Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 06.09.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 17

Chapter Seventeen — Ethiopian “Milker” Cunts 

Princess Uterissa, the captive Royal Princess, stood in her bizarre leather bird costume, the sun streaming through the iron bars to burn against her fully exposed and well-tanned breasts and belly. She was masturbating herself with care, not wanting to injure herself with the sharp talons on her gauntlets.

She was highly stimulated by watching the clean-up crew dragging out the incredible ripped and dismembered naked carcasses of the girls that the wolves had feasted on, to the delight of the crowd filling the huge stadium. She had by now become accustomed to standing in the bizarre foot-arching boots, with their sharp blades as heels, which forced her to stand on tiptoe.

She was aware of the pain of the brutal piercing that had been done to her when the men below the Coliseum had placed the thick rings through her ankles, just above her heel, below the ankle bone and behind the Achilles tendon. She was unsure of how the long heel blades were to be used, although she was certain that they were designed to be used as vicious weapons.

Having identified their purpose, she had time to think about how she could use them. She knew she had both the kicking strength and the cunning to make them effective if she were required to use them to defend her life. She also thought of how she could make them work to attack anyone engaging her in battle.

She wondered if she would have the honor of killing some women herself with these monstrous weapons on her feet, or with her claws. The excitement of that thought produced yet another orgasm. This was the place Princess Uterissa knew it would be necessary to protect her life, because of the deadly nature of the bizarre games played in the Roman Coliseum. She could kill a cunt.

Death of participants was demanded, for the entertainment of the huge masses of Roman citizens who filled the arena of death sports daily. She had enjoyed the whipping of the three pregnant black teenage girls who had been beaten into delivering their babies while they swung by the ropes, swinging in the air, their arms bound behind their backs, obscenely suspended by their big bound tits.

She had loved the creative crucifixion contest of the twelve lovely naked ladies, particularly the part at the end when they were all eviscerated alive, and then decapitated in unison. She had masturbated shamelessly when the wolves had attacked and ripped apart the deer and her fawn.

Princess Uterissa had felt an amazing sexual rush when the pack of vicious wolves attacked the three groups of human female nudes, who were tied into their groups in out-facing circles.  She had shamelessly cum repeatedly in screaming orgasms as each of the helpless female’s cunt and tits were savaged by the vicious fangs of the ravenous wolves.

She had pissed with unbridled excitement on the sand floor of her holding cage when the lustfully zealous noble woman had jumped out of the stands, ripped off all her clothes, in constant orgasm at the sight of the carnage, and charged at the voracious wolves, presenting her big flopping tits, her tender belly and her flared cunt to their flashing fangs.

This was the notorious Roman Coliseum, where the most prestigious slavers in the world brought their best female slaves to die a violent sexually oriented death. These gross and bizarre events were staged solely for the pleasure and amusement of the decadent citizens of the world’s greatest civilization, the citizens of mighty Rome.

Only such a highly developed culture could fathom the entertainment value of the basest of raw sexually oriented violence. Only the wealth of Imperial Rome could afford this degree of incredibly extravagant entertainment. During the last fifty years, there was a gradual change, with fewer and fewer men, expended in blood sports to the slaughter of naked females.

Gradually the real value of the male slaves had been realized, and now men were only occasionally expended for very special sexual displays. The impact of a male-killing came because it was unusual to waste a male slave in a death act. The days of gladiator fights to the death were over, replaced by naked females of all ages.

Only the wisdom of a Roman Caesar could perceive that the lives of female slaves were not only cheap, but also that the creative and merciless slaughter of relatively helpless females had the highest entertainment value, and that they truly provided the most attractive and desirable renewable resource, taking sharp blades to their large breasts, round tummies or driven up their cunts.

It was as amusing and entertaining to see naked little girls, their nudity exposing their most intimate charms, being stabbed, hacked and otherwise dismembered in staged battles. Pissing naked little girls gave an outstanding view of human vulnerability to the blade, as sharp steel opened and sliced the screaming beauties.

Now it was time for the next bizarre event. Princess Uterissa had no idea what was to happen next, nor did she know when it would be her time to go into the arena to die in yet another entertainment killing. There was no circulated or posted program, as mere slaves were in every respect unimportant.

