in the art of struggling for survival.

In their extreme fright, they did what any human of either gender would do, which was to shit as they tussled to stay aboard, covering the deck and stepping on their slippery feces. The gorgeous young damsels were now ruthlessly fighting each other for the slowly reducing and already severely limited space on the over-crowded barges still above the water.

To increase the delightful view of their struggle, they wrestled young nudes and then began to piss, adding to the sight of panic, to the delight of their supportive audience. They were frantically struggling to keep their lovely screaming heads above the surface, which was proving for several of the young nudes proving to be an impossible task.

The sparkling clear water was flecked with floating feces, the shit these naked nymphs had evacuated from their colons. They felt at the moment no more valuable than slaves, but their true value was in providing exciting entertainment for the crowd by their extremely desperate struggles, and by their certain capitulation.

The gossamer fabric of their tiny garments floated up, leaving most of their lovely forms naked. In the crystal-clear water, their slim spread spread-kicking legs and pumping round buttocks were in clear and delightful view. One by one those in the water began to bob up and down, dropping beneath the surface.

They were able to momentarily fight back to the surface to gasp in desperately needed air, but soon they were drawing in as much water as air. All of this lively action could be seen in the unpolluted artificial lake, and both men and women in the audience began to orgasm as they rapidly masturbated at the sexually stimulating sight.

Although the shrieking maiden’s parents were torn between horror and pride, the huge merciless audience cheered the desperate struggling and kicking of the lovely young ladies in futile desperation, wriggling out of their confining gossamer gowns, as one by one the now nude teen girls began to drown.

At the moment of the first drowning, two other gates opened, on opposite sides of the arena, and twenty large male crocodiles were released into the water. It was one or more of these that had ripped the breasts and removed the hand of Diana before she had been ravaged by the elephants, but a single hand was insufficient to quell their appetite for flesh.

The big savagely vicious reptiles were as eager as school boys at a picnic as they swam through the clear water toward the thrashing action of the gorgeous young females in the middle of the small artificial lake. Even as they swam underwater, the big reptiles, attracted by the thrashing and struggling of the near-naked maidens in the water, were visible to the amazed and wildly screaming audience.

This was going to be better than they could have imagined in their wildest fantasies if the huge reptiles could fantasize. The girls in the water and those still clinging to the slowly sinking barges also saw the release of the big crocodiles, and suddenly the intensity of their desperate struggle and panic was amplified.

Their abject panic reached the level of their frenzied screaming and shrieking. They suddenly realized that the infamous slaver Zoda who had arranged this spectacle was playing for keeps. These spoiled young ladies, who had come with their parents to enjoy watching flesh being torn, now had a profoundly deeper understanding of the plight of expandable slave girls.

They had watched and admired slave girls die so often from the safety of their seats in the stands. The coming spectacle was more enthralling than anything the mob of Roman citizens could dream of witnessing. Zoda in providing them with everything they loved to see and more, was now clearly recognized as truly the greatest of the flesh slavers of the world.

The cacophony of horrified screaming and frantic splashing was more concentrated and dramatic for the audience than any previous event had been. What made the event even more outrageous was that these were not slaves, but were the delightful young daughters of Roman citizens, all of whom were part of the crowd.

This single event marked a stunning new turn in the degeneracy of the already profane Roman Games.  Fortunately for the audience, only three of the forty gorgeous young maidens had drowned by the time the big crocodiles arrived at the sinking barges. The desperate thrashing and flailing of lithe female limbs in the clear water was a truly spellbinding sight.

The monstrous jaws of the famished crocodiles, with their rows of sharp teeth, driven by the world’s most efficient killers, produced a spectacle of horror truly fitting for such a great arena. The flashing teeth easily punctured and ripped the tender meat-bulging mammaries and ripped open the tight tummies of the gorgeous naked young girls.

Limbs were quickly ripped off with a single chomp. Just as quickly the clear waters turned red around the blood-jetting stumps of severed arms and legs. The thrashing of the feeding crocodile’s powerful tails was now added to the horrified struggles of the terror-crazed maidens who stirred and frothed the water into a lather.

This action rapidly spread the blood that the lovely maidens were all liberally leaking into the water until gradually the entire lake turned a pretty pink. Tight lady tummies were severely ripped, full pointed breasts were gashed, and the pretty faces of terrified screaming maidens, and sometimes whole heads, were sheared off with the powerful jaws and ripping teeth of the feasting killer reptiles.

Great strings of pink intestinal tubing floated out of the pretty young ladies’ opened bellies, floating out onto the torrid surface of the water like strands of over-cooked pasta. The gutted girl’s heavier organs sunk quickly to the bottom of the pink lake, and the hungry crocodiles dove after these succulent parts.

The clear pinkish-colored water was soon so filled with the greatly destroyed carcasses and their gore that the crocodiles had to cut through strings of floating guts to get at the few still-living girls.  They were still ravenous, as they did this with gusto, gulping down guts and limbs in an ongoing feeding frenzy.


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