Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 07.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 18

Chapter Eighteen — Ethiopian Sex Games With The Bulls 

This particular fifteen-year-old Ethiopian girl now bound to the bench had not been a failure, but had become a first-class “milker”, and had whelped a pair of delightful little girls, sired by the sons of excellent milkers, before being captured to serve as a slave entertainer by Zoda’s slave raiders.

Now she saw that her talented cunt was not going to get her out if this desperate situation. For her this was not a contest or exhibition, it was for her and the other five girls a brutal public execution. The frightened fifteen-year-old Ethiopian girl with tremendous tits smelled the hot breath of the big animal as it moved over her.

The huge bull’s dribbling muzzle laid a warm string of the beast’s thick saliva along her belly and chest. She lifted her head to peer between her spread legs and saw that the bench had been perfectly sized, so that as it moved into position, the beast’s huge penis perfectly aligned with her distinctive vagina.

When the mammoth erection made contact and pressed into her vestibule, she attempted to close her cunt, desperately gripping the amazing inner muscle closed tight with her all night, but the force of the thrusting sex rod was too much for her, and she screamed out her anguish as the bull exercised his strength.

The big brutal animal phallus forcefully and painfully entered her. The huge penis of the bull is a tapered shaft, and the initial thrust of the long organ, although painful, did no damage to her. She instinctively gripped the invading phallus with her talented cunt. The massive male organ had in that first thrust filled her womb.

The pointed head of the huge dong was firmly pressed against the soft pad of her uterus. The talented young girl’s options were extremely limited, but she desperately thought that if she could use her educated gripping organ to bring the beast to the point of orgasm, she would possibly escape being fucked to death.

Death appeared to be the only other apparent outcome of this public travesty to her highly valued femininity. Desperately she squeezed her cunt in a rapid milking action, gripping in rhythmic pulses the invading male organ. The unexpected and pleasant sensation caused the bull to hesitate, but only for seconds.

Then the beast thrust again, seeking the greater pleasure of full insertion. The hysterical girl realized immediately that the new accelerated thrusting meant she was going to die under the bull. At least this was not happening to her in a sleazy backstreet sex circus in Cairo, or in a small side show under The Coliseum with a horny donkey splitting her cunt open for a few masturbating customers.

At least she was being given the honor of being brutally killed with only five others in the great oval of the Roman Coliseum. The massive bovine sex organ was ideal for this brutal act, because besides the animal being very motivated, its penis was impossibly long and thick, tapering to a point to permit insertion.

Only a full-grown cow, which could comfortably take a man’s arm into its womb past the elbow, could accommodate this enormous sexual weapon without being damaged. The helpless young Ethiopian girl’s tough uterus was at first dislocated, driven aside by the thrusting head of the rigid flesh pole.

Then the tough inner sex organ of the greatly distressed girl was penetrated, with her tight cervix being painfully ripped open. With the third thrust of the beast’s huge wedge-shaped penis, the packed opening of her vagina began to rip, and quickly the entire length of the specially developed female sex organ ruptured.

This had an incredibly horrific effect, joining her cunt to her asshole as she was jammed with the massive bovine penis. With this extra progress, the big bull penis was now inserted halfway into the girl’s incredibly tortured cunt, with the tip driven substantially beyond, being seated deep inside her, far too deep.

As the lovely Ethiopian girl was being so brutally treated, the other bulls had moved over the other bound young girls and were making an entry that was at least as damaging.  Two of these had burst their vocal cords from the severity of their screams, and now produced only a raw raspy sound that did not carry.

Their panic-stricken screams could not penetrate the sound emanating from the stands, boisterous shouts of encouragement for the rutting bulls from the excited patrons. The last girl to be mounted was a delicate-fair-skinned blonde girl, from the Northernmost of the Northern countries.

She had a lovely tender twat, now shaved off its puff of pubic hair. The toughest of the bulls selected her, and in a rutting rage, it drove its powerful penis into her with such force that as it thrust in, her cunt flesh bulged out around the monstrous invading organ, and blood gushed from her, splashing onto the bull’s big bouncing balls.

Now all six bulls were firmly encunted in the lovely young screaming girls, but the incredibly brutal and violent bestial sex act was just beginning. The oldest of the bulls led the way with a series of rapid thrusts, humping its hips into the gripping loins of the Ethiopian girl, driving its big rigid prick much deeper into her.

The beast drove its massive penis with such force that she eventually took all of him into her, at a devastating cost. The bull’s thick erection ripped through into her abdomen, glancing painfully against her kidneys, and then it jammed into her tight pack of guts. That got the audience of Roman citizens screaming in delight.

They were ecstatic to see the total demolition of lovely naked young damsels with the brutal bestial fucking by the raging bulls. Their most fervent of their lascivious expectations were coming true. Each of the large rutting bulls was ripping its human female mount apart with its vicious prick and its brute power.

