Disclaimer: The following is fiction. The story’s content does not represent the writer’s beliefs, opinions, or attitudes. This story is intended for adult entertainment only. The characters and events depicted in this work are fictional. As the story depicts, the author does not condone or promote unlawful activity. By continuing to read this work you acknowledge that you are an adult who wishes to read works of fantasy and fiction for the purpose only of fantasy. All the characters in this story are adults. They may play different ages for the fictional character they are depicting but they remain at all times adults.

Feature Writer: Regis


Published: 31.08.2024

Story Codes: Erotic Horror

The Incredible Saga Of Slaver Zoda 12

Chapter Twelve — New Babies Greet Caesar 

It was time for action. Princess Uterissa stood in the bizarre bird costume, which had been stripped before her eyes from the ripped carcass of the young slave girl Liana as she stood screaming in disbelief. Her legs had been painfully pierced, low and behind the ankles, in front of the Achilles tendon.

She had seen her father pierce women’s ankles in this fashion and had recommended girls for this treatment, but she had never dreamed of the inner horror and pain such a debasing act could create. Once the pain in her ankles gradually subsided, she struggled to survive the crude indignity of having her marvelous body violated in such an immodest way.

With her head completely shaved, the tight-fitting leather helmet was lowered over her head, and her ears painfully pulled through the small holes in the side. Now she experienced a new shock as her ears were pierced, to ensure they did not pull back through the holes. This was a permanent fitting.

In this bizarre costume, Uterissa experienced a remarkably sensuous feeling in the raw roughness of the inner side of the leather casing pressing and rubbing against her nakedness. She was startled at the accuracy of the fit, particularly since she had seen it had previously been worn by another slave girl.

The feeling of the perfectly fitting leather was truly erotic, and she was distressed that at such a time there was nothing in contact with her erect clitoris to give her further sexual stimulation. The gleaming finger-sized appendage thrust out impudently from what was left of the cover of its flesh hood at the apex of her exposed vagina, where she had been circumcised as a child, as Princesses always were.

The obvious erection satisfied Zoda that his treasured human trophy was highly sexually aroused. A high level of sexual arousal was necessary for her performance to go as planned. The captive Royal Princess’s new Master was busy with the preparation of all the other slaves, and she was disappointed that he hardly seemed to notice her.

This neglect of his prized possession distressed her further, as she was the only true Royal Princess in his entire retinue of female slaves. As he walked by her for the third time without so much as lifting his head in recognition, tears streamed down her beautiful face, and her erect clit vibrated in sexual excitement at his closeness.

She saw his erection standing out from the flaps of his loin cloth, and she wished more than anything that she could experience it coursing its way in and out of her vagina, pumping into her as she received a rousing fuck from her new Master. She knew if he inseminated her, she would become impregnated, and produce his baby.

The largest humiliation possible was to be snubbed by the great and powerful Zoda, the renowned slaver. She would rather be dead than be ignored by the man who controlled her life. It was suddenly and painfully clear to her that she was no more than a piece of excrement to him, and the shocking realization was devastating.

It was also very liberating. With the horrible knowledge that she was truly of little value to the man for whom she was gladly about to die in the Coliseum, her carnal arousal curiously increased. She could feel her rigid clitoris enlarging still further, and she looked down in amazement to see that the gleaming projectile had grown so that it was now nearly the size of her thumb.

One of the slave attendants lowered the large bird mask over Princess Uterissa’s helmet, strapping it tightly in place. She saw her reflection in a burnished brass mirror, and she was startled at the extraordinary profanity of her appearance. The hardened and polished leather pieces covered most of her body but were so detailed in their tooling that they reproduced her nakedness perfectly.

Even the leather’s tanned color nearly matched her tanned flesh tone, and she was startled at the stark obscenity of her image in the bird costume. She wondered why her gorgeous front was left uncovered, from the pouting painted lips of her mouth, emphasizing her facial beauty.

The nakedness continued down her long slender throat, over her collar bones to the magnificent jutting of her full squeezed breasts, onward down across the gentle roll of her tanned tight tummy with its indent of her remarkable navel, and down to the pouting painted lips of her flared vagina, the most beautiful of cunts.

She felt a deeper sexual rush as she recognized herself as being the most beautiful and lewdly obscene object she had ever had the pleasure to observe. Princess Uterissa was ready, as were all of the other female slaves. As the class of the classiest slaves, she was to be given the honor of leading the other slaves, resplendent in her revealing bird costume, onto the sand floor of the Coliseum of Death.

On signal, she began to move and led the way toward the fateful iron gates that separated them from the death pit of the oval arena. Behind her came the carts, pulled by the incredible armless naked women with the stout wooden yokes impaling their big breasts. They moved slowly forward up the tunnel of the catacomb, toward the light at the end of the tunnel that was the huge death pit of the Coliseum.

They would be next, after the conclusion of the final preliminary entertainment that was now in progress. They needed to be in place, ready to enter on cue. It would shame the reputation of their great owner if they should cause a delay in the sequence of deathly entertainments in the Coliseum.

Leading the fateful and profane procession, Princess Uterissa came to the iron gate that prevented slaves from entering or exiting the floor of the Coliseum, other than at the bidding of the Master of the Games. The procession came to a stop, right at the great iron barrier. They were on the verge of their entry with no exit.

Princess Uterissa was standing near the heavy iron grill gate which prevented the slaves from entering or leaving the floor of the Coliseum at the wrong moment. She was privileged to be standing beside the game-master, who was controlling the removal of what was left of completed acts, and the exciting entrance into the arena of their unfortunate successors.

By leaning against the stone wall and pressing her tight-fitting bird-masked face against the rough iron bars, she could see most of the exciting sexual atrocities that were being committed out in the arena, horrors bestowed upon a trio of naked and ripely pregnant young black girls, to amuse Caesar.