If there were a plan, and surely Zoda had one, no one considered it worthwhile to inform them of how their abuse and destruction might unfold. What Uterissa was sure of was that there would be no escape for her or any of the female slaves from this incredible place of inevitable death.

They had all traveled so far to be here, and they knew this was their final destination. Their sole purpose in being here was to die a violent and entertaining death for the amusement of the people of Rome. Princess Uterissa was now living her last day, and in being the most remarkable of Zoda’s stable of truly remarkable slaves, her death would come toward the end, and be spectacular.

She was glad that she would have the honor to be featured last of all, and would therefore be able to witness the brutal violence that all of the other sex slaves were experiencing before going into the death pit herself. The captive Princess Uterissa continued to masturbate as she watched excitedly the simple preparations for the next of the deadly entertainment events.

Six high but short sturdy benches constructed of rough, coarsely hewn wood, were dragged into the arena and were placed strategically around the big sand-covered oval. They were each secured in place with several heavy pegs driven deep into the sand. Half a dozen lovely girls in their very early teens were also dragged, stark naked, kicking and screaming, out into the arena. They ranged in age from eleven to fourteen years.

The youngsters were all bronze-skinned Ethiopians, each different in appearance but with one thing in common: they all had unusually enormous breasts for girls of their tender age. These beautiful young athletic and busty girls were all securely bound with leather thongs, face up, one onto each of the rough benches, with their buttocks planted into the end of the silvery wood, and their lovely lean legs spread wide.

The audience screamed encouragement as the girls were all brutally gang raped by the soldiers who had bound them. Their vaginas were soon raw and swollen, and oozing the spunk the men had deposited deep inside them. Then they were all forcefully fucked again, but this time with the thick leather-wound handles of the soldier’s swords.

This violent compassionless treatment of their tender young cunts the naked young girls served to loosen the brutalized female sex organs up for the truly violent treatment which would follow, for which they had been bound to the benches to receive. They all knew that they were going to be killed.

The naked young girl’s screams were redoubled when one of the heavy iron gates opened, and they saw with paralyzing horror what was to become of them. Six large Brahma bulls were led, snorting and bawling, into the arena, their long thick penises swaying and large full scrotums swinging between their legs.

The massive bovines’ big swinging testicles drew admiring howls from the women in the huge and highly aroused audience, and the massive animal’s big tails swished like angry whips in the hot Mediterranean sun. These large brutish animals had been freshly scrubbed, their short hair was brushed to a bright sheen, and their raging organs had been masturbated to full extension.

Their powerful muscles bulged and rippled as they moved, their monstrous heads down, sniffing for the source of the fresh scent of shaved cunt they had learned to associate with erotic pleasure. These huge bulls had been carefully trained to mount and brutally fuck bound human females. They were not new to the Coliseum, and the citizens in the stands loved them.

Wasted old women or ugly female criminals had been used to train them, and they had then acted out their new skill on beautiful young women bound as these were. The large animals sensed that it was time to perform the bestial sexual act again. Their greatly distended penises wagged as they walked, and dribbled fresh cum.

There were two handlers with each of the six bulls, and one of each pair moved the big animals from behind with a bullwhip, while the other encouraged the lumbering beasts from in front with a stout chain looped through an iron nose ring. The men were also naked, and their extended erections also dribbled cum with excitement.

Their job was very hazardous because they were no match for the strength of the bulls, who tended to go where they wished. When the huge bulls spotted the young girls spread out on the benches in front of them, as had been the expandable old women slaves they had trained on, the job of the handlers changed to producing some form of order to the inevitable mounting.

The rutting animals strained at the chains, the men all moved to the nose chains and tried valiantly to lead the anxious bulls directly into place. The young spreadeagled girls bucked naked on their coarse benches, as far as their tight bindings allowed, screaming in horror at the dreadful sight of the huge horny beasts about to mount them.

In their futile struggle to escape their leather bindings, they managed only to grind long pierced wooden slivers deep into their firm straining buttocks. In preparation for this event, the big burly animals had been chained below the stands for their grooming. The oglers were informed they were going to be fucking young girls in the arena.

Citizens paid to watch as several naked young female slaves, all children, were encouraged by brutal lashes from whips. They had crawled under the male bovines in the stalls.  These unwilling young girls were forced to use their mouths, tongues and little fists to get the big penises into rutting erection just before the bulls had been brought into this incredible arena.