The audience admired the six girls’ luscious straining legs, heaving along the sides of the high benches in their bonds against the action of bulls thrusting into them. The effect of the increased penetration was that the pelvic bones of the girls split, and under the merciless power of the insatiable bulls, the smooth flesh of their tight tummies parted, gradually ripping them open up the middle.

The live gutting of the gorgeous young girls by the lusting bulls was coming to fulfillment. As the heaving large animals moved forward, their incredible crushing weight came down onto the split-crotched girls, and the audience cheered madly as their feminine gleaming guts were now forced out of them.

Their intestines emerged, bulging in loops from between them and their heavy riders. The weight of the bull’s bellies pressing down on the fragile girls flattened them against the benches. The incredible crushing pressure was slowly squeezing their intestines out of them, and painfully crushing their tender internal organs.

The howling demented audience had never seen anything like this go this far, and they loved it. The ravaging bulls had no idea of restraint, and there was no attempt by their handlers to restrain them, no matter how severe the damage being dealt to the bound screaming damsels from this incredibly brutal bestial fucking.

Their horrific pulsing screams testified to the intensity of their experience, and the crowd was delighted that all six of the beautiful young girls were alive and getting full value for the brutal treatment they were receiving from the bulls. Their piercing screams could barely be heard over those of the elated audience.

Once they had fully lodged their huge pricks in the delicate sex meat of the human females, the excited bulls’ broad and tough asses were whipped until they were driven to a frenzied lusting action, and they increased the force of their violent humping into the bound girls. The brutal results were enormously destructive.

In the hot sands of the Roman Coliseum, the six bulls fucked their big rods into six innocent young teens with such incredible force that the girls’ bellies were gradually split wide open, right up to their sternums, as if they had been furrowed with vicious ploughs. The hard and rigid penises of the rutting beasts dug right through their tender tummies.

The lovely girls steaming entrails were forced out right out of them, and dangled to the hot sand, like the guts of fat-bellied tadpoles thrown onto the beach by curious and sadistic little boys. At the same time, the broad deep chests of the bulls forced the busty girl’s big tits outward, so that they bulged obscenely outward to the sides.

This vision of breasts bulging to the bursting point and female guts being squeezed out was the sight that most enraptured the debauched mob of civilized citizens in the stands of the Coliseum.  Princess Uterissa was stunned by the brutal violence she was witnessing. In her Royal estimation, Zoda was the absolute best.

Her naked cunt had by this time been worked up into a raw lather from constant masturbating with her busy fingers as she watched the carnage in the arena. Her inflamed womb stood out, the entire fleshy lip system swollen and spread out remarkably from the self-imposed sexual abuse.

‘God,’ she thought, ‘It is so exciting to watch these gorgeous young girls dying incredible deaths in this unrestrained exhibition of brutal bestial sex.’

The bull’s big penises were finally driven right through the torsos of their young human victims and burst through the girls screaming mouths, jetting out thick lumpy gobs of their rich creamy semen.

It was at this point that the girl’s breasts finally gave under the incredible force, and exploded from the pressure of the bull’s weight. Their powerful ejaculation was acknowledged by Caesar as a fitting salute to his godliness, and the bulls were excused. Their handlers backed the now sexually satiated big animals off the broken carcasses of the young girls.

As their big dongs were dragged out of the gore of their victims, the remaining organs plopped out, leaving the ruined girls completely eviscerated.  The arena floor was covered with blood and gore, which would be left in place for the remainder of the afternoon’s show, as a reminder of the magnificence of Zoda’s outstanding production.


6 thoughts on “THE INCREDIBLE SAGA OF SLAVER ZODA 18 by Regis”

  1. I’m startled that of the 18 of 22 chapters of this story posted to date, only two responses have been posted, both on Chapter 10 and one of them triggered by the first. It appears I’m wasting my time and yours.


    1. Keep going Regis, I’m enjoying each read. My cock gets hard as soon as I start reading. You’ve outdone yourself this time, and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens with the princess.

  2. I liked that story it made my cock hard i love beastiality stories i would love to see a bull or a stallion big cock fucking young girls and rip their cunts open

  3. Don’t be discouraged Regis. I love your stories, and really appreciate your mind. Little girls, beastiality and piss/shit are features of my sexual fantasy mind as well.

    Jeannie willingly assisting in her own impalement remains a powerful fantasy of mine. It left an impression that gets me hard immediately to this day.

    I think most people just want to read and not necessarily comment.

    Keep going!

  4. Regis, Please keep going. I am one who commented on chapter 10. I have been a long time fan of your writing, back to the days on another site. In fact, we used to email (frodo) each other about your stories until I changed my email address and lost yours. I am the one who recommended to you when the other site made restrictions on the type of stories posted, that you should post on Little Sally. I do not know why people do not comment on your stories. I think Jennifer has it right, most people just read all the articles and do not comment. I read everything you post, but usually do not comment myself. Each chapter in this series has been excellent, perverted as usual. Just the way I like it.

  5. Just as before, making my cunt wet. I am not sure who I be, the princess or one of the cunts being used. Both would make me cum.

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