The rough and rusty iron bars pressing against her cheeks were old, as were the tracks that were to guide the heavy grillwork gate whenever it was lifted. She could see by the stonework that the Coliseum itself was indeed very old, probably hundreds of years old, and certainly much older than she could imagine.

She had the same thoughts as she had gone down into the deep darkness of the catacombs. That was the impression in going into or coming out of the sunken subterranean holding area, but while in there, in the dark depths underneath the Coliseum, there was a timelessness that reeked of death and a strange carnal excitement associated with impending sexual violence.

Through these heavy iron gates had passed probably hundreds of thousands of slaves, going into the arena to face their deaths. Princess Uterissa realized she was also incapable of imagining the volume of the huge numbers, but she was certain their blood if it were spilled all at once, would flood the arena.

She knew, as did the other slaves, that there was no escape from their fate here, and they were all now certain that they were scheduled to die in the hot sun this afternoon, in events designed to please the huge crowd that was still entering, slowly filling the Coliseum to witness the main attraction of the day, their violent deaths.

The crowd was just beginning to fill the stands, which were larger and more spectacular than anything Princess Uterissa had imagined possible. Bright flags fluttered in the light breeze that could not be felt in the heat down on the arena floor. The sun gleamed on the light sand that burned the bare feet of unlucky slaves forced to entertain those who came to watch their diverting and amusing deaths.

Large wooden beam frameworks had been erected in the middle of the arena, and she could see the three naked and hugely pregnant ebony-skinned black girls being strung up, apparently being prepared for a brutal whipping. Princess Uterissa felt a knot of excitement in deep her gut and a catch in her throat.

She realized the possible horrific consequences of battering the huge bellies of these ripely pregnant girls. These three unfortunate young and dusky pregnant maidens Princess Uterissa was watching were being suspended naked from the large beam frame, their arms tightly bound behind their backs, hanging by stout ropes tied to their large milk-bloated breasts.

This breast-binding was their only support, with their big bound tits forced upward, bearing their full weight, their strained nipples leaking gleaming drops of their milk. This severe treatment caused their big tortured mammaries to bulge as obscenely as did their nipples to stand out, enlarged, and more visible and appealing when observed at a distance from the stands.

Having their lean arms tightly bound behind their backs, to keep these lovely upper limbs out of the way during the brutal punishment they were about to face, caused their backs to sway, pressing their breasts further outward. As these three beautiful black human cows dangled by their large udders, soldiers, armed with heavy brass-studded leather paddles, their rigid erections dribbling semen, arrived.

The muscular men used these brutal weapons to batter the screaming black bitches’ big bellies, raising angry bleeding welts and causing the beautiful teenage Negro girls to swing wildly in the air, kicking their long gorgeous legs frantically in their endless agony, their long nipples spurting milk with each blow.  This exaggerated action could be seen and appreciated from everywhere in the arena.

Their kicking caused extra strain on their stretched boobs and served to display their shaved cunts with the pink inner meat clearly showing. The girls took the incredible battering reasonably well, filling the huge arena with their screams of agony until the ongoing brutal belly beating became too much to endure.

One by one the puckered rectums of the tit-suspended black teen girls opened, and they each slewed out thick sausage-like steaming feces. At the same time, losing complete control of fundamental bodily functions from the brutal violence being done to their swaying bodies, they let loose the contents of their packed bladders, spraying out a broad lattice of sparkling yellow urine that darkened the hot sand below their feet.

Princess Uterissa gently fingered her long erect clit with one of the talons on her leather glove, in her rising sexual excitement. She had to do this with care, as she was fitted with the gauntlets bearing the long sharp black talons. She had to admit that this exhibition of raw sexual debauchery was better than many of the brutal sexual diversions her father had dreamed up.

She was certain he had never thought of using pregnant girls in his diversions, or he most certainly would have done so. With a sudden flash, Uterissa realized the true purpose of this brutal belly beating. These girls were being purposefully battered into the forced delivery of the infants in their bellies. From their flared cunts would soon slither out their gleaming sprogs!

The slave Princess Uterissa had never actually witnessed a woman delivering her child, although she had always been curious about it, and now she would get to see three forced public birthings by these beautiful young blacks, under the incredible circumstances of monstrous raw violence.

This was the Roman Coliseum, where the most violent and shocking spectacles in the world were presented as daily entertainment. The knot of excitement in the Princess’s stomach tightened and grew. Like the audience in the seats above, she was now getting more stimulated and sexually excited by the event.

The cruel, merciless bitch battering act was beginning to turn even more ruthless and inhuman. The powerful men put down their studded leather paddles and were taking up heavier wooden clubs to continue the cruel entertainment. Now it was going to get mean! Princess Uterissa found this to be too much and began to orgasm at the sight.

The soldiers hammered the black girls bulging tits, causing the rigid and tortured elongated nipples to ejaculate spurting bitch-milk and blood in brightly colorful red and white arches. They next attacked the young pregnant girls with bound arms and unencumbered legs, viciously swinging the clubs with such savage force that everyone in the Coliseum could hear the snapping of bone.

Without totally debilitation their naked and defenseless victims, they then returned to battering their prime targets, the hugely pregnant girls with bulging bellies, and the results were surprisingly quick and devastating. With no more than six blows to her big belly, the first girl’s flared cunt spewed out an explosive spray of pinkish water, and it was clear she was ready to deliver.

Princess Uterissa’s sexual excitement grew as she realized this was a signal that the babies were starting their slippery trip down the internal flesh chutes, through the self-lubricated cunts of their mothers. Within twelve blows each, all three of the screaming naked suspended bitches were dripping pinkish water from their wombs, and were well on their way toward actually popping out their pups.


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