Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 08.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 19

Chapter Nineteen — Big Tits & Rogue Elephants 

The handlers removed the satiated bulls from the arena, then they returned to the open pit to drag the freshly killed bitch meat and the six benches from the ring of death. As they completed this thankless task, Princess Uterissa’s three young friends, Janile, Diana and Vreena suddenly raced into the arena from a far gate, their huge breasts bouncing wildly as they ran.

At this point, the largest of the big gates opened, and a trio of raging African elephants thundered into the arena, ridden by big black handlers, wearing on their heads impressive maroon turbans, but otherwise completely naked, their elevated erections on full display. These were showmen and knew how to display their sexual arousal.

The lively bull elephants pranced, lifting their enormous trunks between their long impressive curved tusks as they came to a halt, flapped their large ears, and trumpeted their screaming proclamation of power. These were rogue killer elephants, barely controllable by the brave naked men riding on their backs.

The three lovely blonde girls with huge shapely breasts cowered against the stone walls, stark naked and vulnerable, which made them look particularly enticing to the huge highly aroused audience. As they pressed their backs against the wall, their knees bent and their lovely legs spread wide.

With the naked girls screaming in sheer terror, triple arches of their fear piss sprayed from their lovely shaved cunts and splashed steaming onto the hot sand in front of them. The bull elephants charged at the frightened teenagers, and the girls bolted. Quickly the elephants responded, requiring no direction from their muscular black riders.

Each had singled out a girl, and the big beasts were surprisingly swift. Janile was overcome quickly, and the elephant’s trunk caught her foot as she ran, tripping her so that she fell to the sand, landing hard on the hot grit on her large firm breasts, digging twin groves in the sand with her firm nipples.

The girl gasped in shock as the beast thrust the rounded tip of a huge ivory tusk firmly against her exposed anus. She was quivering and shaking uncontrollably. A new reserve of piss splashed between her spread knees, and in an instant the beast lunged its head, impaling her by driving the tapered ivory shaft up through her colon.

This affront quickly ruptured her anus and drove the tusk up into her delicate internal tangle of guts. The huge beast then lifted its monstrous head, raising the impaled living trophy high in the air. Amazingly, the ass-impaled Janile, whose future might be measured in seconds, produced a third spray of her hot piss, that now fell more than twelve feet to the sand.

Diana reached the far side of the arena and pressed her naked front against one of the iron gates. Almost immediately she leapt back, screaming in horror, her magnificent breasts scored and ripped. Just as startling to the amazed audience was the fact that her right hand was missing!

She had chosen badly the gate to approach because instead of other slaves, it caged a pack of ravenous crocodiles! The elephant Diana faced brought its tusks up under her huge maimed breasts, then violently lifted its head, driving the twin ivories up through the fatty meat until the tips bulged the flesh and then emerged through the tops of her big boobs, impaling them.

As the huge head was further raised, the hapless naked bitch was lifted high off the ground and hung suspended by her impaled mammaries. Now two of the huge elephants held a prize high in the air, both using their long curved tusks, but holding each differently, both of the girls helpless.

Vreena used another approach, and seeking mercy, she fell onto her back, her arms and legs spread, using the position of total submission to entice the handler to hold the elephant back. The ploy backfired, as the man aboard the bull elephant was not in the least interested in preserving a beautiful and shapely slave girl’s life.

The more beautiful and shapelier the bitch, the greater the man was likely, through a lifetime of conditioning, to take an active part in her destruction. These elephant riders were highly experienced in controlling their rides or not, and in this case, the driver gave the elephant its will to do as it would.

He used his pole with the long sharp hook to jab the beast’s trunk, signaling it to use its tusk. The beast’s training then took over, and it pressed the rounded tip of a tusk against the tender fleshy lips of her pouting cunt. She arched her back, lifting her shapely loins and crotch as she screamed in terror.

It was clear to her as well as to everyone in the stands that she had no chance to avoid the inevitable. With a single thrust, the huge ivory tusk was rammed through her cunt, stretching the opening far more than it was designed to take, and the tip of the huge ivory horn drove through her tough uterus and on up deep into her guts.

In the same movement, the elephant raised her high in the air, to join her suspended friends being held high in the air. Now it got nasty. The elephants turned to face each other and began slowly wagging their big heads, causing the girls impaled on their tusks to be fanned through the air in a wide ten-foot arc.

The impaled girls were screaming at the top of their lungs, and the people in the stands got into the act by rhythmically clapping their hands and stomping their feet. Even the great Caesar got into the act, clapping and stomping with all the others. He gave an approving look to Zoda, who responded by increasing the rate at which he clapped.

Caesar picked up the tempo, and the whole Coliseum answered with a deliberate increase in tempo. The elephants in turn responded with more movement of their heads, swinging them wider and faster. The impaled girl’s limbs swung outward, and Diana impaled through her big tits, was swung out nearly horizontally.