Theirs was an extremely hazardous task, and always three or four of the lovely young girls were crushed to death by the bulls’ hooves, which was what the people had paid to see. This spectacular and monstrous bestial child killing was likely to become a regular event for the crowd, and just as likely the favorite form of sexual entertainment.

Within weeks the crowd would surely feel cheated if they came to the Coliseum for a day of debauched entertainment and did not witness beautiful young girls being brutally fucked to death by the bulls. Among Zoda’s trained bulls, every time one killed a slave girl with his monstrous penis he was branded with a small visible special cherry-red brand.

Some of these animals had been at this for more than a decade, and two of them had more than a hundred of these brands on their hides. The first big bull reached the nearest girl, and being one of the more experienced animals, it moved directly over the lovely screaming victim it had selected, between her spread legs.

She was a lovely fourteen-year-old, a bronze-skinned Ethiopian girl with a medium build, large pillowy breasts and a remarkable “milker” vagina. This feature had been specially developed into selected women by Ethiopian Princes through an extensive centuries-old program of selective breeding and extensive training.

The females who were produced through this five-hundred-year project had the muscle development in their vaginas to bring a man to rapid ejaculation with their vaginal grip on his rigid penis without movement in any other part of their luscious bodies. This skill gave them the name “milkers.”

Simply by contractions of their specially developed and highly trained cunts, they were able to have men spurting their sticky white goo inside them within minutes of insertion, when required to. The remarkable sex organs of these specially bred bitches were distinctive in appearance, with the pubic mound protruding below their belly much more than usual.

The lips of the muscular inner vagina were highly controllable by these highly prized girls, so that when on display they could grip them together and spread them wide apart at will. They were also known to have the ability to hold open their vaginas and to draw in air and then squeeze it out, producing either an amusing cunt fart or, if they wished, to make their remarkable sex organ whistle.

These beautiful women with this distinctive talent were specifically developed to sexually drain the semen from their owner’s guests with their educated cunts, so that the exhausted gentlemen were at a definite disadvantage during important negotiations, with these girls working their penises, or else they dishonored themselves through what appeared to be premature ejaculation.

It was not uncommon for unsuspecting guests to wager high stakes upon their sexual prowess, only to lose their wealth and personal harems of concubines through failure to perform at their peak in pleasurable but costly copulation contests. The “milker“ girls were required to prove themselves by actually sliding under dairy cows, inserting an udder into their cunt, and then milking them with their remarkable sex organs.

Those candidates who could not manage to perform this incredible feat with their cunts on the teats of the dairy cows by the time they reached their fourteenth birthday, were permanently removed from the special controlled breeding program. To be a true milker with her cunt, a girl had to perform this feat.

Those girls who failed the milking test were selected to be taken into the Prince’s dining tent when he had guests, and to celebrate their fourteenth birthday and failure of the test, they were given what he called a total terminal hysterectomy, as an entertainment for the amusement of the Prince’s guests.

These brutal operations were performed to ensure that the girls who failed would be unable to reproduce, and pass along their failure. The entertaining removal of the girl’s uterus the hard way was performed by one of the Prince’s muscular and neutered harem guards, using his sharp ceremonial dagger in her cunt as a scalpel.

In this extraordinary entertainment operation, the naked muscular guard, who had been neutered himself, would thrust not only the knife, but then his whole big fist up into her sex organ, and then with her trained vagina gripping his wrist, he would carve out her uterus, and would then carefully pull the girl’s inner female sex organ out through her cunt, with the fallopian tubes and ovaries intact.

Both men and women loved to see this done. It provided them with an education in human anatomy. Few of the specially bred girls who had failed the cow milking test would survive this horrendous operation, but they were not particularly intended to survive it. If by chance they did, they would find themselves back in the same tent a few weeks later, and receive an anus, rectum and colon removal.

Nothing was wasted. Once a survivor of the bizarre hysterectomy had regained some strength, she was to die in one of the Prince’s other bizarre entertainments. Without the ability to milk a dairy cow to rigid standards with their cunts, these girls were considered worthless and expendable, and the gorgeous young females became fodder for dining tent entertainments rivaled in sexually violent brutality only by those of the notorious slaver Zoda.


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