The worst part of it for her was the reverse indirection when her big breasts were strained horribly, and they began to give under the severe treatment. The first to give was her left breast, which had been most severely damaged by the jaws and teeth of the crocodile. It ripped open, releasing her from the elephant’s right tusk.

That doubled the strain on her right breast, and at the end of each turn, when the elephant reversed the direction of head movement, she swung wildly around, bouncing off its muscular and rough-skinned shoulder. The tempo continued to accelerate, and after about a dozen increasingly violent rotations, Diana’s large right breast gave away, ripping right open.

She hurtled to the hot sand and landed hard on her back, her big breasts destroyed by the exciting misadventure. With the accelerated tempo of the head swaying, the tusks buried deep in the guts of the two other large-breasted young nudes were increasingly damaging, as was their internal plumbing.

Janile was experiencing the worst damage because the thick tusk driven up through her ass was not as deep into her as the tusk embedded in the guts of Vreena through her cunt. The swaying of the heads was effectively stirring the big tusks around inside the girls, bruising, gouging and ripping their organs and intestines.

This brutal form of internal torture was likely to kill the young girls quickly. Suddenly the handlers dug their control hooks in behind the mammoth elephant’s big ears, and the beasts changed their strategy. The two elephants turned to the third behemoth, which used its flexible trunk to whip Janile’s naked belly and tits, and Vreena’s back.

The whipping was more like clubbing, because of the mass of the long stout flexible organ. The audience went wild with the violence of the beating of the two impaled and elevated big-breasted teenagers. Janile’s nose and jaw were broken, and her breasts were battered so severely that one of them split open, leaking whitish fatty meat.

Vreena’s ribs were cracked with a terrible popping sound, and her back was battered so severely that her anus opened and sloughed out a string of steaming feces. Diana tried to move and crawl to safety, but as they maneuvered about, their huge feet came dangerously close to trampling her several times.

The elephant without a girl on its tusks now used vicious weapons on the two impaled girls. It began by bringing the tips of its curved tusks up to the extended nipples of Janile’s big breasts, and then, signaled by the man on its back, thrust the big ivories forward, driving them through the breasts, and on through her ribs and lungs.

The bloodied tusk emerged through the girl’s back. Not through with her, the beast lifted her so that her asshole raised off the tusk of the other elephant, and then he violently flicked his big head upward, pitching her up off his tusks so that she tumbled in the air over its head. Ready for her fall, the beast caught her belly on its tusks as she dropped, ripping her open.

As it moved back to address Vreena, the beast stepped on Diana’s side, splitting the muscle from her navel to her back. This also freed her intestines, so that two of the girls were now gutted. Janile was unfortunately not able to experience the effect, however, because the piercing of her lungs by the thick tusks had quickly killed her.

Now the two elephants without a naked girl riding their tusks moved toward the still-impaled and elevated Vreena. From either side, they got to her, and each drove a tusk from the inside into her two big breasts. The girl’s screams were lost in the thundering roar of approval from the crowd.

The beasts lifted their heads in unison, raising her and pulling her cunt off the large impaling tusk. They were moved backwards, while still facing the other two. When they stopped, the pair stood with the hapless Vreena hanging between them, and then they quickly raised their heads together, in surprising unison.

They thrust her into the air with such violence that her breasts ripped off their tusks, and she tumbled inevitably toward the third waiting beast. The huge animal was ready. It reared up, lifting its trunk high, and caught her in the belly and side with its tusks. It also threw her, and as she flew off its tusks.

Her belly and side were immediately and violently ripped open, freeing her tightly packed tangle of intestines, which were strung out behind her in gleaming ropes and loops as she tumbled again through the air, this time flying back toward the first pair of beasts, screaming in despair. She had no hope for survival.

The two well-trained mammoths swung their powerful trunks at her and caught her with stunning force in midair. One smashed its huge trunk into her crotch with such force that it shattered her pelvis, and the other broke her neck, which immediately put the violently gutted bitch out of her misery.

To conclude their demonstration of total mastery over the bitches, the handlers moved their beasts over the three fallen girls and encouraged them to completely trample the pink human carcasses into the burning sand. The monstrous beasts were highly effective with their crushing weight, and soon the sand was a slurry mess of human ground meat.

Their huge feet ground the bitch meat deeply into the sand, and left nothing but three large red smudges of the lovely young girl’s gore. The three delightful slave girls with mammoth breasts had died glorious, spectacular deaths, and provided another fitting sports entertainment for the citizens of Rome.


1 thought on “THE INCREDIBLE SAGA OF SLAVER ZODA 19 by Regis”

  1. another great chapter. Using elephants is simply amazing. i do not know how you can continue to write such perverted and interesting work. It makes for fun reading. Thanks for posting.

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